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Good news from Iraq- The Weekly Fishwrap
VJ Tedesco; in the southern part of the city, where al-Qaeda fighters were concentrated.Before the battalion arrived, that part of the city "was largely off-limits to coalition forces," Tedesco; said at a briefing for the Army Lessons
TPM Launches Daily Video-cast
Josh Marshall is blowing the doors off blogging. Great stuff
American Public Favors Troop Deadline
How long can the administration ignore the will of the people? Hopefully not much longer. Pew Research Center: Solid Majority Favors Congressional Troop Deadline. Surge. 26 Mar 07 40% now say the situation in Iraq is going fairly or
Hagel on Bush, "You Can Impeach Him"
Nebraska Senator, Republican 2008 Republican Presidential hopeful, and Vietnam Veteran Chuck Hagel expressed his frustration with President Bush's mulish position in regard to Iraq with the following comments in the April edition of
Is he serious? THE PRESIDENT: Today I'm joined here at the White House by veterans, family members of people serving in combat, family members of those who have sacrificed. I am honored that they have joined me here today.
Soledad O'Brien Takes on Tony Snow
One could only assume the White House figured she was a light-weight when they decided to send Tony Snow to CNN's American Morning today to spin the facts about Bush's refusal to allow Karl Rove and Harriet Meyers to testify before the
Lieberman Won't Rule Out a 180 on His Campaign Promise
If you recall, (if you are from Connecticut and voted for Lieberman you damn well should) after losing in the Democratic primary to Ned Lamont, Joe Lieberman decided to run as an independent in the general and won.
Tyrone Brown is Officially a Free Man!
Almost one month ago I posted an article entitled Here's Some Black History For Ya about one Tyrone Brown, a young black man jailed for life by the extremely unjust Texas judicial system. Well, justice has finally prevailed as Tyrone
Penguins to Stay in Pittsburgh!
On the way home from Chuck-e-Cheese's with my five year old daughter I caught the opening of the Pens vs. Sabres game on the radio and was privy to quite an announcement. Mario Lemieux came over the loud speaker to thank the people of
NY Times Editorial Board Get Rid of Gonzales
Your time is up
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Impara il Tedesco - Corsi di Tedesco
Impara il Tedesco con Cactus e scegli tra una vasta gamma di corsi di Tedesco che vestono i tuoi bisogni e le tue possibilita`.
GEMEINSAME OFFIZIELLE FESTSTELLUNG. des Lutherischen Weltbundes. und der Katholischen Kirche. 1. Auf der Grundlage der in der Gemeinsamen Erklärung zur
Corsi di tedesco | Corso di tedesco | Imparare tedesco
Tedesco in Germania. Corsi di tedesco a Francoforte e Dusseldorf. Scopri le nostre scuole e le nostre offerte.
Goethe-Institut Triest - Insegnare il tedesco
Che cosa significa "TEDESCO-LIS"? Si tratta di una lettera circolare per insegnanti di lingua tedesca e di un foro di discussione avente per argomento la
Offerta lavoro INGEGNERE CONOSCENZA TEDESCO [Emilia-Romagna
Trova offerte di lavoro in InfoJobs, il leader Europeo del recruiting online. Oltre 2.000.000 persone e 30.000 imprese già usano con successo InfoJobs.,
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