Lista libri aggiornata al  marzo 2003

AAVV                               Atti Convegno Naionale sui Giochi Creativi  Siena                     1981   Tip. Senese              455   207 
AAVV                               Gioco e matematica (atti convegno)                                    1986   Cappelli                 155   150 
AAVV                               I Numeri Complessi                                                    1990   Universita' MO           401   264 
AAVV                               Macchine Matematiche ed altri oggetti (catalogo mostra)               1992   Universita' MO           402   130 
AAVV                               Matematica e Didattica: come privilegiare l'apprendimento             1999   Pitagora                 156   167 
AAVV                               Matematica: Gioco ed Apprendimento  Castel S pietro incontri          1990   Apeiron                  448   124 
AAVV                               Matematiche Complementari vol.II                                      SD     Barjes Roma              351   80  
AAVV                               Opere Matematiche della pubblica biblioteca di Ferrara                1981   Comune FE                304   250 
Abraham R.M.                       Easy-to-do entertainments and Diversions coin,card,string,paper..     1961   Dover                    510   186 
Abraham R.M.                       Tricks and amusements with coin cards srting paper...                 1964   Dover                    537   122 
Aczel Amir                         L'enigma di Fermat Soluzione di un giallo matem.durato + di 3 secoli  1998   il Saggiatore            594   149 
Adams                              Games to play whit counters match.dice                                1979   Adams                              
Adams J.P.                         We dare you to solve this 1                                           1955   Berkley                  777   124 
Adler Irving                       Magic house of numbers                                                1957   Signet                   762   123 
Adler Irving                       The new mathematics                                                   1959   Signet                   758   192 
Adrion Alexander                   L'arte della magia                                                    1979   Mazzotta                 157   223 
Agostini Amedeo                    Il De Viribus Quantitatis di Luca Pacioli                             1925   Zanichelli               1451  28  
Agostini Franco                    Giochi della Intelligenza                                             1985   Mondadori                234   184 
Agostini Franco                    Giochi logici e matematici                                            1982   Mondadori                233   182 
Agostini Franco                    Le Stravaganze della Logica                                           1995   Mondadori                434   452 
Ainley Stephen                     Mathematical Puzzles                                                  1977   Prentice Hall            1520  147 
Alberti                            Ludi matematici                                                       1980   Guanda                             
Alberti Giuseppe Antonio           I giuochi numerici fatti arcani palesati                              1979   Arnoud                   1416  154 
Alexandrov++                       Mathematics Content,Metods & Meaning II                               1963   MIT press                909   376 
Alexandrov++                       Mathematics Content,Metods & Meaning III                              1963   MIT press                916   395 
Alleau Rene'                       Guida ai giochi insoliti curiosi e no                                 sd     Sugar                    114   472 
Ambinder G.                        Puzzlement                                                            1974   Canongate                          
Anderson - Pipkin                  Games You Can't Lose                                                  2001   Burford                        161 
Anderson, Marshall                 Newpaper magic                                                        1980   Magic inc.               239   150 
Andreescu - Feng                   102 Combinatorial Problems                                            2003   Birkhauser                     115 
Andrews George                     Number Theory                                                         1994   Dover                    1047  259 
Andrews W.S.                       Magic square and cubes                                                1960   Dover                    617   420 
Angeletti Maurizio                 I Colori del Vento                                                    1984   Gammalibri               241   180 
Anno Mitsumasa                     Anno's Math Games III                                                 1991   Paperstar                          
Anonimo                            Al rompicapo cinese                                                   1818   ancora                             
Anonimo                            Corsa del Cavallo per tutti gli scacchi dello Scacchiere (xerox)      1766   dalla Volpe              1447  10  
Anonimo                            De' giuochi aritmetici trattato                                       1761   Turlini                  1425  215 
Anonimo                            FunMath '96,  366 daily puzzles                                       1996   QED                      455   30  
Anonimo                            Giuoco Cinese  (xerox)                                                1818   Franzetti                1442  30  
Anonimo                            Il cubo magico                                                        1981   Canguro                            
Anonimo                            Il giuocatore nella sala di conversazion                              1825   Bussola                  1309  216 
Anonimo                            Il nuovo Bosco ossia il Diavolo color di rosa                         sd     Bietti                   1429  224 
Anonimo                            Il saputello in conversazione                                         1857   Vignozzi                 1314  411 
Anonimo                            Il segreto dei grandi bari                                            1980   Mondadori                311   121 
Anonimo                            La nostra rivista per tutti                                           sd     Miriam                   1318  192 
Anonimo                            Le petit magicien                                                     1811   Landau                   1315  137 
Anonimo                            Libro d'Abaco             (Copia del manosctitto BUB 2433)            1339   Manoscritto              1302  128 
Anonimo                            Metamorfosi del Giuoco detto l'Enimma Chinese  (xeros)                1818   Landi                    1446  28  
Anonimo                            Nuovo Dilettevole Giuoco Chinese  (xerox)                             1817   Landi                    1444  30  
Anonimo                            Nuovo e dilettevole giuoco cinese                                     181?   Bertinazzi               1440  29  
Anonimo                            Nuovo Giuoco Chinese                                                  1817   Bettalli                 1438  30  
Anonimo                            Operazioni con le figure                                              1969   Zanichelli                         
Anonimo                            Oroscopo solitari rompitesta ecc.                                     1923   Nerbini                  1434  109 
Anonimo                            Proseguimento del Giuoco Chinese  (xerox)                             181?   Bertinazzi               1445  24  
Anonimo                            Puzzles blocks zoo animals                                            1983   Western                  456   30  
Anonimo                            Shichi kou zu Gappeki  (tangram)   xeros from Y.Katagiri              1881                                      
