¡Adelante! - A Special Report on the Latin Music Industry
Slumping Sales From Bootleg Business. - The US music industry is a billion-dollar business, and the sale of recorded music alone generates billions of dollars in revenue. But the music industry is struggling: According to mid-year
Beatles for Sale or Rent.
At the same time, music industry newcomer Peter Paul Gaultieri takes of the helm of Microsoft’s Music division and publicly promises to "clean up this whole friggin’ thing by crackin’ some jamook skulls if you get my drift.
Zune and Universal Music Mafia er Group
"Yesterday, Microsoft agreed to share revenue from Zune sales with record Please, oh please, tell me why UMG or any other label, even an indie one, deserves a penny from the sale of a music player? Isn't the music industry fun
Zune: are we looking in the right place?
Close ties to the music industry could pay off for Microsoft in the short term There’s no reason why they won’t work with music, provided the service is good Microsoft isn’t adverse to losing money on hardware sales in order to
kickbacks to the music industry
kickbacks there is an article in the new york times that details the deal that microsoft has cut for the music industry, which is that they'll get a cut of the zune sales. that's a share in the revenue from the sale of the device in
Universal, Microsoft Screw Over Artists, Set Absurd and Dangerous
This is a lose-lose situation for the music hardware industry, the music sales industry, and artists everywhere, period. If Universal really wanted to make the argument that music players were somehow stealing revenue from artists,
Microsoft's New Zune Digital Media Player on Store Shelves Today
Wireless sharing poised to change the way people experience digital music. Zune will be on sale at retailers across the USA today, Nov. Working closely with industry partners, Zune is exploring new models for distributing and
cd sales down…on-line sales up
even though the music industry has taken a blow because of music “theft“, digital downloads now make up 6% of the total music industry sales. i will admit that the p2p sharing has really had an effect on the number of cd sales,
music industry upstarts stall merger free downloadable music
in addition to the standard payments it will make to umg for the sale of its music, microsoft will also pay umg a portion of zune device sales. microsoft will also make standard payments for music sales.contrary to reports that
Microsoft, Zune & The Music Mafia
Music industry argues that people are ripping their CDs and putting music on their iPods. Remember how Jobs stood up to these music industry bullies. If music industry cannot sell one additional song to consumers (and has to