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Full Metal Jacket game for the Wii. via df
Full Metal Jacket game for the Wii. (via; df) (link
Microscope Via USB
Here's a clever idea that I could see making its way into science classrooms across the world: a microscope powered by a USB connection. The ProScope HR is a high-resolution hand held microscope with included lenses that will magnify.
Podcast151: Dr. Scott McLeod on Administrator Idea-Sharing via
This podcast is a skype interview with Dr. Scott McLeod, the director of CASTLE (The Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education) and an educational leadership/educational law professor at the University of
e-book loans via CISTI
Knowledgespeak offers this blurb regarding an e-book loan service available via; CISTI and supported by MyiLibrary. Evidently each loan will cost $25 and will provide 30 days of access. Printing is restricted.
Evan Williams: Powerpointing! via Keynote
Evan Williams: Powerpointing! (via; Keynote
Al Gore may or may not have invented the Internet, but Tony Blair can definitively lay claim to being the first world leader to have his own YouTube channel
PS3 Will Win Via Blu-Ray
Pachter's prediction for the console wars are Sony with 36% of the market, Nintendo with 34%, and Microsoft with 30%. It's a lovely everybody wins scenario that will drive console fanboys bonkers. Go Pachter
Podcast151: Dr. Scott McLeod on Administrator Idea-Sharing via
The awareness they gain through these activities for the positive potential of social media to promote learning via; conversations is an important element in the ition to 21st century schools which we should all be helping to usher
11 Great Color Legends. Via GMSV.
11 Great Color Legends. (Via; GMSV.
DRYing Models via Acts As
ActsAs is an idiom familiar to every Rails developer, which makes it a good candidate for a shared functionality between models. Using it as early in the game as possible allows one to work on its functionality without a need to touch
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Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things
(Compiled campaign finance data for Congress is not yet available via API, but we expect that to change soon.) Link (Thanks, Gabriela!)
Indirizzo [via, corso, piazza]. N°. Salva indirizzo. Ricerca libera Località [necessario] - i miei indirizzi. Vicino a [via, corso, piazza]
VIA, valorisation de l' innovation dans l' ameublement : agora des
Annuaire des créateurs français ou exerçant en France. Design touchant à l'ameublement et au cadre de vie de l'homme. Valorisation de l'innovation dans
Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, OLAP - Via
Business Intelligence Tools and MultiValue Database Solutions. From the leader in Business Management Reporting Software--Via Systems.
Piano Ferrovie, via libera dal governo - Corriere della Sera
Probabile un aumento del costo dei biglietti per i treni a media e lunga percorrenza.
Or you can sign up and contribute drawings. Link -via Grow-A-Brain Hit play, or go to the Link [YouTube] to view the video. via engadget
Via Crucis - Wikipedia
La Via Crucis (dal latino, Via della Croce - anche detta Via Dolorosa) è un rito cristiano, della Chiesa cattolica e della Chiesa anglicana,
Via Lattea - Wikipedia
La Via Lattea (dal latino Via Lactea) è la galassia (dal greco Γαλάξια gala, galactos, che significa "latte") cui appartiene il sistema solare;
Via Oberdan - Portale Libero di Letteratura e Cultura - Home
Via Oberdan rivista online di letteratura e cultura.
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