Anonimo                            Stupire     (2 vol.)                                                  1983   Forbes                   205-6 478 
Anonimo                            The Fashionable Chinese Puzzle  (xerox)                               181?   Wallis                   1443  30  
Anonimo (P.Lucchese)               Il passatempo senza pericolo                                          1833   Matteo Jovane            1310  213 
Anonomo                            L'eco gaio                                                            sd     Miriam                   1430  256 
Anonomo                            L'Eco Gaio  -   rivista annuale di giochi e passatempi                sd     Guidon                   1308  188 
Antinori Federico                  500 nuovi giochi di matematica                                        1974   Armando                  419   247 
ApSimon                            Mathematical Byways in ayling,beeling,ceiling                         1991   Oxford                   790   98  
Arnoux Gabriel                     Arithmetique Graphique les espaces hypermagiques                      1894   GauthierVillars          1336  175 
Aste - Weaire                      The Pursuit of Perfect Packing                                        2000   IOP                            136 
Atanassov K.T.                     On Some of The Smarandache's Problems                                 1999   American Research              88  
Aveline Claude                     Il codice dei giochi                                                  1964   Rizzoli                  307   375 
Averbach B, Chein O.               Problem Solving Through Recreational Mathematics                      1980   Dover                    1132  458 
Bachet Claude Gaspar               Problemes Plaisants & Delectable III ed. (Labosne)                    1874   Gauthier Villard         1418  242 
Bachet Claude Gaspar               Problemes Plaisants & Delectable IV ed  (Labosne)                     1879   Gauthier Villard         1417  242 
Badger T.M.                        Puzzles and Games in logic and Reasoning                              1996   Dover                    566   113 
Bagnoli Roberto                    I trucchi al poker                                                    1981   De vecchi                119   93  
Bakst A.                           Amusements mathematiques                                              1961   Dunod                    544   204 
Ball                               Recreation problem.des temps..1                               1907   Hermann                            
Ball                               Recreation problem.des temps..2                               1908   Hermann                            
Ball                               Recreation problem.des temps..3                               1909   Hermann                            
Ball Johnny                        Johnny Ball's second Thinks                                           1987   Puffin                   708   175 
Ball Johnny                        Johnny Ball's Think box                                               1982   Puffin                   707   159 
Ball Rouse W.W.                    Ricreazioni e problemi matematici  (trad. Dionisio Gambioli)          1910   Zanichelli               1411  398 
Ballantine                         Number puzzles                                                        1983   Ballantine               755   112 
Ball-Coxeter                       Mathematical recreations and essays                                   1974   Toronto                  1039  428 
Banks Robert                       Slicing Pizzas, Racing Turtles and Further Adventures in math         1999   Princeton                1612  284 
Barbeau & Klamkin                  500 Five Hundred Mathematical Challenger                              1995   MAA                      1054  225 
Barbeau Edward                     After Math, Puzzles and Brainteasers                                  1995   Wall,Emerson             1120  198 
Barbeau Edward                     Power Play                                                            1997   MAA                      1118  185 
Barker S.- Prinn L.                Le grand livre des Carres Magiques                                    2002   Quebecor                       142 
Barnard D.P.                       50 brain twisters                                                     1985   Javelin                  759   126 
Barnard P.                         Figure it out                                                         1973   Fawcett                  741   144 
Barr Stephen                       Experiments in topology                                               1964   Crowell                  210   1518
Barr Stephen                       Intriguin Puzzles in Math and Logic                                   1994   Dover                    570   164 
Barr Stephen                       Mathematical brain benders                                            1982   Dover                    1015  223 
Barr Stephen                       Puzzle Quiz 525 math,history,musical,test,...                         1978   Perennial                832   120 
Barr Stephen                       Second miscellany of puzzles                                          1969   Macmillan                1020  223 
Barra Mario Peres Ennio            Il cubo semplice                                                      1982   Savelli                  135   107 
Barrow John                        Pi in the Sky                                                         1992   Clarendon                637   317 
Bassi Achille                      Su alcuni modelli topologici del Poincare'                            1935   Reale Accademia          1401  26  
Battaglia Pat                      So You Think You're Smart 150 Fun and Challenging Brain Teasers       1988   Tab                      553   76  
Baudi di Vesme C.                  I Prodigi nei giuochi d'azzardo                                       1938   Flli Bocca               124   138 
Bays                               The games of threedimensional life                                    1986   Bays                               
Beasley J.D.                       The ins & outs of peg solitaire                                       1985   Oxford                   923   275 
Beasley J.D.                       The mathematics of games                                              1989   Oxford                   833   169 
Beckmann Petr                      A History of Pi                                                       1971   Martin                   618   200 
Bedford C.M.                       101 Magic tricks                                                             Neptune                            
Beiler A.H.                        Recreations in Theory of Numbers                                      1966   Dover                    1026  349 
Belani                             The pastime puzzle book                                               1989   Belani                   652   68  
Bell R.C.                          Board and table games from many Civilizatios                          1969   Oxford                   503   210 
Bell R.C.                          Old board games discovering                                           1973   Shire                    744   79  
Bell Temple                        Magia dei numeri                                                      1949   Longanesi                841   424 
Benjamin A. & M.Shem               Mathemagics                                                           1994   Contemporary             816   216 
Benson W - O.Jacoby                New Recreations with Magic Squares                                    1976   Dover                    1617  198 
Benson W.+Jacoby O.                Magic Cubes new recreations                                           1981   Dover                    582   142 
Bergholt                           A new book of patience games                                          sd     Routledge                1037  120 
Bergholt E.                        Game of solitaire                                                     1920   Routledge                          
