Massimiliano Ferrati, third prize

with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra



Massimiliano Ferrati and Mr. Jan J. Bistritzky

during the ballot 



"The Italian, Massimiliano Ferrati, is a bright, glowing expressionist. In Mozart he produced pearls; in Chopin he was spiritual; he sang; he was romantic, highly polished. And in Mussorgskij ("Pictures"), he blew up the auditorium. Images of an erupting volcano. He may have shown some affectations, but he was great, immense, original, compelling." 

Ora Binur. "Ma'ariv" (Israel), 03.29.2001

"When, Massimiliano Ferrati, the Italian, began playing the slow movement in Concerto no.3 by Beethoven, he was a poet in describing a legend in sound. He speaks and sings in sound, like the legendary Michelangelo." 

Ora Binur. "Ma'ariv" (Israel), 04.02.2001

"The Italian, Massimiliano Ferrati, played Beethoven's Piano Concerto no.3 excellently. The Italian has come out of the oven evenly baked all over. He played Beethoven in the traditional manner, giving it the correct dose of romantic sauce." 

Hanoch Ron. "Yediot Acharonot" (Israel), 04.02.2001

"There is no doubt that Ferrati is a superior pianist who has the spark of an artist." 

Hanoch Ron. "Yediot Acharonot" (Israel), 04.04.2001

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