To eat Well: Prescriptions > Fish, like cooking it
2 onions uniforms to infilzate halves and with 4 nail of garofano.
In order to make a good fish lesso it is necessary to prepare a brodo that the French call Court-Bouillon (pronounce themselves cur-buiòn).
Fairies to bubble all, to fire moderated, in one pesciera or a teglia from the high edges for 20 minuteren from when the water has taken the bollore.
You dip the fish then, that you will have made to shell and to clean up from the fishmonger, and makes you to cook slowly it, to fire much bottom.
Calculated for every half chilo of fish 5 minuteren of baking from when the water begins “to fremere”.
Passed this time, you extinguish the fire and left to intiepidire the fish for some minute in its brodo.
I use an infallible method in order to cook it that ago to remain much tender one.
When bought the polpo bought that one verace of scoglio that it is distinguished from the others because has only two rows of ventose for tentacle and the tentacles little longer of the head.
There are of the polpi with 2 rows of ventose but with the longest tentacles: it discards them to you in how much hardest.
Fairies to clean up from the fishmonger a fish of approximately 1 Kg and, once to house, wash it well to you and dry it to you.

Second plates - Mister Carrot
Prescriptions of kitchen for who Prescriptions love to cook Home Here => => Second Plates (prescriptions) Fish (prescriptions) one long prescription list for knowing like cooking the fish of sea and that one of lago: the cod, the alici, the salmone, stockfish (baccala' to the vicentina), the cernia, the trout, the tonno, the orata one, but also cozze, several vongole and zuppe like the caciucco….
Rabbit, lamb and lamb (prescriptions) Who do not know the scottadito lamb, or that one with potatoes or in fricassea? And the spezzatino of lamb, or also the rabbit cacciatore? We want some to speak? .
Pig (prescriptions) Also here traditional but above all prescriptions with the prosciutto, roast plates, salsicce and still like makes salame or the ciauscolo.
Eggs (prescriptions) All the ways to cook the egg and also frittate prescriptions of: strapazzate eggs, in shirt, to the coque, drowned…


KITCHEN PRESCRIPTIONS… Prescriptions for one simple kitchen but to effect!
The spaghetti they are a typical plate of the Italian kitchen, constituted from long and thin paste, to circular section.
5 milimeter) and the by now unavailable ones spaghettoni (n.
The roast ones to the spiede, eccezion made of the birds and the pigeons, ne' which are the salvia well entire, are not used more than to lard them neither of pillottarli, neither of steccarli with garlic, ramerino or others smell consimili that easy they putty or they return to throat.

councils in order to cook the paste
The paste, Mediterranean food for antonomasia, can be accompanied solo from the wine, than from the night of the times it is the drink that better is lend to this gastronomico coupling and in many cases it is used in order to realize the “narrow one” of the condimento.
The fact that some are obstinate to eat spaghetti or fusilli drinking Coke Strains and orangeade, is one free chosen that us power of attorney much melancholy, like that one of drink single water.
Also the beer little is adapted to the circumstance, but more and more acceptable of other drinks dolciastre.
After this necessary premise, it goes said that the Italian alimentary paste varieties and the relati to you gravies in order to flavor them are so many that practically are much difficult one to suggest the perfect coupling with a determined wine.
We will supply consequently only of the councils of general character, suggested from the experience more than from “rules” consolidated, that they are also always opinabili and they have their good exceptions.
Just E', in any case, to leave space just the personal taste and is what we advise to make, putting into effect, because not, of the “experiments” that better than every theory will be able to satisfy our palate or to orient to us towards chosen little empiricists.


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with passing of the years, round to they gastronomie, preparations are new NATO that constituted year other delights, like also the bruschetta.
the Taralluccio to several the tastes, Tarallini, the Tarallo with Almonds, the Bruschette, the Taralli sweet, the Biscottini from snack, Biscotti from latte, Biscotti to the Chocolate, the macaroons, Biscotti integral, the dolcetti of pastareale, the pastarelle, the mostacciuoli, fiselle and the friselline.
These Alimony is guaranteed from the High Quality that we cure from always, offering the best.

