
He was born in Pombia, near Maggiore lake in 955, from count Dadone, a feudal lord of French origins. He comes after Corrado Conone, Ivrea's Marquis in 989; this is a period with fights between the lay counts and bishops also in the Canavese.

In 997 Arduino finds himself in contrast with the bishop of Vercelli for the possession of the village of Caresana. He gathers his soldiers and farmers and conquers Vercelli after a short siege. During the sack of the town, fire is set to the bishop's palace and bishop Pietro himself is murdered. When a vigorous and decisive man, Silvester the second, is elected pope, the war for the possession of Vercelli and Santhià districts starts again.

Leone, Arduino's enemy, is appointed as new bishop of Vercelli. Arduino meets the Pope to protest, but he is declared guilty for Pietro's killing and therefore banned.

Varmondo, Ivrea's bishop warns Arduino against undertaking any military or political action on pain of excommunication. Arduino, frightened, yields the title of Marquis to his son, Arduino II, so that the excommunication does not become effectual. Then he starts again the war against the bishop of Vercelli and banishes him from the city; the same thing happens to Warmondo, the bishop of Ivrea.

Later, the Emperor goes back to Germany where he must settle a riot. Arduino profits from the situation and proclaims himself king of Italy thanks to his several supporters among the earls and to the "secundi milites" who were hostile to the Emperor. We are now in the year 1000: as soon as the rebellion is suppressed, Ottone III comes back to Italy and negates Arduino’s title. He also dismisses many of the rebellious nobles and rewards those who have been faithful to him. (The bishops are among the first)

In January 1002 Ottone III is poisoned and dies and, on the 15th of April,Arduino is crowned king of Italy again; However his power is strictly limited to the Po region and many of his former supporters desert him.

When the new Emperor, Henry II, as requested by some bishops, comes to Italy, Arduino meets him with his army. The march of Ivrea doesn’t provide him with enough soldiers, but he manages to win the imperial army, to conquer the march of Verona, and to send away Ottone di Carinzia ,.

The fight between Henry II and Arduino’s armies ends up with the invader’s victory due to infidelity of the marquis of Ivrea’ allies. Then he   goes to his castle in Sparone, and here he is able to resist to a three years’siege of the Emperor’s army.

The diet of Pavia, on the 15th of May 1004 deprives him of the title of king of Italy and replaces him with Henry II. In the same year the Emperor must go back to Germany. Arduino again seizes the title and keeps it for ten years. In 1014 Henry comes back to Italy and is crowned king by the Pope. When the Emperor goes back to Germany, Arduino starts a new war to re -conquer his reign. He becomes ill and bishop Leone is able to set the city of Vercelli against him: His feudatories too abandon him and receive the Emperor as their king. Tired and disheartened, Arduino withdraws to Fruttuaria’s monastery, where he dies on the 14th December 1015. His body is now preserved in Masino's castle, not far from Ivrea.