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    MGF: Tool - Utilities - Infinity Resource Editor
    Infinity Resource Editor allows you to edit the resources of Infinity Engine based games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
    Baldurs Gate Forum - BG1 Ressourcen Topic
    TeamBG: Diverse Tools zum Arbeiten mit der Infinity Engine: WinBiff (Extrahieren aus BIFF-Dateien, Erzeugen eigener BIFF-Dateien), Infinity Engine Editor
    IRE - Finished Software
    This will allow you to converter Infinity Engine Editor's .dat files for effects into the data files used by IRE That way you can always get and update
    French Touch - Products
    Model Builder was developed totally from the ground up as a real-time editor and is based on the Infinity 3D engine. As a consequence, it is the fastest 3D
    The Black Wyrm's Lair - Gaming Section - Articles - Infinity
    Their project was called IEFFHP (Infinity Engine File Format Hacking Project). So the first known editor programs were made by Ken, Corak and the IEFFHP
    The Infinity Engine File Format Hacking Project: AREA files
    Most of these bytes are probably placeholders for fields which are used in-memory by either the game or the editor, since many of them contain what appears
    Clan DLAN
    Graphics editor designed to handle Infinity Engine BAM files. It comes with a wide variety of advanced tools (eg magic wand selection and clone brush),
    Infinity Engine Modlist - Savegame Editors
    Infinity Engine Savegame Editor | Added: Sep 24, 2004 | Notify of Dead Link | This tool supports Baldur's Gate I & II (addons included), Planescape Torment

    infinity engine editor

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