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Norm: nautical patent
The nautical patent qualifies to the commando and the conduct of the units from diporto.
• For navigation beyond the six miles from the coast.
• In order to lead unit from diporto advanced to i 24 m (it is necessary the patent for ships from diporto).
Warnings: a sentence of the magistracy has specified that who governs (timona) a boat must not necessarily have the nautical patent, the important is that to edge there is a person fortified of regulating qualification that assumes the responsibility of the commando and coordinates the relative operations to navigation.
• navigation within 12 miles from the coast;.
• navigation without some limit from the coast.
The minimal age in order to lead unit from diporto, to second of the type of means, is following:.
• 18 years: in order to lead floating boats and for which it is previewed patent obligation;.
• 14 years: in order to lead floating with advanced velica surface to the 4 squared meters, let alone unit to addles that are annoying within a mile from the coast.
I brand for the nautical patent has been abolished with the law Financial institution of the 2000 (Title II - Art.


To be annoying for diporto - manual of navigation for nautical patents of Paul carbonaio and David carbonaio
The motor and sailing boats, the coastal navigation, the emergency in sea, the maneuvers to sail and motor, the meteorology and the regulations are between the arguments of the handbook together to numerous practical councils us in order to be annoying sure.
The volume is destined to all those who means to prepare for the examination in order to obtain the nautical patent, it is that within the 12 miles, or that limitless one.
All the fundamental arguments for the overcoming of the test, for that it concerns is navigation to motor is that one to sail: the external boat, navigation, emergency, regulations, elements. Value added to the work is given from attached the CD Rom, containing a program of compilation, verification and prints of 150 cards quiz to multiple answer, for a total nearly 1,200 questions, that they concur to prepare themselves and to ripassare in simple way, modern and amusing.

Course of nautical Patent
nautical patent bologna_scuola sail bologna_ company sailors run of group or personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent sail and motor beyond the 12 miles the course personalized for the attainment of the nautical patent.
the course of preparation to the attainment of the nautical patent without limits sail and motor (vmo) full immersion is articulated…
it characterizes them of participation: the 690 euro quotas characterize include them: set from correspondence (calipers, nautical paper and squadrette.
the course of preparation to the attainment of the nautical patent without limits sail and motor (vmo) standard is articulated in 20…
(calipers, nautical paper and squadrette) material didactic (books of text, pantries and quiz) 20 theoretical lessons total 40 hours.
in order to exceed, with happening, the examination of nautical patent sail and/or motor within the twelve miles plus staff of expert instructors… a course is articulated in a cycle from six theoretical lessons (for the patent sail-motor seven evenings) more one evening.
the course of nautical patent without limits from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies…
the patent can be limited to the single commando of unit from diporto to motor without limits from the coast.


Photo by

Course of Navigation
of sail boats in navigations of height, also nocturnal.
beyond to the technical aspects of navigation, to the choice…
of navigation of the successive day - planning, purchase, boarding and stowage of the refueling - free supper (Run of Navigation and captain to Cagliari).
if you want to take the patent nautical, you address to we.
following the course of asinara yachting - marineria school you will be able to prepare to support with succeeding the examination to you for the attainment of the nautical patent is to sail that to motor.
promotori: faculty of engineering, natural faculties of sciences, mathematics, physics and of the university of the studies of Genoa, hydrographical institute of navy.
in collaboration and with the contribution of: province of Genoa program: the master it has one (Master di Navigazione and captain to Genoa).
promotori: faculty of engineering, natural faculties of sciences, mathematics, physics and of the university of the studies of Genoa, hydrographical institute of navy.
the course of nautical patent without limits from the coast is turned to those who means to achieve the title it that it qualifies to the commando of the units from diporto (until 24 meters), to motor, sail with auxiliary motor and of the motor-sail boats.

SURE SEA - Clear Nautical - bathing and diportisti Information and councils to
“SURE SEA” - Clear nautical In order to obtain the nautical patent for the commando of the pleasure crafts (in navigation within or beyond the 12 miles) is necessary to have completed 18 years.
For the water scooter; For floating and the boats (all the units from 10 until 24 m.) when the power of the installed motor is advanced to 40, 8 CV; However when it is carried out, it is with floating that with.
Boats, navigation beyond the 6 miles from the coast.

Nautical patent, attainment and I renew
Nautical patent, attainment and I renew the nautical patent is obligatory for the conduction of floating with motor of advanced power to the 30 kv or with advanced piston displacement to i 750 cc (motor ones to two times), 1,000 cc (motor to four times and outboard motor) and 2,000 cc the boats.
Moreover the patent is necessary for boats to motor or sail with advanced characteristics to those indicated and for navigation beyond the six miles.
For the conduction of boats with inferior characteristics to those cited and within the six nautical miles, leading must have completed the 18 years of age and the attainment of the patent is not obligatory.
As to obtain the nautical patent the norm for the attainment of the nautical patent previews an only model of question to use in order to introduce the relative demands to autocerificazioni of personal data, admission to the examinations, the release of the patent to military staff and the substitution of the old patent with the new models.
Validity and I renew of the patent the nautical patent has a validity of 10 years from the date of the release or I renew.