Ideals with a red wine glass, as tradition wants.
with passing of the years, round to they gastronomie, preparations are new NATO that constituted year other delights, like also the bruschetta.
the Taralluccio to several the tastes, Tarallini, the Tarallo with Almonds, the Bruschette, the Taralli sweet, the Biscottini from snack, Biscotti from latte, Biscotti to the Chocolate, the macaroons, Biscotti integral, the dolcetti of pastareale, the pastarelle, the mostacciuoli, fiselle and the friselline.
These Alimony is guaranteed from the High Quality that we cure from always, offering the best.

To cook the fish to the microwaves
With this household-electric one every type of fish can be cooked, to lesso that roast or is grilled.
Good microwaves for being complete must have beyond to the baking to microwaves, the arranged baking, microwaves + grill.
(This way of baking demands a little experience because the fish could turn out cooked more to lesso that roast or viceversa).
Before, only microwaves, servants in order to cook the fish in white man; grill the servants in order to grill and if bound together to the microwaves give a colored baking more, with the crosticina while the function “crisp” is to cook the roast fish.
Qual'è then the difference between the baking to the traditional furnace and the microwaves with the functions as soon as described.
The difference is in the saving of time and fat people and no difficulty because it is in white man who roast prepares itself in the same way that with the frying pan or the traditional furnace, change only the household-electric one and the time that with the microwaves are inferior.
In commerce the microwaves come proposals with preference with bound together the grill, the function crisp come insufficient mentioned and are a sin because the microwaves with this important function cook one peak, one cake or roast of meat or fish in half a time and with the same result.


The fish
Prescriptions Outskirtses - the fish Only some years ago was a food for the people who inhabited the coasts are navy that lacustrine.
Nowadays, thanks to means of refrigeration we can find the fish alive is to the markets of the fish that in the near fish market house.
The massaie are not little but that rinunciano to prepare this food because they fear not to recognize its freschezza, or do not know it to clean up or, since usually valuable fish choose themselves often because the beloveds like the orate ones are known but also more or the sogliole.
The fish remains therefore a plate to consume little times or during some occasions.
The fish is a magnificent food above all for the modern man who, being become sedentario, less exposed to the climatic jolts us, little incline to the physical and always needy effort of noble proteins.
The ittio-protein is between most complete and has the pregio to avoid an excessive urici acid production like instead happens often eating the meat.
As energetic value is little less of the meat but in compensation it it is also with regard to the calories.
With a small knife to record the eel around to the head; in the point.


CESENATICO - “Blue like the fish”: when the taste becomes health.
CESENATICO - “Blue like the fish”: when the taste becomes health.
CESENATICO - The marine city of Cesenatico is prepared to accommodate a weekend to the standard of the taste and the health with the Blue manifestation “like the fish”.
Intentional from the Association Ristoratori di Cesenatico (ARICE) and the Confesercenti Cesenate, with the contribution of Gesturist and the sponsorship of Common of Cesenatico the event it will be carried out near the Agip colony of Carducci tree-lined avenue, one planned historical construction in the 1937 from the architect Giuseppe Vaccaro.
For the occasion the best ones chef of the ARICE that will show to public the fantasiose new prescriptions in order to cook the fish blue, accessible to all thanks to the contained prices, but richest of taste and elements nourished, had to its high proteico content and the optimal budget in essential amino acids and vitamin to you To and D will come re-united all.
From the 11,30 to the 15,30 and the 18,00 to the 22,00 (fridays only the evening), the restaurants associates will give the possibility to you to the hosts to taste a menù varied suit and, from the appetizer to the cake, to a price much content.

