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Journal's New Disclosure Policy Praised
The new policy was prompted by a report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), which found that three authors that published in EHP failed to disclose various financial relationships with private industry
New PD Blog Posts
New posts on PD Blogs since Friday morning:. audacity. Demonstrative Evidence. Do Not Pass Geaux. Gideon's Guardians. the imbroglio. Kansas Defenders. Leanna Kay. The Wretched of the Earth
At the Roulette in Frst Half of December
the US in festivals of traditional and new music (Bang on a Can, etc.) In Program for Artists to study improvisation and new music with Anthony international festivals in New Zealand, Europe, Latin America and Canada.
New Scientist's 50 year forecast
David Pescovitz: As part of their 50th anniversary celebration, New Scientist published brief comments by more than 70 Begin to evolve in new directions? And will physicists finally hit upon a universal theory of everything?
A New Era of Software
and anyone whose been keeping up with news from Microsoft these days can easily assume that his post is talking about all of the new and soon-to-be software releases. I was going to leave him a comment, but it soon became a post.
floor plan sketches, and seller notes (VisualTour.com) � Create property flyer for our printing (MS Publisher) � Create Realtors� Open and New Listing announcements for mass email (Top Producer 7i) � Gather content for Property
Contested Streets- New York and San Francisco look the European
San Francisco and New York are studying congestion pricing, a scheme that charges people to drive into central Congested Streets is a new film that shows how the European model might point the way towards humanizing American cities.
New voting system – tell us what you think
Hiya All, Leaking Faucet and I just pushed the new voting system live and would love to hear your thoughts. http://www.cambrianhouse.com/idea-explorer/new-ideas/ It's basically a 0-6 style of ranking, with improved navigation,
Weekly Movie/Music update: Over 200 new J-Pop, Anime, Soundtrack
Welcome to this week's Movie/Music news roundup, containing all new Japanese and Hong Over 200 new items are covered in this week, including new J-Pop, Here's a summary of all new releases that were published between Saturday,
New Online Calculators Encourage Eating Green
Two interactive online calculators on the new Eating Green web site from the Center for Science in the Public Interest allow consumers to gauge the health, environmental, and animal welfare impact of their diet

il progetto. espanol, français · italiano, english · deutsch info: ngv@ecn.org · newsletter · mailing-list · rassegna stampa upload: upload.ngvision.org
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
Online edition of the newspaper's recent content with searchable archives for a fee. [Registration required]
New York City Site
NYC-Site.com - il primo sito italiano dedicato alla Grande Mela.
New Scientist - International News, Ideas, Innovation
Weekly science and technology news magazine, considered by some to be the world's best, with diverse subject matter. Articles from current issue and
New York - foto notizie e curiosità sulla Grande Mela
Raccolta di foto, notizie, curiosità e informazioni sulla città.

New Scientist - International News, Ideas, Innovation
Weekly science and technology news magazine, considered by some to be the world's best, with diverse subject matter. Articles from current issue and
New York - foto notizie e curiosità sulla Grande Mela
Raccolta di foto, notizie, curiosità e informazioni sulla città.
ENEA - Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia el'Ambiente
Promuove gli obiettivi di sviluppo, competitività e occupazione e quello della salvaguardia ambientale. Descrizione delle attività e comunicati stampa.
New Global official web site
Associazione che si occupa di promuovere l'armonizzazione del diritto con le nuove tecnologie. News ed articoli.
NWO - New World Order - Nuovo Ordine Mondiale
verità occulta, simbolismo, occultismo, esoterismo, sette sataniche, echelon, g8, messaggi subliminali, governo ombra.
The New England Journal of Medicine: Research & Review Articles on
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is a weekly general medical journal that publishes new medical research findings, review articles, and editorial
New Brainframes
Progetto di ricerca, informazione ed azione su arte, comunicazione, consumo critico e globalizzazione.
New York - Wikipedia
Informazioni geografiche, storiche, economiche e turistiche sulla città.
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