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EUROPA - Commissione europea - Ambiente - Il cambiamento climatico
You control climate change, European Commission - Environment DG - This is the website of the European Commission's Climate Change Campaign.
Viewable with Any Browser: Campaign
Viewable with Any Browser: Campaign
Campaign for a Non-Browser Specific WWW. Resources, more information and links about this effort.
Greenpeace. WebbyAwards Vote for us We love Apple. Apple knows more about "clean" design than anybody, right? So why do Macs, iPods, iBooks and the rest of
How Did I Get Here? Browser Upgrade Campaign - The Web Standards
Note to site builders: The WaSP Browser Upgrade Campaign has come to a close. As such we ask that you discontinue your use of this upgrade message and visit
welcome |
Amnesty International, with the support of The Observer UK newspaper, is launching a campaign to show that online or offline the human voice and human
Kucinich for President 2008
Elizabeth and I, and all of the members of the campaign staff and volunteers offer our deepest sympathies to the families who have suffered great loss and
Mass email marketing software for email newsletters, email merge
Campaign storage files are now SQL databases located on your SQL Server for increased email campaign response handling; Scalability for larger campaigns
CRBM -Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale
Banca Mondiale. Scarsa trasparenza, e insufficiente consultazione della societa' civile, mancato rispetto delle sue norme socio-ambientali, ed applicazione
John Edwards for President
Join the campaign to change America. About Us · The Edwards Family · John · Elizabeth · Cate · Contact Us Social Networking - Connect with the Campaign
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Home - Nader/Camejo 2004 - Nader for President 2004 - www
Official site of the Ralph Nader 2004 presidential campaign, providing issue positions, campaign calendar, volunteer opportunities, contribution information
Follow Federal campaign finance, Federal lobbying and Federal legislation in one spot! This site is often sited by major media organizations,
Browser Upgrade Campaign - The Web Standards Project
Those computers that do not by now, may never. With this in mind we at the Web Standards project feel its time to retire the Browser Upgrade Campaign (BUC).
Control Arms campaign for tougher controls on the arms trade
A lack of control of the arms trade is globally fuelling conflict poverty and human rights abuses Oxfam, Amnesty International and IANSA are calling for an
Non-partisan candidate and campaign finance site from the Federal Elections Commission. Searchable database of donors, recipients, lobbyists,
Speak up for self-esteem. Share your thoughts and download your Mother/Daughter kit · pod dove. Evolution Film. How did our idea of beauty become so
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