A.I.P.S. - Italian Association Underwater Peach
The newest activity in conceived and organized Aips house in order to realize a monitoring of the Italian coasts, through one directed survey of the environmental conditions them of the places where the pescasub they carry out their customary escapes of peach.
The sport activity in this way acquires one important scientific valence, beyond that rendering a useful service to if same, becoming rich of data and important statistics a lot on the ittiche presence of the species.
All the fishermen sportswomen without exceptions can participate.
This section describes to places and filmati situations of peach with and photo in order to introduce spot the more interesting to not only gets passionate you of underwater peach and, introducing the main characteristics of the localities that are object of the escapes of peach in various periods of the year.
Idea resumption from previous initiatives appeared on reviews of a time that proposes the interviews to the peach champions sub, today and yesterday.
A wide collection of photo of the Aips associates, sendes also yours in order to see published them on this situated one.
Services cure from the Aips on the main events sportswomen to you like the recent Eudi Show of Bologna.

Blue Fish - Aips - News
and its indignation against the way in which the news that reports the surprise of the same Pelizzari… >>>.
After the beautiful experience of the passed year, this year retort with one extraordinary event: master George Dapiran, to Arezzo in national exclusive right, will expose some of the more interesting topics for who peach in apnea.
He will speak himself in fact is of marine atmosphere that of peach techniques, until arriving to the equipment, all arguments studies to you to bottom from Dapiran with a particularly careful eye to the technical-scientific aspects of the case.
Palerà of: - The sensory organs of the fish: as they work and like eluding them; - Circadian Behavior and infuence of the tides; - The ambush, with visual examples filmati features from the famous ones of George and in more the directed comment in of the author!.
- The dynamic aspect to the dentex (with projection of the new ones filmati).
14,30 Beginning 2 to part; the equipment is taken under investigation: the second Equipment Dapiran: the dumb one, the fins, the mask, but above all the arbalete! This encounter represents for many an only occasion in order to know the exposed technical-scientific aspects of the arbalete from who from years of it studies every minimum detail to the aim to obtain of the maximum in terms of performances.


Agonismo Sub Torino - Home
The Agonismo Sub Torino organizes course of underwater peach, escapes in sea, gite, and a social championship, giving to all the possibility to always approach themselves the activity with extreme facility and in the full emergency guaranteed from the presence of the instructors; giving the possibility to less espertii or to the neophyte natching secrets from the best and expert, always available and patients.

Digita the term or the terms in the case and you reward the push-button “Tries”.
If, as an example, it serves to you to search an article that speaks about equipments used in the apnea you can cliccare on.
The directory will be visualized in the section Apnea and will be composed from articles publishes, orders to you chronological to you.
In order to hide the curtain you can cliccare in a point whichever of the page.
The page of the connections will become rich in the time: returned to visit it in order to discover the situated ones of Apnea, Underwater Underwater Peach and Target-shooting signals to you from the writing of Magazine Apnea.
Pescasub Australia - the dream of a vacation of peach in the rich Australian seas becomes truth with the services rendered from this situated one directed from Emanuel Bova, valid agonist of Italian origins.
World-wide Blog Sines - the blog dedicated to XXV the World-wide edition of of Peach in Apnea disputed to Sines, Portugal. - is the situated one dedicated to the sport peach on the Lago of Garda directed from the friend Alessio Turriziani.
One takes care of all the peach techniques and in the forum it reserves a space also to the peach in apnea.
Bloggapnea Spearfishing Magazine - Bloggapnea is the baby blog/fanzine that that it is proposed to create an pleasant point of encounter for all it gets passionate to you pescasub, in special way those of Rome and of the Lazio.


Apnea Magazine - L \ 'e-zine of apnea and peach in apnea
Digita the term or the terms in the case and you reward the push-button “Tries”.
If, as an example, it serves to you to search an article that speaks about equipments used in the apnea you can cliccare on.
The directory will be visualized in the section Apnea and will be composed from articles publishes, orders to you chronological to you.
In order to hide the curtain you can cliccare in a point whichever of the page.
For being able to consult articles it publishes to you in previous modernizations you can cliccare on the key.
A Box with the directory will appear therefore “to leaf through” of articles publishes, ordered to you for modernization date.
In the moment in which the box is visualized of consultation all the rest of the page is disattivato.
In order to hide the curtain you can cliccare up on the right key of the Box.
A Box with the directory will appear therefore “to leaf through” of editorials publishes, ordered to you for modernization date.
For being able to consult editorials it publishes to you in previous modernizations you can cliccare on the key.
In order to hide the Box you must cliccare up on the right key.

bluworld: the first immersed web-zine
Two athletes to comparison, we speak about deep apnea and peach in apnea: the opinions of Alexander Rignani Lolli and Giacomo Gravina.
Two between the most represented athletes to you of the Italian underwater panorama to comparison in this double interview: Alexander Rignani Lolli, holder of the world-wide record of Apnea in constant order and Giacomo Gravina, Italian Champion of 2a Category in the 2001 of Peach in Apnea and Italian Champion in 2002 of Apnea (static, dynamics and deep).
Great passion for the sea that has been translate before in a course with bottles and, subsequently, in a travel in the world of Hush, therefore in apnea.
For being able to practice it it is necessary to have a good acquaintance of just the body is from the physical point of view that psychological; moreover it is a complete and natural way for living the sea.
- Alexander, when you six shrewed one who your sport discipline had to be the Apnea? .
Approximately three years ago when I have seen, after a first course of apnea, than, without particular efforts and in completely normal way, I succeeded to increase the depth.
Other persons, instead, employed more time, and much more effort, in order to catch up the same depths that I caught up time shortly.

