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Napoli take honours in derby Eurosport
Napoli moved up to third in Serie B with a 1-0 win over Bari at the San Nicola on Monday.
Team Notes USA Today
Downtown Newark's Italian Eatery The News Journal
If garlic really keeps away vampires, I could crash a midnight party in Transylvania and be perfectly safe after my lunch at Cucina Di Napoli.
That’s Amore Kansas City Star
“Buon giorno!” he called out. It was my first visit to La Cucina di Mamma, and I was still assessing the place. The menu was written on a jumbo-sized chalkboard mounted high on the wall. I could see the kitchen through the pass-through window beneath the menu. Giorgio Antongirolami, his raven hair combed off his forehead and chocolate brown eyes framed by thick lashes, greeted me from his perch
A FREE LEGAL CLINIC for Collin County residents who meet low-income criteria is offered at 6 p.m. the second Thursday of the month at First United Methodist Church, 601 S. Greenville Ave. Call 1-800-906-3045.
Doctor sentenced to 42 months in pain clinic case Times-Reporter
Dr. Edward DeHaas has been sentenced to 42 months in a federal prison for distributing hydrocodone, the narcotic painkiller commonly known as Vicodin.
Local Beat - 11/15/06 Corsicana Daily Sun
This column is designed to give our local readers a place to put news and events that are important to them and others in the community. Local news such as public meetings, luncheons, events and other non-club local items for not-for-profit associations are listed in this column.
Several players' roles for 2007 still uncertain Los Angeles Times
Question: Will Chone Figgins be an everyday player in 2007? What position will he play? Answer: Figgins' future in Anaheim, which looked so bright after 2005 but dimmed considerably in 2006, will be determined by what moves the Angels make or don't make this winter.
Dragons hit by goal-line clearances Huddersfield Daily Examiner
LOCKWOOD Park Dragons visited newly- promoted Formby Ladies Hockey Club, and had to settle for a 1-1 draw on Merseyside. After last week's defeat to Driffield, Dragons knew it was imperative to get away to a good start and were quickly out of the blocks.
Gratitude adjustment Metromix.com
You may think we at metromix are a snarky bunch. And, well, yeah, what of it? But we have our serious side, too. To show you we don't take living in Chicago for granted, we've taken a moment to be thankful for these five trends that we feel have made the scene great in 2006.

Napoli Napoli si occupa di informarti di tutto cio' che accade nella citta', dove andare cosa fare che mangiare dove divertirsi, le mostre e le varie
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
la pagina contiene i link per le sezioni del portale dell'Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II.
Napoli - Wikipedia
Napoli è tra le Città decorate al Valor Militare per la Guerra di Napoli è particolarmente nota per i suoi castelli: il Castel dell'Ovo che è parte
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