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A few lines to keep up
In those days I was in to Lycos chat in a big way. Crikey! It's been a busy couple of days. Financially, things have improved a little. I've been working day shift the last couple of days and been to two different band both Wednesday
Lycos Offers new Video Platforms to woo Web 2.0 Audience
The 26 million visitors to LYCOS can now watch and chat with LYCOS Cinema's Screening Room platform, located at LYCOS Cinema is the Internet's first video-based socialization product to combine various Web 2.0
Nicely done Lycos: Lycos MIX PR
If you are planning a story on YouTube's new "Streams" feature, I'm hoping you'll include a mention of Lycos MIX ( and the Lycos Watch & Chat Technology, launched in November 2006. Skill. Just skillful.
Lycos Re-Introduces The New “Old” Gamesville
Giving gamers the ability to chat with others while playing further compliments Lycos’s strategy to continue to build community around high quality entertainment content. “We’re also one of the only gaming destinations to provide a
Lycos, Early Search Engine, in a US Remake as Jubii
"After barely surviving the early years of the Internet - often called Web 1.0 - Lycos Europe is hoping to ride the wave of Web 2.0 with Jubii, which combines search, e-mail, chat, photo and file storage, phone texting, blogging,
Is it me or has lycosIQ turned into a chat-room? Which is nice.
Is it me or has lycosIQ turned into a chat-room? Which is nice. from: himnextdoor [Student] tags: evolution, cool credit points: 50 timelimit: 18.04.2007 00:37 to the question
Like to chat at the movies? Lycos site may be just for you
PLease listen to the following information For now, members of the Lycos Cinema community will need pretty quirky tastes in movies. There are no films here from major Hollywood studios. Somthing like that xbox 360 TV, movies may reach
Disney to test 'watch-chat' features on Web | Tech News on ZDNet
By teaming up with Lycos, the feature on the ABC Family Channel Web site will let groups of viewers watch TV shows on the Internet and chat about them at the same time
Disney tests 'watch-chat' features on
The Disney test is the first use of watch-and-chat outside of Lycos' multiuser video on demand service,, and its content playlist creator,, Lycos Chief Operating Officer Brian Kalinowski said.
If you could chat to anyone in the universe dead or alive who
If you could chat to anyone in the universe dead or alive who would it be ? from: Paul_Rook [Max Planck] tags: communication credit points: 50 timelimit: 12.03.2007 00:50 to the question
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Lycos France : Email, Rencontre, Love & Chat, Concours gratuits
Plus besoin d’un PC pour chatter: si tu as un mobile SFR Vodafone Live tu peux te connecter au Chat Lycos directement depuis ton mobile.
Lycos France : Email, Rencontre, Love & Chat, Concours gratuits
Pour vous connecter au club fidélité, vous devez déjà avoir un compte CaraMail, Lycos Chat, Jubii ou Love@Lycos. Si vous n’en avez pas, cliquez ici !
Lycos iQ | mots-clés | Chat Lycos
Pour les problèmes liés au chat Lycos, le mieux reste de vous rendre sur le forum d'aide du chat Lycos: Par ailleurs,
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Forum Lycos caramail :: Voir le sujet - Chat Lycos - Ouverture
Par ailleurs, en cas de problème avec le chat, vous pouvez contacter le support à cette adresse email:
Lycos France : Email, Rencontre, Love & Chat, Concours gratuits
Je désire recevoir des offres et des informations personnalisées envoyées par des partenaires sélectionnés de Lycos. Elles me seront mises soit par
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Présent sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeurs Internet, le portail Lycos France offre de nombreux contenus et services, destinés à répondre à tous les
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Lycos : Email gratuit, hébergement de site, weblogs, » Lycos en page d'accueil · CaraMail · Rechercher · Love & Chat · Créer son site
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