Berlekamp - Rodgers                The Mathemagician and Pied Puzzler, Tribute to M.Gardner              1999   Peters                         266 
Berlekamp,Conway,Guy               Winning Way for your mathematical plays vol.II                        1995   Academic                 932   850 
Berlekamp,Conway,Guy               Winnning Ways for your Mathematical Plays Vol. I                      2001   Peters                   1538  276 
Berloquin Pierre                   100 numerical games                                                   1976   Scribners                593   152 
Berloquin Pierre                   120 Jeux à devenir Fou !                                              1991   First                    828   179 
Berloquin Pierre                   199 Jeux pour insomniaques et autres esprits eveilles                 1989   Acropole                 815   240 
Berloquin Pierre                   Games of logic                                                        1980   Unwin                    834   145 
Berloquin Pierre                   Giocando alla matematica                                              1981   Vallardi                 438   160 
Berloquin Pierre                   I centogiochi                                                         1979   Vallardi                 1038  258 
Berloquin Pierre                   Jeux mathemetiques du monde                                           1978   Flammarion               802   156 
Berloquin Pierre                   La vacanza enigmistica                                                1974   Mondadori                324   174 
Berloquin Pierre                   La vacanza enigmistica 2 Misurate la vostra intelligenza              1975   Mondadori                325   155 
Bernard                            Fatevi i vostri test                                                  1972   Feltrinelli                        
Berndt Fredrick                    Il libro del domino                                                   1974   Longanesi                143   244 
Beutelspacher A&.Berardi L.        Crittologia                                                           1996   FrancoAngeli             1124  192 
Bierdorf Margot                    50 one-minute Math Games                                              1996   Golden                         24  
Bigon, Regazzoni                   I Nodi                                                                1981   Orsa Maggiore            352   240 
Binarelli Tony                     Occhio al Baro                                                        sd     il Talismano             218   197 
Binarelli Tony                     Quinta dimensione                                                     1977   Longanesi                305   220 
Birtwisle Claude                   The calculator puzzle book                                            1978   Bell                     925   125 
Blacksmiths                        Puzzle joints                                                         ----   fotocopia                          
Block-Yuker                        More illusions & visual oddities                                      1987   Y&B associat                       
Blum Raymond                       Math tricks,puzzles & games                                           1994   Sterling                 517   125 
Blyth Will                         Match-Stick Magic                                                     1921   Pearson                  1326  124 
Bobo J.B.                          Coin magic                                                            1966   Magic inc.               231   519 
Bodini                             Vocabolario enigmistico                                               1933   Nerbini                            
Bold Benjamin                      Famous Problems of Geometry and how to Solve Them                     1982   Dover                    572   112 
Bolt Brian                         Mathematical Amusement Arcade                                         1984   Cambridge                648   130 
Bolt Brian                         Mathematical Cavalcade                                                1992   Cambridge                647   118 
Boltyanskii V.G.                   Figure Equivalenti ed Equidecomponibili                               1963   Progresso Tecnico        350   80  
Bonemain Albino                    Il prestigiatore moderno                                              1902   Cioffi                   1316  128 
Boole George                       Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences III ed                 1946   Stechert                 1323  400 
Booth Charles                      Even More Brain Ticklers                                              1980   Baever                   705   94  
Bortolotti Ettore                  Studi e Ricerche  storia della Matematica in Italia sec.XVI,XVII      1925   Zanichelli               1415  166 
Boterm.Delft                       Denk Spiele Der Welt (Creative puzzles of the world)                  1977   Verlag                   902   200 
Boucheny Gaston                    Curiosites & Recreations Mathematiques                                1939   Larousse                 1327  148 
Bragdon F.                         Diabolical diversions                                                 1985   Muller                   801   128 
Brandreth Gyles                    Classic Puzzles                                                       1985   Harper                   505   182 
Brandreth Gyles                    Puzzles & Brainteasers                                                1983   StMichael                518   192 
Brecher Erwin                      Lateral Logic Puzzles                                                 1994   Sterling                 573   95  
Brecher Erwin                      Puzzles Mathematical Diversions and Brainteasers                      1994   Martin'sGrif             603   270 
Brockmann V.                       Come si diventa prestigiatore                                         1963   Bietti                   125   106 
Brodner Stev                       Fold tuck                                                             1990   Doubleday                          
Brooke Maxey                       150 puzzles in crypt-arithmetic                                       1963   Dover                    534   72  
Brooke Maxey                       Coin games and puzzles                                                1963   Dover                    583   94  
Brooke Maxey                       Tricks games and puzzles wiyh matches                                 1973   Dover                    530   60  
Brunialti M. A.                    I cento solitari di Napoleone                                         1977   Hoepli                   140   260 
Bryant V. Postill R.               Brain teasers                                                         1980   Unwin                    746   120 
Burn R.P.                          A Pathway into number theory                                          1997   Cambridge                1051  261 
Bursill                            More hand shadows                                                     1971   Dover                              
Cadwell                            Topics recreational mathematics                                       1980   Cambridge                927   180 
Calandri F.                        Aritmetica cod.2669 (sec.XV)                                          1969   CaRisFi                  842   222 
Caliban Hubert                     My best in logic reasoning                                            1961   Dover                    533   107 
Caliban Hubert                     My best in mathematics                                                1961   Dover                    532   107 
Candy Albert                       Costruction Classification and Census of Magic Squares Even           1937   Edwards Brothers               182 
Canovi Luisa                       Origami e Geometria                                                   1987   Demetra                  347   66  
