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Mac users have publishing options Worcester Telegram & Gazette
Q I am a former PC user who has converted (happily) to the Mac. I'm looking for a Mac program that is comparable to Microsoft Publisher. What are the choices?
Calling Out Microsoft Washington Post
A decent amount of the research for yesterday's column involved nothing fancier than talking to people on the phone. Only I wasn't using a telephone for my end of the conversation. I was using Skype, the free-through-the-end-of-the-year Internet-communication service eBay owns. I also tested
Bungie Studios Prepares 'Halo' Nation to Finish the Fight SYS-CON Media
On the fifth anniversary of the release of the landmark Xbox(R) video game 'Halo(R),' Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie Studios today celebrated the milestone by announcing an exclusive hands-on experience with 'Halo 3,' one of the industry's most anticipated sequels. The Xbox Live(R) multiplayer public beta, which is a pre-release version of the multiplayer experience of 'Halo 3,' is scheduled
PRESS RELEASE: Bungie Studios Prepares "Halo" Nation to Finish the Fight gamesindustry.biz
UK — 15th November 2006 — For the fifth anniversary of the release of the landmark Xbox® video game “Halo®,” Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie Studios today announced an exclusive hands-on experience with “Halo 3,” one of the industry’s most anticipated sequels.
Try out publishing on the Mac Inside Bay Area
Q:I AM a former PC user who has converted (happily) to the Mac. I'm looking for a Mac program that is comparable to Microsoft Publisher.
Bungie Studios Prepares 'Halo' Nation to Finish the Fight PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
On the fifth anniversary of the release of the landmark Xbox® video game "Halo®," Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie Studios today celebrated the milestone by announcing an exclusive hands-on experience with "Halo 3," one of the industry's most anticipated sequels.
'Console war' heats up with PlayStation 3 vs. Wii Post-Tribune
They will come in hordes, with reckless disregard for often-brutal November weather conditions. They'll meet with friends and bring tents and as much food and drink as needed to make it to the all-important hour.
PRESS RELEASE: ESET and Tri Synergy Collaborate to Combat Growing Malware Threat among Gamers gamesindustry.biz
SAN DIEGO and DALLAS – November 16, 2006 – In a move that will allow gamers to experience their computer video games at full-throttle and remain protected from malware, ESET, the leader in proactive threat protection, and Tri Synergy, a computer and video game co-publishing company, today announced the formation of a strategic alliance.
Apple Computer Inc., maker of the top-selling iPod, teamed up with six airlines so passengers can charge their devices while flying and view videos from the planes’ seat-back displays.
In Brief D-Lib Magazine
As successive file formats are superceded and become obsolete, there is a danger that information held in such older formats may become difficult or impossible to retrieve – resulting in the loss of vast amounts of unique and valuable information.

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