Guides : NOKIA E70

Nokia E70 - Features and Functionality
This article explains the features and functionality of Nokia E70
Nokia E70 Review - CNET
CNET reviews the Nokia E70 and writes, "the E70 is equipped with a 2-megapixel camera with an 8x digital zoom and video recording capabilities. Editing options aren't as robust as we've seen on some of today's camera phones, but you
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the Nokia E70 in review
I really like the E70 a lot. I think the camera kind of sucks but I like having one for those situations I need to capture something, and I don’t expect Nokia to go all-out on a nice camera for such a device.
Nokia E70 Cell Phones
Nokia E70CNet has a review of Nokia E70 and writes, the mobile professional who wants a compact smart phone that doesn’t sacrifice features should take a look at the Nokia E70, just be prepared to pay a price. The Nokia E70 cell phone
Nokia E70 & Rogers
I've decided to get an E70, which comes in 2 versions. The original Euro has 900/1900/1800 bands whereas a newer American E70-2 was changed to 850/1900/1800 to accommodate the 850 North American band. Can those in the know confirm that
Nokia E70
The mobile professional who wants a compact smart phone that doesn’t sacrifice features should take a look at the Nokia E70; just be prepared to pay a price. The Nokia E70 cell phone features a fold-out full QWERTY keyboard and a
10.4: Add iSync support for Nokia E70
[Original Article: 10.4: Add iSync support for Nokia E70 • comment by: elzbiet] Worked like a charm - no editing problems here! Thanks a grip
Nokia E70 problems with MIDP 2.1
Hi guys, I've got Nokia E70, which they say supports MIDP 2.0. Unfortunatelly, WTK2.5 release available online has only MIDP 2.1. So, after
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