Canovi Luisa                       Origami e Magia                                                       1987   Demetra                  348   66  
Canovi. Ravesi .Uri                Il libro dei rompicapo                                                1984   Sansoni                  454   177 
Carcopino Jerome                   Le Christianisme Secret du Carre Magique                              1953   AlbinMichel                    286 
Carroll Lewis                      Il gioco della logica                                                 1969   Astrolabio               137   106 
Carroll Lewis                      Pillow problem and a tangle tale                                      1985   Dover                    592   152 
Carroll Lewis                      Una storia ingarbugliata                                              1969   Astrolabio               319   102 
Carse James                        Finite and Infinite Games                                             1986   Ballantine                     180 
Carter P. & Russel K.              Brain busters  (editor of the mensa uk)                               1992   Ward lock                845   367 
Carter P.Russel K.                 Baffling Brain Teasers                                                1992   Mensa                    747   128 
Casini Maria Teresa                Il cubo di Rubik                                                      1980   Tesi di Laurea           215   132 
Castelli Alfredo                   Viaggio curioso nel mondo delle carte                                 1975   Fabbri                   302   160 
Castelvetri                        Appendice al Trattato de' giuochi numerici dal sig. G.A.Alberti       1749   DallaVolpe Xerox               72  
Causa C.                           Magia prestigio giuochi in famiglia                                   1933   Salani                   1426  236 
Cazalas                            Carres magiques                                                       1934   Hermann                            
Ceschi Carla                       Passatempi e giochi di successo da fare in societa'                   1975   De vecchi                110   87  
Charosh Mannis                     Mathematical Games for One or Two                                     1972   Crowell                  1602  26  
Cherniak Y Rose R.                 Chicken from Minsk & 99 infuriatingly..                               1995   Basicbook                827   191 
Ch'ung-en-yu                       Ingenious ring puzzle book                                            1981   Slocum                             
Churchill R.&L.                    Puzzles & quizzes                                                     1974   Scholastic               751   126 
Cimo' Salvatore                    Divinazioni mentali                                                   1965   Ceschina                 147   258 
Cimo' Salvatore                    Enciclopedia cartomagica                                              1958   Ceschina                 232   840 
Cimo' Salvatore                    Micromagia                                                            1965   Ceschina                 144   278 
Cimo' Salvatore                    Prestigiazione con monete ed anelli                                   1968   Ceschina                 146   338 
Cimo' Salvatore                    Prestigiazione con palline ed uova                                    1971   Ceschina                 145   231 
Citterio Vittorio                  I Magici Anelli di Rubik                                              1987   Mursia                   333   80  
Clarke Barry                       Puzzles 4 Pleasure                                                    1994   Cambridge                1014  116 
Clawson Calvin                     Mathematical Mysteries                                                1996   Plenum                   920   312 
Clessa  J.J.                       Math and Logic Puzzles for PC Entusiasts                              1996   Dover                          131 
Clidiere Martine                   Il manuale dei giochi                                                 1972   Garzanti                 142   354 
Coffin Stewart                     Puzzle craft                                                          1985   Coffin                             
Coffin Stewart                     The Puzzling World Polyhedral dissection                              1990   Oxford                   538   196 
Cofman J.                          Numbers and Shapes Revisited                                          1995   Oxford                             
Colburn C.- Dinitz J.H.            The CRC Handbook of Combinatorial Design                              1996   CRC                      1139  753 
Cole K.C.                          The Universe and The Teacup                                           1997   Hardcourt                1519  208 
Colombo Giorgio                    Tutto sui giochi d'azzardo con le carte                               1976   De vecchi                105   252 
Comerci F., Cosmai M.              Italiano a doppio senso                                               1983   Ed. Levante                    140 
Comerci Francesco                  Frasi a doppia lettura                                                1981   Privato                        164 
Comerci Francesco                  Frasi tratte da crittografie di tipi vari                             1988   Privato                        690 
Comerci Francesco                  Frasi tratte da crittografie e giochi crittografici                   1989   Privato                        426 
Comerci Francesco                  Frasi tratte da crittografie semplici                                 1987   Privato                        535 
Comerci Francesco                  Le crittografie mnemoniche                                            1982   Privato                        518 
Comerci Francesco                  Raccolta complementare di crittografie                                1980   Privaro                        445 
Conrad S - Flegler                 Math Contests  High School - Vol.1                                    1993   MathLeague               1150  70  
Consumers                          The great puzzle catalog                                              1982   Consumers                          
Conti .Barsanti.Franzoni           Le olimpiadi della matematica                                         1994   Zanichelli                         
Conti Franco                       Le olimpiadi della matematica                                         1994   Zanichelli               236   180 
Conty Patrick                      Labirinti                                                             1996   Piemme                   929   255 
Conway & Guy                       The Book of Numbers                                                   1996   Copernicus               913   310 
Conway John Horton                 On Number and Games                                                   2001   Peters                   1508  242 
Cossu Menotti                      Giochi della Mente                                                    1989   Mondadori                446   126 
Costello Matthew                   The greatest Puzzles of All Time                                      1988   Dover                    1123  178 
Court N.A.                         Math in fun and in earnest                                            1958   Dial press               1019  250 
Court Nathan A.                    Mathematics in fun and in earnest                                     1961   Mentor                   791   192 
Cox Jeremy                         Folding Frenzy                                                        1981   Pan Books                          
Coxeter H.M.S                      Introdution to geometry                                               1969   Wiley                    930   469 
Coxeter H.M.S.                     Regular Polytopes                                                     1973   Dover                    1531  321 
Cruceru Adriana                    Cartea Jucuriol                                                       1989   Bucuresti                804   200 
