Marantz model 7Stereo pre- amplifier Marantz
designed and manufactured in USA the model 7 series.
The US VAC ( Valve Amplification Company) produced in 1995-1998 his reissue named Marantz Classic 7, and also the reissue of Marantz model 8b and 9.
PANEL. Upper line (from left to right): Selector (microphone, phono 2,
phono1,tape head, FM-AM, FM multiplat, TV, auxiliary), Volume, left and
right treble controls. Middle line :
tape function, phono equalizer, low, hi filter slider controls,
power switch. Lower line: mode ( channel B, A+B, channel A, stereo,
stereo reverse), balance, left and right bass controls.
Model 7T
PANEL. Upper line: selector (tape head, microphone, phono 2, phono 1,
tuner, TV, auxiliary 1, auxiliary 2. Volume, Left and right treble
controls. Middle line: Tape function, phono equalizer, low and high
filters slider controls, power switch. Lower line: Mode (channel A,
channel B, channel A+B, stereo, stereo reverse. Balance. Record and
playback jacks. Headphone jack. Left and right bass controls.
Model 7C
PANEL : 6 AC outlets (5 switched,1 unswitched) 1700 w max. channel A and
B output adjust, main outputs (2), recording output.Tape, aux, TV, FM
multiplat, FM/AM inputs. Tape monitor adjust. Tape head, phono 1, phono
2, microphone inputs. Fuse and tube cabinet, Ground.
Model 7T
PANEL : 6 AC outlets (5 switched,1 unswitched) 1100 w max. Main outputs
(2). Tape equalizer adjust.
Low level inputs: tape head, phono 1, phono 2, microphone. Fuse. Center
channel adjust and outputs. Output level switch (high/low). Tape
recording output. Tape input. Scope test output. Ground. High level
inputs: tuner, TV, aux 1, aux 2.
Model 7C top open view
Model 7C bottom
Model 7T top open view
original Marantz brochure
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