Nautical school - clear nautical in a weekend
Nautical school “Crib” proposes course of type full immersion for nautical patents from diporto for navigation within the 12 miles (1 Mile = 1, 852 Km) of distance from the coast.
Nautical school Crib clearly indicates the own tempistiche of the course in compliance with previewed how much from the L.R.
_ • Friday hours 19:30 reception near the center of the school and introduction to the course.
To follow practical lessons near the small lake.
To follow theoretical examination near the center of the practical school and near the small lake.
_ • Venderdì hours 19:30 reception near the center of the school and introduction to the course.
Hours 15 practical lessons near the small lake.
The theory examination consists in a talk with the staff of the Civil Motorization of Bologna and it is kept near our center.
Moreover our students are constantly follow themselves from the personal instructor are for the theoretical part that for the practical one in sessions of examination to exclusively classified they.
At call of those who they have difficulty to participate to the course in the festive days, the school organizes course, and relati examinations to you, also in week period, guaranteeing treatment parity.


Croatia - nautical information
From January 2005 it is in vigor the new regolemento for floating, yacht and sailing boats that come in Croatia.
The new one regolamente introduces to the place of the previous one allowed of navigation “the vignetta” that substantially it is I brand obligatory anniversary for being able to be annoying in Croatia.
Who comes via sea must o in the nearer Harbor Master's Office; who comes via earth in one whichever, but in any case before beginning navigation.
The main innovation introduced from the new regulations is “the list of the passengers” (hr.
Popis Osoba): asking vignetta the anniversary it is necessary to supply the directory of the passengers who will come accommodate to you on the ship during the period of validity of vignetta (a year!!!).
The list of the passengers can contain to the maximum the double quantity of the places available on the ship (or for the exactitude: double quantity +30% of the single ability - example: for the floating one that has 6 places, the list of the 6 passengers can contain X2 + 30% of 6 = 14 name to you).
Nobody outside from the list of the passengers could be accommodated on the ship during navigation in the period of validity of the vignetta.
The name ones they can be added to you to the list of the passengers also in according to moment, but without exceeding the maximum number of persons before previewed (and however that “the assistants” begin navigation).

To make nautical patent in Croatia
Croatia - questions and answers the interesting questions on the Croatia that us has been placed and for which we think that they have not been dealt from no other part of the situated one, we bring back in these pages with to the answers that we have given.
The past year they have been in Croatia with mine gommone that this has a motor of power 25KW without having to introduce the nautical patent in how much does not come demanded from the Italian legislation.
I have felt, but, that from this year it is obligatory? Who I must ask it and as it comes rilasciata? .
Following giornalmente the official sources (situated of the Ministry, the tourist Agency…) we can say that not there is trace of the change of the regulations, but confirm that the Harbor Master's Offices give like interpretation that the patent is obligatory.
The legislation puts into effect them, in course from years, effectively it previewed the obligation of the patent for being able to guide floating whichever that exceeded the 3m of length and had the motor more powerful than 4KW, but to did not come opzionata the legislation of the origin country.
The impression is that it has been decided to make to be worth the law puts into effect them for all and without “to make much noise”.

The first telematico periodical of information and insertions car, motion, nautical, transports, practicability, etc
431 of 9 October 1997 has been emanated the regulations of law enforcement n.
647 of the 23/12/96, with which they have been recepite norms the EEC in matter of diporto nautical, it previews that the qualifications for the commando of the units from diporto and for the conduct of the motors, are rilasciate for: .
Sail boats with or power off auxiliary and motor boats with advanced power to 30 KW or 40, 8 CV for navigation WITHIN 12 miles from the coast; Sail boats with or power off auxiliary and motor boats for navigation WITHOUT SOME LIMIT of distance from the coast; Ships from diporto.
For being admitted to the examinations for the attainment of the qualifications of which to the previous point, the interested ones must have completed years 18 for the qualifications to the commando of the boats and for the conduct of the motors.
those who has been declares delinquents to you accustoms them, professional or for tendency; those who has been subordinates to personal measures of emergency or subordinates to the measures of prevention previewed from the law 27 Decembers 1956, n.

Horca Myseria - school of sail, nautical patent and vacations to sail
With HM to Valencia for 32ma the America's Cup…
The nautical patent in three We alternated to Milan! .
It is useful for the last course before the summer in order to become Commander! Concentrating in three fine week your efforts, followed from expert teacher, you will be able to prepare you for the examination of nautical patent and to crown this ambitious plan before the summer…
In the more favorable period of the year, a cruise in sailing boat to edge of a beautiful catamaran with 10 berths, accompanies from one Skipper to you HM.
The America's Cup is to the doors and Horca Myseria proposes you in preview two turns weeklies magazine of permanence in waters of Valencia to edge of one beautiful sailing boat of 14 meters.
In collaboration with Fiditalia, society of the Group Société Générale, HM enriches the own offer with the introduction of the new credit card Revolving…
And then you discover to the reductions in price of the Ticket Gold…
It unloads the insert with the participation modalities.
School, Vacations, Regattas, Appointments: the catalogue is ready demands it here! In attended you can unload the wished pages between which the Cruises of New Year's Day, the Course of sail to Portovenere or those of Nautical Patent, the Regattas and a lot other anchor…