Crypton                            Timid virgins and other puzzles,pitfall. and paradoxes                1984   Penguin                  514   192 
Cundy H:M. Rollett A.P.            I modelli matematici                                                  1974   Feltrinelli              404   292 
Cunningham S.                      The poket entertainer                                                 1942   Blakinston               787   240 
Cutler                             Holey 6-pieces burr                                                   1986   Cutler                             
Dalton Henry                       Evening Amusements and Drawing Room Plays                             1885   Cassell                  1324  309 
Dalton L. Snyder H.                Topics for Mathematics Clubs                                          1995   NCTM                           106 
Daly Eileen                        Puzzles quizzles brain teasers                                        1975   Golden                   1148  64  
Daly Eileen                        Puzzles, Quizzes                                                      1975   Family Fun                         
D'Amore PierLuigi                  Giochi Matematici                                                     1999   MAE                      451   62  
Davidson J. W.Martin               Mind boggling brain benders                                           1969   Prentice                 521   71  
Davis Philip                       Il mondo dei grandi numeri                                            1973   Zanichelli               334   190 
Davis Philip                       The Lore of Large Numbers                                             1961   Random House             1126  165 
Dawson T.R.                        Five Classic of Fairy Chess                                           1973   Dover                    1055  145 
De Bono Edward                     Imparare a pensare in 15 giorni                                       1971   Feltrinelli              321   113 
De Carlo Nicola Alberto            Giochi psicologici                                                    1983   Mondadori                235   183 
De Frank                           Le carte magiche, giuochi di destrezza e di calcolo                   1975   Hoepli                   134   157 
De giorgio                         Il libro dei rebus                                                    1976   Longanesi                          
De simone                          Manuale del prestigiatore                                             1973   De vecchi                          
De Simone Stefano                  Manuale del prestigiatore                                             1973   De Vecchi                112   250 
Degrazia Joseph                    Math is Fun                                                           1961   Emerson                  918   160 
DeGrazia Joseph                    Math Tricks Brain Twisters & Puzzles                                  1981   Bell                     606   160 
Delens P.                          Problemes d'Arithmetique Amusante                                     1937   Vuibert                  1412  164 
Dell                               Word search puzzles                                                   1975   Dell                               
Descombes Rene                     Les Carres Magiques                                                   2000   Vuibert                  1609  493 
Desideri Lamberto                  Inoltre tratt.di prestigiditazione1,2,3                               1978   Desideri                           
Desideri Lamberto                  Trattato di tecnica cartomagica (8 vol.)                              -_-_   Private                            
Devi Shakundala                    Puzzles to Puzzle you                                                 1993   Orient                   702   144 
Devi Shakundala                    The book of numbers                                                   1993   Orient                   703   142 
Devi Shakundala                    The joy of numbers                                                    1993   Orient                   701   157 
Diagramgroup                       Picture puzzles                                                       1983   Ballantine               761   108 
Diagramgroup                       The little giant encyclopedia of puzzles                              1996   Sterling                           
Dickens D. Danby M.                The Armada quiz and puzzle book n.3                                   1972   Armada                   718   98  
Dickens D.Danby M.                 The Armada Quiz & Puzzles Book 4                                      1973   Armada                   719   98  
Dickens D.-Danby M.                Quiz & puzzle 2                                                       1971   Armada                   717   98  
Dickens D.-Danby M.                Quiz and puzzles 6                                                    1975   Armada                   723   98  
Dickens D.-Danby M.                The armada quiz and puzzle 1                                          1970   Armada                   716   98  
Dicks John                         Puzzles. Mathematical, Scientific and Dexterous                       1870   Press London             1439  60  
Dickson Leonard Eugene             History of the Theory of Numbers  Diophantine Analysis                1917   VanNostran               1421  803 
Dickson Leonard Eugene             History of the Theory of Numbers  Divisibility and Primality          1971   Chelsea                  1420  486 
Dikens D.Danby M.                  The Armada Quiz & Puzzles Book 5                                      1974   Armada                   722   100 
DiSpezio Michael                   Challenging Critical Thinking Puzzles                                 1998   Sterling                       96  
DiSpezio Michael                   Critical Thinking Puzzles                                             1996   Sterling                       96  
Domenica Quiz                      I Giochi piu'                                                         1982   Rizzoli                  120   156 
Domoryad                           Mathematical games and pastimes                                       1963   Pergamon                           
Donovan, Glenn                     Il teorema di Pitagora                                                1967   Zanichelli               126   64  
Donovan, Glenn                     Scorciatoie nei calcoli                                               1968   Zanichelli               127   56  
Donovan, Glenn, Norton             Caso e probabilita'                                                   1971   Zanichelli               129   87  
Donovan, Glenn, Norton             Il mondo della statistica                                             1974   Zanichelli               128   84  
Donovan, Glenn, Norton             Logica e ragionamento                                                 1978   Zanichelli               130   80  
Dorrie Heinrich                    100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics                          1965   Dover                    621   393 
Doubleday Eric                     Prova la tua intelligenza giocando 2                                  1977   Rizzoli                  327   122 
Dougall                            Card mastery                                                          1975   Tannen                             
Dubnov                             Errori nelle dimostrazioni di geometria                               1965   PTE                                
Ducret Etienne                     Recreationes Mathematiques                                            sd     Libraires                1320  172 
Dudeney Henry Ernest               536 puzzles and curious problems                                      1967   Scribners                608   428 
Dudeney Henry Ernest               A Puzzle - Mine                                                       1951   Nelson                   1331  229 
