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An Examination of Full-Time Employment in the Direct-Care Workforce
Multinomial logistic regression is used to compare socioeconomic and sociodemographic predictors of part-time and full-time employment in the direct-care occupation and other occupations using data from the 2003 and 2004 Annual Social
[Original articles] Effects of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
We applied multivariable logistic regression analyses to evaluate the drug effects on death or non-fatal MI at 30 days, and on major bleeding, by age subgroups (<60, 60-69, 70-79, iY80 years). We quantified the reduction of death or MI
Short-term effects of an educational intervention on physical
Methods: A cluster randomized trial was applied to 5 psycho-geriatric nursing home wards (n = 167 residents with dementia). Logistic regression analysis showed that residents in the control group were more likely to experience
[Original articles] Insomnia in Parkinson&#39;s disease: Frequency and
At all study visits we applied semi-structured interviews to achieve The relationship between insomnia and demographic and clinical variables was analyzed by population-averaged logistic regression models for correlated data.
damn books
Applied Logistic Regression (Wiley Series in Probability & Statistics) is what I need. This is what I bought. This is now what I have ordered. Total cost being around £85. The latest book I finished during my commuting times was Jose
The effects of economic deprivation on psychological well-being
We used Generalized Estimating Equation models to investigate the association between working poverty and psychological well-being; we applied logistic regression models to analyze the link between working poverty and unmet mental
Life satisfaction and resilience in medical school - a six-year
K-means cluster analyses were applied to identify subgroups among the medical students. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and logistic regression analyses were used to compare the subgroups. Results: Life satisfaction decreased during
Regression in Microsoft EXCEL
This past week, I assigned a project in my Applied Calculus class in which the students must obtain a logistic regression model of the population growth of the United States. This is quite easy to do on the TI-83Plus graphing calculator
Breast Cancer Risk associated with different HRT formulations: A
Conditional logistic regression analysis was applied to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Stratified analyses were performed to compare the risk of different estrogens, progestins,
Data Mining for B2B Marketers
Executional models are algorithms that are re-applied back on databases as scores, First, it tends to rely more heavily on certain types of models, such as logistic regression or CHAID--models that tend to be focused on predicting