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Opera and Vino
May 16, 2007 (Wed): Enjoy live arias, duets and showtunes performed by the Kimerica and Michael Parr of the Michigan Opera Theater. For this event we are offering 15% off are already low prices from our wine list.
meme italiano: kinda like the mambo but not
Con piacere accetto l'invito di New Brigand a rispondere ad alcune domande sul rapporto che ho con il vino;. Sei più vino; rosso, bianco o rosé? Rosso, rosso, rosso! Non c’è dubbio. Non mi piace rosé per niente e bevo il bianco solo se
Food Network to wine and organics: Drop Dead
Now we get this sent to the Dr. Vino; world headquarters from a trusted source with insider knowledge (emphasis added):. Interestingly, [the Bourdain critique] is not a big deal at the Network at all. They are a media company first and
Domaine Sorin, box, WBW 31
We're fans of the box around here. No shame in that. In theory, it's convenient, fresh and brings the per glass costs down to levels low enough to make you generous, even with your neighbors. I wrote an open letter to Jorge Ordonez and
Leaders and liters of wine: Angela Merkel
While German Chancellor Angela Merkel may get (unwanted) pats on the back from George Bush--literally--will she win plaudits from Jacques Chirac for her wine choice? "Hell yes" seems to be her answer. As the current chair of both the EU
Obits, tin foil, alumni, foie gras - tasting sized pours
Wine by the jug Ernest Gallo, wine salesman, dies at 97. Jon Bonne writing in the SF Chron is my obit pick since he mentions the word "controversy." His predecessor Linda Murphy sounds like she has some provocative thoughts in her piece
Lake Wobegon wines
In the pages of BusinessWeek, Robert Parker calls some under $20 wines from Gallo, Beringer, and Kendall Jackson "excellent" to "very good." Meanwhile, in the main arena of the Parker Empire, the Wine Advocate, his new hire Dr. Jay
Tasting sized pours - all counterfeiting edition!
The FBI may be targeting the big boys, but does Eric Asimov sound the death knell for and Ordinary wine lovers, even those who buy a few cases of great wines each year, are unlikely to be affected by
Dr. Vino, audio edtion
John Lindner likes wine. He also likes blogs. Put those passions together and you get "Blography," an interview show in podcast form that is currently doing a tour of the wine blogosphere. John is a veteran reporter with the Baltimore
130 ILV — In vino veritas?
In vino; veritas? Do we speak the truth when drunk? “I don’t talk a lot but I think alcohol definitely makes you forget your worries and takes away your inhibitions.” — John V. Today’s voices. Steven Lewis, John Verhoeven, Shane McCoy
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Consorzio del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano
[Montepulciano, SI] Presenta schede infomative sulle aziende associate con le rispettive aree di produzione.
Vino al vino
Un vino ormai stilisticamente datato, ma che è alla base della viticoltura di questo comune ed è il principio del Brunello di Montalcino, senza il quale
Vendita di vini italiani, vendita online, buy Italian wine ,shopping, enoteca online, Vini rossi, Vini bianchi, vino shop.
Strada del Vino Colli Euganei
Possibilità di visite guidate in cantina, nei vigneti e degustazioni di vino, olio d’oliva e prodotti tipici locali, ristoranti e trattorie con menù tipici
associazione nazionale città del vino

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano - novità eventi comunicati stampa a
Novità, eventi comunicati stampa sul Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. A cura del Consorzio Tutela del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, Siena - Toscana. Blog Network, il blog network del Vino
Tigullio Vino Blog, il primo blog network del Vino.
Franciacorta - Associazione Strada del Vino Franciacorta
Un percorso di 80 km, alla scoperta delle cantine produttrici del nobile Franciacorta DOCG, dei piatti tipici e delle bellezze storico-naturalistiche della
Consorzio del Vino Chianti Classico Gallo Nero
[San Casciano in Val di Pesa, FI] Fornisce notizie sulla produzione del vino, sul territorio del Chianti, le schede dei produttori e dei vini prodotti.
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