Dudeney Henry Ernest               Amusements in mathematic                                              1958   Dover                    607   260 
Dudeney Henry Ernest               Puzzles and curious problems                                          1971   Scribner's               587   190 
Dudeney Henry Ernest               The Canterbury puzzles                                                1958   Dover                    609   255 
Dunn Angela                        Mathematical bafflers                                                 1980   Dover                    1022  218 
Dunn Angela                        Second mathematical baffler                                           1983   Dover                    1023  186 
Dunninger                          Enciclopedia dei giochi di prestigio                                  1968   Sugar                              
Eastaway                           Enigmas                                                               1982   Arlington                563   135 
Eastaway - Wyndham                 Why Do Buses Come in Threes? The Hidden Math of Everyday..            1998   Wiley                          156 
Eastaway R. & Wells David          The Guinness Book of Mind Benders                                     1995   Guinness                 812   128 
Edmiston M.                        Merlin Book of Logic Puzzles                                          1992   Sterling                 557   128 
Eiss H.E.                          Dictionary of mathematical games,puzzles and amusements               1988   Greenwood                809   278 
Ekeland Ivar                       Mathematics and the Unexpected                                        1988   ChicagoPress             825   145 
Elffers J.                         Cat s Cradles                                                         1979   Penguin                  1005  207 
Elffers J.                         Tangram the ancient chinese shapes game                               1973   Penguin                  789   200 
Elliott Bruce                      La bacchetta magica                                                   1969   Bietti                   336   244 
Emmet                              Brain puzzler's delight                                               1973   Buchanan                 1018  254 
Emmet E.R.                         Puzzles for pleasure                                                  1972   Bell                     914   309 
Emmet E.R.                         The great detective puzzle with other Assorted Brainteasers           1979   Barnes                   513   147 
Emmet Eric                         The penguin book of Brainteasers                                      1985   Penguin                  835   187 
Endl                               La piramide                                                           1981   Giesse                             
Endl Kurt                          L'enigma di Rubik rompicapo del secolo                                1981   Giesse                   332   106 
Engel                              Circle puzzler's manual                                               1986   General symm                       
Ernst Bruno                        Avventura con figure impossibili                                      1990   Taschen                        80  
Ernst Bruno                        Lo specchio magico di M.C.Escher                                      1990   Taschen                  1104  111 
Ernst Bruno                        Omojliga figurer                                                      1985   Fabel                              
Evans Larry                        3-dimensional optical illusions                                       1984   Troubador                457   32  
Evans Larry                        Gross and Gruesome games and puzzles                                  1992   Troubador                1001  40  
Eyesenk H.J.                       Q.I.Nuovi test d'intelligenza                                         1980   Rizzoli                  138   219 
Falkener Edward                    Games Ancient and Oriental and how to Play Theme                      1961   Dover                    1328  366 
Falletta Nicholas                  Il Libro dei Paradossi                                                1989   TEA                      223   244 
Falletta Nicholas                  The paradoxicon                                                       1990   Wiley                    624   230 
Fantini Elvio                      Il Poker                                                              1978   De Vecchi                111   150 
Farhi Sivy                         Pentacubes                                                            1979   Farhi                              
Farhi Sivy                         Pentominoes                                                           1981   Pentacubes                         
Farhi Sivy                         Soma world                                                            1982   Farhi                              
Fellow L.                          Puzzle power                                                          1976   Scholastic                         
Ficher John                        La magia di L.Carroll                                                 1986   Theoria                  441   310 
Filipiak Anthony                   Mathematical Puzzles and other Brain Twisters                         1978   Bell                     502   120 
Fischer O.                         Illustrated Magic the wonders of puzzles  (fotocopia)                 1943   MacMillan                          
Fisher Richard                     Brain Games 134 Original Scientific Games..                           1982   Schocken                 1134  249 
Fixx James                         Games for the superintelligent                                        1972   Popular                  738   125 
Fixx James                         More games for superintelligent                                       1977   Muller                   564   101 
Fixx James                         Solve it! perplexing profusion of puzzle                              1978   Muller                   542   94  
Follette James W.                  New Wood Puzzle Designs                                               2001   Linden                         95  
Fontanelli                         La giostra dei numeri                                                 1943   Vallecchi                1409  312 
Fourrey E.                         Curiosites Geometriques  II ed.                                       sd     Vuibert                        431 
Fourrey E.                         Recreation arithmrtiques                                              1920   Vuibert                  1414  261 
Francis D & Pritchard D.           Puzzles for Geniuses : I                                              1984   Prentice-Hall                  159 
Francis D. Pritchard D.            Puzzles and teasers                                                   1981   Francis                  740   160 
Franken K.                         Puzzlers for young detectives                                         1968   Piccolo                  742   125 
Frederickson Greg                  Dissections: Plane & Fancy                                            1997   Cambridge                905   310 
Frederickson Greg                  Hinged Dissections: Swinging & Twisting                               2002   Cambridge                1607  287 
Friedberg R.                       An Adventurer's guide to Number Theory                                1994   Dover                    1045  235 
Friedland Aaron                    100 New Recreations Puzzle in math and logic                          1970   Dover                    528   66  
Friedland Aaron                    Giochi di matematica e di logica                                      1983   Sansoni                  317    75 
Friend Newton                      Numbers fun and facts                                                 1954   Scribner's               1033  207 
Frizzo G.                          Le Regoluzze di Maestro Paolo dell' Abbaco                            1883   Munster                  1337  62  
