Nautical On Line - the Law on navigation from diporto
50 on navigation from diporto have been modified from the following dispositions: to) Laws: 14.8.1971 n.
from the recent law of reform of the nautical one b) You decree legislati 14.8.1996 n to you.
436 like modified from the decree legislative 11.6.1997 n.
5 - Registration in the registries of the units from diporto with Marcatura CE Art.
7 - Aliens and foreign societies owners of unit from diporto Art.
8 - Qualification to navigation of the ships and pleasure crafts Art.
9 - Licence of navigation to the units from diporto Art.
12 - Certificate of emergency to the ships and pleasure crafts Art.
14 - Manifestations sport with unit from diporto Art.
33 - Crew of the units from diporto Art.
35 - Services of edge on the ships and pleasure crafts Art.
36 - Navigation carried out on the ships and pleasure crafts Art.
37 - Boarding of staff of people of sea (roster of crew) Art.
38 - Commando of unit from diporto with foreign qualifications Art.
46 - Norms of dismissal to the Navigation code not applicable to the units from diporto Art.
47 - Liability deriving from the circulation of the units from diporto Art.

code of the nautical one from diporto - dawned - discharge
The data bank is modernized to the Official Gazette of 31 October 2006.
The work contains the modernized text of the code of the nautical one from diporto (D.Lgs.
To the end of the installation (and in this occasion) a code will appear and only will come demanded one password of activation! For having the password it must call from a fixed telephone number 899.876.531 with an only cost to the answer of euro 6, 20 (comprised Vat), independently from the duration of the conversation with the operator, and communicate the appeared code.
The activation procedure is finished! From this moment in then in order consulting the data bank it will simply be enough to cliccare on the icona present on the desktop.
In alternative (if from just the fixed telephone the numbers with prefixed 899) for having the password are disabilita to you can:.
We advise to send one communication of the happened payment specifying clearly just the name, last name, address and the code appeared through email to our address.
The data bank can be used on a whichever computer that has installed a version of the operating system Windows.


Yachting law - Straight of the nautical one from diporto -
9 Decembers 2006 - the notebooks of nautical 2006 - 2007 (edited by the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports).
9 Decembers 2006 - Decree ministerial of 16 May 2006 - Approval of the model of declaration of power for the motors install to you in the units from diporto; .
436, of performance of the Directive 94/25/CE in matter diprogettazione, of construction and breaking in in commerce of unit from diporto; .
12595 of the Court of Cassation - extraordinary Tax on the assets of lusso - the case of the pleasure crafts.
2531 of the 17/07/06 - Clarifications on the application of the code of the nautical one from diporto.

142 - The Code of the nautical one from diporto - organic Comment to the D.Lgs. 18 July 2005, n. 171 - Publishing house: Editions Simone
Straight of navigation and the transports.
142 - The Code of the nautical one from diporto.
202 of 31 August 2005 have been published the “Code of the nautical one from diporto”, for the emanation of which the art.
The provision - in vigor from the 15 september 2005 -, held account of objects to you of liberalizzazione of the field and of I throw again of the nautical one established in the law delegation, inspires to criteria of simplification and simplification of all the procedures, with particular reference to those regarding the administrative regimen (registries and relative registrations) of the boats and of the business activities tied them to nautical from diporto (chartering and the activity of mediation).
The text - composed from 67 articles uniforms in six Titles - also previews the simplification of the procedures tied to the planning, construction and breaking in in commerce of the units from diporto, in the respect of the communitarian norm and with particular attention to the levels of emergency.
At last, the code see again the discipline of the nautical patents - instituting one new tipologia of patent for disabili whose modalities of release will be restricted with successive decree ministerial - and the sanzionatorio picture, not lacking to place attention to the necessity to stimulate the culture duffle-coat and diportistica, through the insertion of the relative slight knowledge to the matter in the programs drained to us, in the widest context than interdepartmental collaboration between the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports and the Ministry of Education.


505 - Navigation code (Marine, inner and aerial) - complementary Regulations, laws, international conventions - Modernized to the D.Lgs. 18-7-2005, n. 171 (Code of the nautical one from diporto) and
Straight of navigation and the transports.
171 (Code of the nautical one from diporto) and to the D.Lgs.
96, bringing the review of the aeronautical part of the Navigation code).
171 (Code of the nautical one from diporto) and decree legislative 15-3-2006, n.
96, bringing the review of the aeronautical part of the Navigation code).
Under this last profile, in order to answer to the requirements deriving from the progressive internationalization of the traffics it trades them, the job is not limited to expose the single codicistica norm, moreover enriched of callbacks and of complementary laws, but, in You hang, offers a panoramic width to us of international the legal instruments: Conventions (and only online exceptional some not ratified from Italy), foreign laws, use and national and international rules of common I use in the matter of marine and aerial navigation.
The volume filler moreover the main substantial and trial-like thematic norms international inherent that, also directly not regarding the field of navigation, are to it closely connected.

