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ad aosta torna 'bravograzie' per quattro serate e si riaccendono le
'BravoGrazie' torna in Valle d'Aosta, per una serie di serate che, nel salone dell'Hostellerie du <b>cheval</b> <b>blanc</b>', presenteranno alcuni comici
simplicissimus: di che vino sei?
della Rocchetta; per i francesi, Chateau La Mission Haut Brion , Chateau Margaux , Chateau <b>Cheval</b> <b>Blanc</b> , Pétrus . Chi sceglie il vino in casa tua e chi amministra la tua cantina? Che domande
vda vive organizza convegno regionale sul turismo
, si tiene un convegno regionale organizzato da Vallée d?Aoste Vive presso l'Hostellerie du <b>Cheval</b> <b>Blanc</b>, ad Aosta.Il convegno sul turismo è intitolato "Ascoltando?per un turismo del futuro in Valle d
convocazione conferenza stampa di alleanza nazionale, lega nord e udc
Domani giovedì 15 marzo, si terrà alle ore 16, presso l?Hostellerie du <b>Cheval</b> <b>Blanc</b> ad Aosta, una conferenza stampa convocata da Alleanza Nazionale della Valle d?Aosta in forma congiunta con Lega Nord e UdC, per comunicazioni politiche.
Cercate di non dire che
mescolo vini bianchi e rossi mi viene il mal di testa I vini biodinamici sono vini veri Bere <b>Cheval</b> <b>Blanc</b> 1982 non è eticamente corretto Ferran Andrià Vuoi mettere un buono champagne   Continua 
SIDEWAYS- DI ALEXANDER PAYNE Miles Paul Giamatti, un neo-d
Maya aspingere Miles a degustare in uno squallido fast food la suapreziosissima bottiglia di <b>Cheval</b> <b>Blanc</b>' 61, per l'occasioneaccompagnata da un tipico hamburger americano . HAMBURGER DI MILES
il daino bianco e lafitte
negli ultimi tre giorni ho bevuto il Cros Parantoux '82 di Jayer di cui ho già scritto e poi <b>Cheval</b> <b>Blanc</b> '82 e Lafitte '79 e Haut Brion '85 e Magnum di Breg di Gravner e Magnum di Giacosa e
mea culpa
yeux sur moi, car je dois me mettre dans le crâne, qu'il ne sera pas le chevalier sur son <b>cheval</b> <b>blanc</b> qui viendra me sauver, Mais le grand vizir qui me rappellera que j'ai manqué à ma tache et que
il vino di cachemire
. Ma come dice Maya in Sideways , non bisogna aspettare un&#8217;occasione speciale, bere uno <b>Cheval</b> <b>Blanc</b> del &#8216;61 è un&#8217;occasione speciale! E quando questa dovesse arrivare, ce lo godremo
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Cheval Blanc 1947 Sets European Auction Record for Claret
May 21 (Bloomberg) -- A case of 1947 Cheval Blanc sold for 75,000 pounds ($148,000) at Christie's in London, beating the firm's top estimate of 60,000 pounds and setting a European record for claret at auction.
Cheval Blanc, Petrus Wines May Be in Demand at London Auctions
May 14 (Bloomberg) -- Historic Bordeaux wines, including a 1947 Cheval Blanc and a 1961 Chateau Petrus, as well as a rare collection of 19th-century Madeira are up for auction at Christie's and Sotheby's in London this week.
BOO'S REVIEWS British Vogue
"I found myself preparing for dinner at Trinity Restaurant by having 24 glasses of wine. I would scarcely believe in my own stats if it weren't for the fact that I have my 'notes' beside me, which reveal in grand style my tendency to be one who swallows rather than spits.
Kings of discount square off The Morning Call
Gallon-sized jars of mayonnaise and 30-roll packs of toilet paper might make warehouse clubs seem appropriate only for platoon-sized families. But if you haven't joined, you could be missing out on a widening range of choices including luxury goods, as well as smaller sizes and good values.
The Steven Verlin Collection Exceeds $7 Million at Hart Davis Hart Wine Co. Auction in Chicago on May 4th and 5th PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Records were shattered in Chicago on May 4th and 5th, as Hart Davis Hart held a historic single-owner wine auction, The Steven Verlin Collection, showcasing a portion of the personal cellar of the late Steven Verlin, one of the founding partners of Veritas Restaurant in New York.
The Reluctant Restaurant The New York Sun
To restaurant critics, sluggish, sloppy service can be a reassuring sign that our anonymity is uncompromised and we're not being singled out for special treatment. But 30-plus minutes of futile signaling and waiting for the check the other night at Azza, while the host chatted with friends at the next table, was a little too much reassurance. The gold-leafed, ornately carpeted Moroccan restaurant
Just-drinks LIWSF 2007 - Diary - 8 May Just Drinks
Coming up at this year's London International Wine & Spirits Fair…
Be careful when choosing bordeaux The Record
The 2006 vintage of bordeaux “futures†will be offered soon by wine merchants across the United States. Buyer beware! Though there were many impressive wines made from the ’06 harvest of bordeaux, the challenges of unusual and fluky weather produced erratic results.
2005: In wine circles, it was a very good year for bordeaux Daily Bulletin
This month I have the pleasure of introducing our guest writer, Brendan Lawson. He is the head wine buyer at Liquorama Fine Wine & Spirits. Brendan has been with Liquorama for three years, and as many of you know, he is doing a phenomenal job for such a young man.
Toast of the valley Napa Valley Register
Anna Monticelli has been named winemaker for Pina Napa Valley, a family-owned winery in Rutherford operated by brothers John, Larry, Ranndy and Davie Pina, who are sixth generation grape growers in the area.
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