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Marantz model 7

 Stereo pre- amplifier


Marantz designed and manufactured in USA the model 7 series.

  • Model 7 C, tube stereo pre-amplifier ( 1960-66)
  • Model 7 CR, ( similar to 7c with rack-mount installed)
  • Model 7 P, tube stereo pre-amplifier
  • Model 7 T,  the first Marantz solid state stereo pre-amplifier (1967-70)

The US VAC ( Valve Amplification Company) produced in 1995-1998 his reissue named  Marantz Classic 7, and also the reissue of Marantz model 8b and 9.


 Model  7C


FRONT PANEL. Upper line (from left to right): Selector (microphone, phono 2, phono1,tape head, FM-AM, FM multiplat, TV, auxiliary), Volume, left and right treble controls. Middle line :  tape function, phono equalizer, low, hi filter slider controls, power switch. Lower line: mode ( channel B, A+B, channel A, stereo, stereo reverse), balance, left and right bass controls.


Model 7T

FRONT PANEL. Upper line: selector (tape head, microphone, phono 2, phono 1, tuner, TV, auxiliary 1, auxiliary 2. Volume, Left and right treble controls. Middle line: Tape function, phono equalizer, low and high filters slider controls, power switch. Lower line: Mode (channel A, channel B, channel A+B, stereo, stereo reverse. Balance. Record and playback jacks. Headphone jack. Left and right bass controls.


Model 7C

REAR PANEL : 6 AC outlets (5 switched,1 unswitched) 1700 w max. channel A and B output adjust, main outputs (2), recording output.Tape, aux, TV, FM multiplat, FM/AM inputs. Tape monitor adjust. Tape head, phono 1, phono 2, microphone inputs. Fuse and tube cabinet, Ground.


Model 7T

REAR PANEL : 6 AC outlets (5 switched,1 unswitched) 1100 w max. Main outputs (2). Tape equalizer  adjust. Low level inputs: tape head, phono 1, phono 2, microphone. Fuse. Center channel adjust and outputs. Output level switch (high/low). Tape recording output. Tape input. Scope test output. Ground. High level inputs: tuner, TV, aux 1, aux 2.


Model 7C top open view

 Model 7C  bottom view


Model 7T top open view






Marantz 7 C (tube)


Availability : rare

Designed in USA - Manufactured In USA

First Year 1960  - Last Year 1966

Quantity Manufactured 30,000

Blue Face Yes

Tube Count 6

AC Switch : 6

Switched AC Outlets : 5

Unswitched AC Outlets: 1

Fusing Rear panel, buss




IMD .01%

Single Bass Adjustment,  3 dB/step

Single Treble Adjustment , 3 dB/step

High Filter 9 kHz or 5 kHz

Low Filter 50 Hz or 100 Hz

Gain Control  -90 dB to 0 db +/ 2 dB tracking

Mono R, L, R+L

Channel Reverse Yes

Balance Yes

Hum and Noise -80 dB, hum > -80 dB

Frequency Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz +/- 1/2 dB

Rated Output Level 2 v RMS

Maximum Output Level 10 v RMS (.1% IM)

Marantz 7 T (solid state)


Availability : scarce

Designed in USA - Manufactured In USA

First Year 1967 - Last Year 1970


Blue Face Yes

Tube Design No

AC Switch : 6

Switched AC Outlets:  5

Unswitched AC Outlets: 1

Fusing Rear panel, buss

Power Consumption 9 watts


THD < .05% @ 1v RMS

IMD <.05% @ 3 v RMS

Single Bass Adjustment Yes

Single Treble Adjustment Yes

High Filter 9khz, 5khz

Low Filter 50hz, 100hz

Balance Yes

Mono L,R,L+R

Channel Reverse Yes

Number of Tape Monitors Two, 1 FP

Hum and Noise 100 dB below high level input

Frequency Response 20 Hz to 20 KHz +/- 0.5 dB

Rated Output Level 1 v RMS

Maxiimum Output Level 3v RMS

Signal to Noise Ratio 100 dB


Auxiliary Input Source yes

2nd Auxiliary Input Source yes

Cartridge Load old 78, RIAA, old Col LP

Source Tape Input (as opposed to a tape monitor) Yes (tape head)

2nd Source Tape input (as opposed to a tape monitor) yes (front panel)

Tape Monitor yes

Scope Output(s) yes

Center Channel Output Yes, 2

Center Channel Gain Control Yes, 2

Tape Equalization Yes, L/R separate

Headphone Jack(s) yes (600 ohms or moreā€¦ obsolete)

 Weight 9 lbs


 The original Marantz brochure



Are available on request :

  • Marantz Model 7 owner's manual

  • Marantz 7C service manual with schematics

  • Marantz 7T instruction manual

  • Marantz 7T service manual with schematics

  • Marantz Classic 7 (Reissue by VAC) owner's manual

  • the abstract of testing performed by Italian hi-fi magazine Audioreview (no.153,1995)


Sono disponibili a richiesta :

  • Il manuale di utilizzo del Marantz Model 7 (in inglese)

  • Il manuale di servizio del Marantz 7C con gli schemi (in inglese)

  • Il manuale di utilizzo del Marantz 7T (in inglese)

  • Il manuale di servizio del Marantz 7T con gli schemi (in inglese)

  • Il manuale di utilizzo del Marantz Classic 7 (replica VAC) (in inglese)

  • l'estratto della prova tecnica eseguita dalla rivista italiana Audioreview (n.153,1995)



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