Professional BOL | | Grimaldi, the Code of the nautical one from diporto. Organic comment to the D.Lgs. 18 July 2005, n. 171, Legal Editions Simone - 2005
To the next day of I launch of the Code of the nautical one from diporto (D.Lgs.
121 that it institutes and it disciplines to the titles professional them of the diporto, D.M.
95 regulations of regarding emergency the technical norms for the destined ships exclusively to the chartering for tourist purposes), concurring with the reader of having - in an only solution - the entire disciplinary picture of the field.

Ezio Fonda: The Rules of Regatta
All the present material in this situated one, comprised the comments and the interpretations to the rules, is not material didactic or software official of the FIV or the ISAF, but they are exclusively work of the author.
Software ZW demanded from the FIV and the ISAF for the management of the regattas.
On TopMar it finds the best ones produced for the nautical one like as an example:.
Entrances through the link here on the left, the n° of code (EF0212) in order to have use of of a special reduction in price will come automatically inserted.
It polishes from projection of the Rules of Route Presentation in Power Point of the Rules of Route with or without comments Presentation in Power Point: protest-repairs Tactical and strategy of regatta the Game of the Regatta.
The Code of Nautical from diporto (NIPAM) New Law (8 July 2003) on Nautical from Diporto the Equipments of emergency.


DIPORTO - Norm - Harbor Master's Offices - Coastgard - - Situated Official
DIPORTO - NORM the documents once unloads to you could be visualizes to you in one of following forms to you: .txt, .rtf, .doc, .pdf and compressed with extension .zip.
DECREE LEGISLATIVE 18 July 2005, n.171 Code of the nautical one from diporto and performance of the directive 2003/44/CE, in compliance with article 6 of the 8 law July 2003, n.
n.154 of the 05/07/2005 “bringing Regulations the institution and the discipline of the titles professional them of the diporto'.
Minister in matter of controls of emergency on navigation from diporto.
Dispositions for I reorder and I throw again of the nautical one from diporto.
Directive 2003/44/CE of the European Parliament and the Council, the 16 june 2003, than modification the directive 94/25/CE on the ravvicinamento of the legislative, prescribed and administrative dispositions of the States regarding members the pleasure crafts (important Text to the ends of the SEE).
Bringing regulations characteristic techniques and requirement of the rafts of rescue to use exclusively on the unita' from diporto.
Bringing regulations technical norms concerning the characteristics and requirement of the floating apparatuses (inflatable), which average collectives of rescue, to use exclusively on the units from diporto.


Ainud - Normative
Attended from years, the new Navigation code from Diporto has been published in Official Gazette 31 August 2005, and enters in the 15 vigor september.
Code of Nautical from Diporto and the performance of the directive 2003/44/CE.
3) Planning, construction and breaking in in commerce of unit from diporto (from the art.
Administrative regimen of the units from diporto.
Registration of the units from diporto (from the art.
21) Qualification to navigation of the units from diporto (from the art.
39) Responsibilities deriving from the circulation of the units from diporto (artt.
Special dispositions on contracts of use of the Units from diporto and on the mediation.
Lease of unit from diporto (from the art.
49) Mediating for the units from diporto (artt.

Ainud - Italian Association Chartering Joined from Diporto
After to have received confirmation of the reservation and paid it knows it in the times and due ways to it the 18.09.06 like from indications of the organizers, we receive in 02.10.06 date a communication, written up from UCINA in date 29.09.06, with the information that “… for how much concerns to thematic inherent the chartering and the lease, strategic deductions from UCINA already has been inside contemplated of the manifestation a moment dedicated to such argument friday 13 hours 10, 30 in occasion of a our Official Convention”…
“Moreover according to moment it has been contemplated from Assonautica, through one of its associations, in the fattispecie Assocharter”….
“As a result of these premises… in reference to Your communication reached to us in date 19 september 2006, bringing the demand for concession of Knows it Green for the day 12 October 2006, is spiacenti doverVi to inform not to be able to satisfy such demand”….
“We inform to You moreover that provvederemo to give back the figure to you from You poured for the concession of It knows it Green”.

Inner ministry dell \ '
Entered in vigor the 15 september the Code of the nautical one from diporto: smaller bureaucracy, rigor in the controls and promotion of the “culture duffle-coat”.
E' entered in fact in vigor the 15 september the code of the nautical one from diporto, decree legislative 18 July 2005, n.171 (Code of the nautical one from diporto and performance of the directive 2003/44/CE, in compliance with article 6 of the 8 law July 2003, n.
172), published in the Official Gazette of 31 August, that it contains the discipline of the nautical patents and the relative procedures of release, the review of the endorsements, the relative procedures to the planning, construction and commercialization of boats and unit from diporto in the respect of the communitarian norms, the patent for the disabili, the temporary patent for the new registrations and the discipline of the business activities tied them to the nautical one from diporto, which the chartering and the activity of mediation.
Procedures more snelle therefore, minor bureaucracy and also promotion of the “culture duffle-coat” with initiatives of scholastic formation are the innovative characteristics of this provision that it wants also to stimulate the citizens to the practical sportswoman and diportista.