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Another Identity Theft Story
These contact a remote Web site and silently download an EXE file, which in turn downloads various unknown but suspicious programs. In France we decided to press the matter for several reasons: French or francophone people appeared
Perfect 10 v. Google and Amazon : Copyrights : Transformative Fair
"Last year, a US District Court in California issued an injunction against Google and (which operates the A9 search engine), barring them from including thumbnails of photographs from the magazine and Web site Perfect 10 in
I’m serious. Ha, ha ha
Here’s my first creation. (I already had the photos of the wooden guys.) I was exploring this realm three years ago, noting that… Professor Albert Mehrabian pioneered the understanding of communications since the 1960’s.
SharePoint and Popfly integration -- yes, really!
I have also created a Popfly – SharePoint Integration screencast in which I walk though the creation of several different types of mashups to include mapping features, image rendering, and more. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this blog
No Deathmatch Required
The act of mining personal data on the Internet has been going on for a very long time. Heck I even quit using the Sitemeter stats service because of some crap they were planting and the third party reporting that was going on.
Comment: My Two Cents on Book Reviews
Though I fear it has been too long in coming and will be a bit underwhelming, I'd like to try to articulate my own thoughts on the nature and evolution of book reviews: mainstream media, blogs, print, internet, etc.
Outside the Body of Adele Caelia
She spent all of her time talking to the game developers about their incredible creation, meanwhile I sat humbly in my office programming the mind numbing details of a multi-threaded implementation of physics cooking so that the engine
How Cameroon Auctioned Its Internet Namespace…
While not technically illegal, since the misspelled domain names are not being registered but simply redirected to another site, these actions raised serious ethical concerns. To many observers, it was obvious that this was too creative
Focus on the Family Takes On DefCon Over the Creation Museum
The Creation Museum, a project of Answers in Genesis, will open its 76000-square-foot facility May 28. DefCon is telling people the project would “undermine” science and “confuse” children. On its Web site, DefCon is described as “an
Quick Product Creation - Traffic & List Site Update
As readers of this internet marketing product review blog - you already know how much I like Jimmy D. Brown and the List & Traffic membership site. Well this month I wanted to share with those considering joining, that this might be a
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