Frohlichstein Jack                 Mathematical fun games and puzzles                                    1962   Dover                    616   306 
Frolow Michel                      Le Probleme d'Euler et Carres Magiques (dedication to Frost)          1884   Trenke'-Fusnot           1340  44  
Frolow Michel                      Les Carres Magiques nouvelle etude   (dedication to Frost)            1886   Gauthier-Villars         1338  46  
Frost A.H.                         Nasik Squares a general metod of costructing them                     1896   Johon's college          1342  37  
Frost A.H.                         Nasik Squares and Cubes of any Dimensions                             1877   Metcalfe                 1339  34  
Frost A.H.                         On the General Proprieties of Nasik Squares                           1877   Grantham                 1341  16  
Fujimura Kobon                     The Tokio Puzzles                                                     1979   Muller                   620   184 
Fulbrook E & Maltby R.             Geometric cross sums                                                  1977   Workman                  788   108 
Fults John Lee                     Magic Squares                                                         1974   Open Court                     102 
Fulves Karl                        Self-working card tricks 72 Foolproof Card Miracles                   1976   Dover                    101   113 
Fulves Karl                        Self-Working Number Magic, 101 Foolproof Tricks                       1983   Dover                          145 
FunMath 96                         Incorporating Puzzlemania                                             1996   QED                                
Fusè Tomoko                        Unit Origami                                                          1990   Japan pub                1140  244 
Galasso Hratio                     Giochi di carte bellissimi di regola e di memoria  (Reprint2001)      1593   Asclepio                       111 
Gale David                         Tracking the Automatic Ant and Other Mathematical Explorations        1998   Springer                       241 
Gale Harold                        Number Puzzles for math geniuses                                      1993   Mensa                    651   120 
Gamow G.+ Stern M.                 Puzzle math a book of Brain Twisters                                  1960   Macmillan                591   119 
Garcia                             Card Secret                                                           1972   million doll                       
Garcia                             Super subtle card miracle                                             1973   Million doll                       
Gardiner A.                        Mathematical Puzzling                                                 1987   Dover                    1536  157 
Gardiner Tony                      Mathematical Challenger                                               1996   Cambridge                649   138 
Gardner Martin                     After the dessert                                                     sd     Tannen                             
Gardner Martin                     Ah! ci sono                                                           1987   Zanichelli               416   235 
Gardner Martin                     Aha! insight                                                          1978   Freeman                  1050  180 
Gardner Martin                     Carnevale matematico                                                  1980   Zanichelli               414   229 
Gardner Martin                     Circo matematico                                                      1981   Sansoni                  421   305 
Gardner Martin                     Classic Brainteasers                                                  1994   Sterling                 1027  96  
Gardner Martin                     Encyclopedia of improptu magic                                        1978   Magic                    934   574 
Gardner Martin                     Enigmi da altri mondi                                                 1986   Sansoni                  424   160 
Gardner Martin                     Enigmi e giochi matematici 1                                          1967   Sansoni                  413   154 
Gardner Martin                     Enigmi e giochi matematici 2                                          1968   Sansoni                  427   203 
Gardner Martin                     Enigmi e giochi matematici 3                                          1969   Sansoni                  412   253 
Gardner Martin                     Enigmi e giochi matematici 4                                          1975   Sansoni                  428   228 
Gardner Martin                     Enigmi e giochi matematici 5                                          1976   Sansoni                  426   297 
Gardner Martin                     Entertaining mathematical puzzles                                     1961   Dover                    569   112 
Gardner Martin                     Entertaining Science Experiments with Everyday Objects                1959   Dover                    568   127 
Gardner Martin                     Fads and fallacies                                                    1957   Dover                    614   355 
Gardner Martin                     Fractal Music Hypercards and More...                                  1992   Freeman                  640   327 
Gardner Martin                     Gardner's Workout                                                     2001   Peters                   1510  319 
Gardner Martin                     I misteri della magia matematica                                      1985   Sansoni                  422   170 
Gardner Martin                     Indovinelli nello spazio                                              1972   Zanichelli               453   132 
Gardner Martin                     Knotted doughnuts                                                     1986   Freeman                  643   278 
Gardner Martin                     L'incredibile dott. Matrix                                            1982   Zanichelli               417   171 
Gardner Martin                     L'universo ambidestro                                                 1984   Zanichelli               411   245 
Gardner Martin                     Mathematical carnival                                                 1977   Vintage                  613   274 
Gardner Martin                     Mathematical puzzles diversions                                       1959   Fireside                 612   178 
Gardner Martin                     Mathematics magic and mystery                                         1956   Dover                    610   176 
Gardner Martin                     Mental Magic                                                          1999   Stirling                       95  
Gardner Martin                     My best mathematical and logic puzzles                                1994   Dover                    545   82  
Gardner Martin                     New mathematical diversions from Scientific American                  1966   Fireside                 629   253 
Gardner Martin                     Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers                                     1989   Freeman                  639   311 
Gardner Martin                     Perplexing puzzle & tantalizing teasers                               1988   Dover                    619   113 
Gardner Martin                     Riddles of the Sphinx                                                 1987   MAA                      814   164 
Gardner Martin                     Science fiction puzzle tales                                          1981   Dover                    630   148 
Gardner Martin                     Show di magia matematica                                              1980   Zanichelli               415   236 
Gardner Martin                     The Colossal Book of Mathematics                                      2001   Norton                   1505  724 
