Guides : YON

The Hands of God
In a place where a single day could sometimes make an interesting book, I often go days without writing a word because I am out with soldiers running missions
Recent History and Gen. David Patraeus - by Yon
Michael Yon (ex SPECOPS soldier) has distinguished himself as a non-partisan reporter who is not afraid to be in the field with soldiers. It may be a little premature to say he is the Ernie Pyle of our time, but he's headed for that
Quotes From Around Yon Blogosphere
Flight deck crew prepares US fighter jet launch in Persian Gulf. The executions [in Tal Afar] mark the first evidence of total failure of the surge plan because up to now the Shiites have acted with restraint, despite the provocations
Desolate Roads Part 2 of 2
It might have been a spud-gun, maybe a grenade launcher; definitely appeared homemade. But "homemade"does not equal "toy" and shouldn't connote "harmless." Many of our soldiers are killed by devastating homemade weapons
Tabula Rasa
From Baghdad Recent mention of cooperation with Fox News kicked rumor into high gear, leading some long-time readers to lament my “selling-out” to a major outlet. Simultaneously, thousands of new readers via the Fox website have little
Blogwatch - Michael Yon: "RUBS #2"
Michael Yon's latest "RUBS" dispatch mentions a unit I've got a personal interest in. I know someone in the 1-4 Cav, and in this RUBS, Michael talks a little bit about what they're up to. Reducing this mess to the street level of the
A eulogy for SSG Darrell Ray Jr Griffin, delivered by Sgt Victor Quinonez, better known to Michael's readers as "Q."
Ernie is Dead
Old tents. Something was strange about the moon. Not able to sleep, I pulled from the sleeping bag and used a small red light to walk from the long dark tent into the Baghdad night. Inside had been dark, but outside the moon was so
Hey, Everybody
Fact is, as soon as the public affairs people will start being part of the solution and not part of the problem, I can start writing about the successes and the soldiers like Q who are out in Baghdad even now, trying to make this work
The Valiant Word Warriors: Roggio, Totten, and Yon.
Michael Yon is not, and likely never will be, a card-carrying member of the MSM. When the war is over, it will be he (and Roggio and Totten) rather than the reporters huddling in the safety of the Green Zone whose words will be

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Situation, histoire, jumelages, équipe municipale, vie communale, économique et associative, liens et contacts, actualités.
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Yon - Wikipédia
L'Yon prend source entre la commune de La Ferrière et celle de Saint-Martin-des-Noyers. Il traverse Dompierre-sur-Yon et rentre dans la retenue d'eau de
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