The peach to Spinning - Kitchen - As kitchen is prepared and the fish. Sfiziosi prescriptions and menu for the piu \ 'greedy.
Kitchen As it is prepared and kitchen the fish.
It is kindly prayed to modernize the bookmark.
KITCHEN As it is prepared and kitchen the fish.
In this page they will come explains all the necessary preliminary matters to you to the corrected preparation of the fish before blinking it in frying pan.
it follows” the Baking For every fish comes advised the type of baking that piu' of it exalts the sapore.
E' only a council, not a obligation, can be used all the types of baking.
it follows” If you are of the lovers of the kitchen and of the good table you cannot you lost the review cured from Michele Marziani “the Ghiottone Traveller”.
The Menu Menu kindly offers from cooks professionals, of true and the own ones “chicche” with which they they delight the palates of the own customers.
GOOD APPETITE! Appetizer: Eel to the grill scaloppata in sauce to the pepper rose and First vinegar of raspberries: Pennette to the Second zarina: Luccio to the furnace to the Mediterranean, Torpedo drowned in sauce, fresh Storione to the citruses Contour: Zucchine trifolate with field grass, Insalatina of envies Belgian follows” Appetizer: Medagliette di Storione filled with smoke to the Lucioperca Primo: Trofie to the Persian Second Trout: Trifolati trout to the miller and apricots, Salmone in crust with zucchine and fungi, Salmerino grilled with erbette sweet to the garlic Contour: Pommes natures, Sant'Anna String beans to the sour one follows” Appetizer: Fantasy of trout and storione fills with smoke to you First: Tagliatelle to the trout gravy, Second Brodetto of eel: Threads of fried fish cat Sea follows” Editorial indeed Heads Per diem News of Appennino Technical Equipment Decoys Fish Kitchen Routes Services.

Editions Italy Publicity
Finished the construction of Arca, and before that the deluge was get loosed in order to make to perish of under to the every sky meat in which is to.
Finished the construction of Arca, and before that the deluge was get loosed in order to make to perish of under to the every sky meat in which Genesis 6, 17 is life breath (), the Getlteman said to Noè: “… of ciascuna species of animals worlds, you take seven seems, male and female; and of the animals immondi, a pair, a male and its female.
The sollecitudine of the Getlteman seems turned more than other to the visible one, and comes to wonder if there were, also not manifested, the worry, also for all those animated, graceful or spaventevoli beings, than ab antiquo alitano and they are churned in the imagination of the humans.
Of sure the Getlteman it knew that theirs Arch would have been the heart of Noè and that one of all well its relatives.
A rich bestiario of invisibili beings exists: sfingi and harpies, chimeras and dredge, tritoni and sirene, satiri and nymphs, centauri and many others which vary artists, poets or writers, painters or scultori, prophets or musicians have given to fisicità and sonorità.

Bolsena New, prescriptions like cooking l \ 'eel
EELS WITH PEAS To clean up the eel accurately throwing via the interiora after to have it completely sventrata and skinned.
In a tegame, possibly of coccio, to make a soffritto with oil of olive, garlic and a pezzetto of piccante chili pepper, therefore to add you the tomatoes peels passes you to you to the passatutto for giving sapore to the gravy, with with of the warm and endured water after to join the sgranati peas to you; after 5 or 6 minuteren to add the cut eel to pieces and to continue until complete baking, to tegame place setting, trying handling without to use the mestoli, but churning the tegame and “insacchettando” and adding from time to time, if that is necessary, other warm water in order to avoid that the peas and the eel bill-poster to the bottom conserving itself a narrow and saporito gravy more rather.
For the preparation of this plate varying exists, like for the tinca with the peas, that is it can be made to not accurately rosolare the eel in the soffritto (in this case) with a red wine glass and then the tomatoes with with the peas leaving cooking slowly join all.
IN HUMID the fish reduced to tranci, it comes left to soffriggere for a ten of minuteren with to oil, onion, prezzemolo and basil, then joins to a wine glass white man and dry, it lets to cook little still and it is poured to you of the last tomato.