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360 MEDICINAL HERBS and THEIR USES - Acacia, Acacia senegal
Rhubarb, Rheum palmatum, Rheum officinale, POLYGONACEAE, rhizome : laxative and aussi astringent local, très utilisé en médecine chinoise - Ricin, Ricinus communis, EUPHORBIACEAE, leave, seed : TOXIC, provide an industrial oil,
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RUIBARBO Rheum officinale, erva anual de grandes folhas palmadas, ásperas e lobadas, de pequenas flores esverdeadas ou esbranquiçadas e fruto aquênio. Indicado como laxante em situações de constipação ocasional.
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the plant's genus is rheum, and the native european species is rheum rhaponticum. according to the new american "the dried, bitter-tasting rhizome and roots of r. palmatum or r. officinale, of central asia" is "used as a laxative.
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english name69: dandelion extract latin name69: taraxacum officinale specification69: english name87: eyebright extract latin name87: euphrasia officinalis english name195: rhubarb root extract latin name195: rheum palmatum
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liu y calorimetric investigation of the effect of hydroxyanthraquinones in rheum officinale baill on staphylococcus aureus growth thermochimica acta 429 (2): 167-170 may 15 2005 times cited: 0 3. hu yj, liu yl (reprint author),
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botanical source:rheum palmatum,also known as rheum officinale and rheum tanguticum,rhubarb root:laxative or astringent common names&synonyms:rhubarb root,chinese rhubarb, da huang (mandarin), east india rhubarb,
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2 chin :china officinalis; china rubra 2 merc :mercurius solubilis hahnemanni 1 carc :carcinosin burnett 1 cham :chamomilla vulgaris 1 cina :cina maritima; artemisia maritima 1 dulc :dulcamara 1 rheum :rheum palmatum; rheum officinale
il rabarbaro officinale (rheum officinale) si trova spesso negli orti di montagna, in un angolo, in mezz'ombra. e' originario della cina occidentale e del tibet e quindi non teme le gelate. ha bisogno di molta acqua e buone concimate
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daily values not established. ingredients: burdock root extract (arctium lappa), sheep sorrel leaves extract (rumex acetosella), slippery elm bark extract (ulmus fulva), indian rhubarb root extract (rheum officinale), purified water,
ce que nous donne dame nature 3
reine des prés. filipendula ulmaria. dépuratif anti-inflammatoire : cure d'amincissement, fièvre. rhubarbe. rheum rabarbarum. vitamines b2, c -tonique, reconstituante, rafraîchissante et purgative. romarin. rosmarinus officinalis

herb data, Rhubarb, Rheum emodi, Rheum officinale, Rheum
Herbal medicine. Herb data for Rhubarb, Rheum emodi, Rheum officinale, Rheum acuminatum, Rheum speciforme, Rheum webbianum, Rheum moorcroftianum,
Rhubarb History
Rheum officinale. Figure 3.1: Rheum officinale of the present cultivators of the rhubarb fields at Banbury, where R. officinale is also now cultivated,
Ellingwood's American Materia Medica, 1919: Gut: RHEUM. Rheum
Rheum officinale. Other tomes. Synonyms—Rhubarb, Chinese or Turkey Rhubarb. CONSTITUENTS—: Chrysophan, phaeoretin, erythrorrhetin, aporetin,
Petersen's Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1905: Rheum Officinale
Rheum Officinale:. Other tomes. Syn.—Rhubarb. P. E.—Root. N. O.—Polygonaceae. N. H.—Asia. Properties: Tonic, astringent. In large doses laxative.
Liber Herbarum II: Rheum officinale
Latin, Rheum officinale BAILLON Rheum officinalis. Læge Rabarber. Chinese Rhubarb / Medicinal Rhubarb / Tibetan Rhubarb / Turkey Rhubarb
AllRefer Health - Rhubarb Leaves (Rheum Officinale)
Rhubarb Leaves (Rheum Officinale) information center covers poisonous ingredients, sources, signs, symptoms, cautions, poison control, expectations,
Botanicus PH
Reveň lékařská, Rheum officinale Baill. , Polygonaceae. Rheum officinale. [ Botanicus PH ], PK2oo6, [ ZPĚT ] :: BIOTOX : Botanicus PH , Encyklopedie
Rheum - Wikipedia
Rheum. Rheum officinale. Classificazione scientifica Le specie del genere Rheum hanno un robusto rizoma carnoso da cui viene emesso ogni anno un nuovo
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