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I'm equally happy to see the IEC-61131 standard following environments growing in industrial applications and sad of unavailability of that in open-source form. Well, this is a good reason to create a new development team and resolve the question.

Primary Objectives
This project aims to obtain an open IEC-61131 environment for embedded targets (also PC architecture) with or without OS or RTOS layers. The project would to consist of:

- Environment licences.
- IEC-61131-3 languages compilators.
- IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
- Run-Time & Virtual Manchine for embedded & PC target.

First Projet Steps
- People recruitment.
- Defining project licences.
- Defining & planing next project steps.

- 8 July 2003, Begin people recruitment.
- 10 June 2003, OpenIEC–61131 project start.

The Project Moderator
ICQ Number 251481434

Last Modify: Friday, July 11, 2003