To Peach with Volpicelli
Peach mostly to the aspect and the ambush in the outskirtses of Civitavecchia.
The approach to the peach in apnea based on the effects.
This digressione wants to be an attempt, completely personal and opinabile, to rationalize an aspect of our activity that, being often lived in irrazionale way, comes sovente sottaciuto in favor of more intriguers arguments which the technique of the equipments or the venatorio aspect of I engage it of every single ittica species comes laid a trap.
The effect Which is the effect that is wanted to be obtained from the practical one of the peach in apnea? .
Nevertheless porsi this question and to try to answer rationally and aware will condition, as we will see later on, not only the conduct of the single action of peach, but the entire approach to the activity.
For some the effect could be that one to fish the greater number of fish in minor the possible time (like as an example in the agonismo), for others satisfying an intimate need of contact with the marine element, but it could be proceeded with wanting to lay a trap only determined species of particular valence to the ends of the personal satisfaction (the dentexes and the ricciole are the examples immediately suit you to this case).



:: Blue suspension::
My video adopts a language moves them, is a strong desire to transmit emotions than more technical, states of mind more than councils on the equipments.
The capture of a fish, also like result of the application of a good technique of peach, is simply a moment of great emotion, important for that that it gives in that precise moment.
The emotions that one struck of peach gives but not limit to the capture, in my video I try to transmit that that it is believed and test being in surface in the moment in which scruta I found them and us is prepared for the dive, freedom desire that is breathed gliding down on the bottom, the well-being of making apnea or the adrenalin whom it holds to us nails you to the bottom.
Also the external acclimatizations have great importance, the sunsets observe to you from a gommone, the dawn in the ports, therefore like all the personages who meet themselves attending the Mediterranean coasts.
The peach in apnea offers cue in order to tell the Mediterranean once again.
Hush, the breath, the observation of the particular, the concentration, actions that daily are repeated while it is dipped in its space infinitely to the search of one preda. - Apnea - Peach all ambush - Ambient of Peach - Articles of Peach
SmartSection is developed by The SmartFactory (, to division of InBox Solutions ( Ambient Articles of Peach > of Peach > Apnea - Peach to the ambush Apnea - Peach to the ambush Published from Lele the 18/10/2005 (949 readings) Technical that consist in moving silently on the bottom or in surface in the attempt to pick of surprise the fish.
Beyond that to move in the visual cone of shadow of its preda, the fisherman skin-diver must also make the accounts with an other organ of sense of the fish, the lateral line.
This last one concurs with the preda to feel the sonorous vibrations, therefore the movement of upgrades them aggressor.
Therefore the pescasub it will have to move always slowly and repaired from cliffs that shield the waves of pressure between he and the preda.
We are not in some way responsible of their content. - Apnea - Peach all aspect - Ambient of Peach - Articles of Peach
In fact the fish stretches to approach itself the pescasub in order to verify what it is and in order to inform it that it is occupying its zone.
E' like if we found one that he enters to us in house, we would go endured to say 4 to it.
Obviously (continuing the analogy) if one enters in house ours with a mitra scapperemmo, in the same way the fish currency the danger and (soppesando the two stimuli) acts consequently.
Therefore the action will have to aim at maximum discretion possible (to hide well).
We are not in some way responsible of their content.

Emporio of the Peach
The Emporio store of the Peach is the underwater point of reference of the Latium one and numbers some between the strongest regional athletes.
The course theoretical and prati us of Apnea is held from instructor F.I.P.S.A.S.
and Academy Apnea nonthat Champion of Underwater Peach Alessio Gallinucci.
Alessio is an Instructor with pluriennale experience also in techniques of relaxation, respiration pranayama and relaxation in water.
As far as instead the lessons of practical in swimming pool, it comes used the communal swimming pool of Civitavecchia to two steps from the sea where then the didactic tests will come sluices.
The store moreover is supplied of gommoni and for the escapes in sea.
To the term of the course licences of 1° will be rilasciati, 2° and 3° degree caught up Academy Apnea based on the total preparation and maturities.
It is possible moreover to attend for all the year the serali sessions of specific training, you always follow yourself from the instructor who will vary the training based on the period of the year, to the characteristics of the athletes and their degree of physical and technical preparation, naturally always according to logical progressions.
It will be moreover possible to always on hand test several models of fins in material composite during the training.