Gardner Martin                     The Last Recreations                                                  1997   Copernicus               646   392 
Gardner Martin                     The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix                                       1985   Prometheus               642   326 
Gardner Martin                     The Universe in a Handkerchief L.Carroll                              1996   Copernicus               645   158 
Gardner Martin                     Time Travel and other Math Bewilderments                              1988   Freeman                  638   295 
Gardner Martin                     Wheel life and other math amusements                                  1983   Freeman                  641   261 
Garnier E.                         La matematica che serve                                               1984   Hoepli                   141   694 
Garzanti                           Dizionario per l'enigmistica                                          1984   Garzanti                           
Gelli E.                           Come posso divertirmi Giuochi e Passatempi                            1929   Hoepli                   1305  583 
Gelli J.                           Come posso divertirmi                                                 1901   Hoepli                   342   573 
Ghelardini Ghelardo                Tra dame e pedine                                                     1974   Latina                   214   1977
Gherardi Paolo                     Libro di Ragioni - Liber Habaci cod Magliabechiani 87-88 1327         1987   Fazzi                    1304  172 
Ghersi Italo                       1300 giochi di scienza dilettevole                                    1978   Cisalpino                452   475 
Ghersi Italo                       Matematica dilettevole e curiosa  I ed.                               1913   Hoepli                   1311  730 
Ghersi Italo                       Matematica dilettevole e curiosa  II ed                               1921   Hoepli                   1312  748 
Ghersi Italo                       Matematica dilettevole e curiosa  IV ed                               1963   Hoepli                   341   776 
Giapponese                         Pazuru puzzles meccanici                                              1985   Japan                    1006  86  
Gibilisco Stan                     Puzzles,Paradoxes and Brian Teasers                                   1988   Tab                      634   111 
Gibson Walter                      Hudini il mago                                                        1977   Corno                    106   457 
Gillen M.                          A catalogue of Puzzles designed by M.G.                               1992   MarcelGillen                       
Gladstone W.                       The second Puffin Puzzle book                                         1958   Puffin                   734   174 
Glenn William, Donovan J.          Divertimenti matematici                                               1965   Zanichelli               117   56  
Glenn William, Donovan J.          Topologia                                                             1970   Zanichelli               118   56  
Goldston Will                      Executive magical secret                                              1977   Dover                    103   506 
Golomb Solomon                     Polyominoes                                                           1965   Scribner                 151118    
Golomb Solomon                     Polyominoes puzzles,patterns,problems and packing                     1994   Princeton                912   181 
Gook R.                            Il grande libro dei giochi                                            1970   Mondadori                217   429 
Gordon L.                          15-1 Puzzle,magic square and computer                                 1986   L. Gordon                          
Gordon L.                          From sliding blocks to rolling and...                                 1986   L. Gordon                          
Gordon L.                          Latin square,nine pieces and comput.sol.                              1986   L. Gordon                          
Gordon L.                          Multi-way solitaire (parte 2)                                         1985   L. Gordon                          
Gordon L.                          Peg solitaire (parte 3)                                               1985   L. Gordon                          
Gordon L.                          Peg solitaire allowing diagonal jump                                  1985   L. Gordon                          
Gordon L.                          Some notes of ball-pyramid                                            1985   Gordon                             
Goring Jurgen                      Stich um stich                                                        1977   Neues leben              754   188 
Gorini Pietro                      Giochi di scacchiere giochi di piacere                                1989   Mondadori                132   170 
Grabarchuk Serhiy                  Puzzle Coral                                                          2001   Grabarchuk                     60  
Grabarchuk Serhiy                  Puzzle Patterns                                                       1999   Grabarchuk                     60  
Graham L.A.                        Ingenious math problems and methods                                   1959   Dover                    1041  237 
Graham L.A.                        The Surprise Attack in Mathematical Problems                          1968   Dover                              
Graham P.                          The numbers game                                                      1993   Warner                             
Graham, Knuth, Patashnik           Concrete Mathematics a Foundation for Computer Science                1994   Addison Wesley           1138  657 
Grandpre' G.                       Il negromante moderno                                                 1890   Sonzogno                 1404  543 
Greenblatt M.H.                    Mathematical Entertainments                                           1965   Crowell                  1524  160 
Greif M.                           200 Classic chess puzzles                                             1993   Sterling                 558   140 
Grosswirth M.+Salny A.             The Mensa Genius Quiz Book                                            1981   Addison                  552   144 
Grosswirth M.+Sanly A.             Are you a genius? Mensa quiz book 2                                   1985   Star                     589   159 
Grosswirth Marvin                  The mensa genius quiz book                                            1985   Allen                    743   143 
Grunbaum & Shepard                 Tiling and Patterns                                                   1986   Freemat                  907   700 
Grunfeld Frederic                  Giochi nel mondo                                                      1983   Unicef                   237   280 
Gumbrell C.                        Puzzler's A to Z                                                      1989   Puffin                   736   173 
Guy R.  Woodrow R.                 The Lighter Side of Mathematics                                       1994   MAA                      1142  366 
Guy Richard                        Unsolved Problems in Number Theory II ed.                             1994   Springer-Verlag          906   284 
Guyot M.                           Nouvelles Recreations Phisiques et Mathematiques                      1799   S.Andre'                 1435  399 
Haber Philip                       Mathematical puzzles and pastimes                                     1975   Pauper                   585   62  
Haddon                             String games for beginner                                             1978   Adams                              
Haigh John                         Taking Chances:  winning with probability                             1999   Oxford                   1619  330 
Haldeman                           Problems Puzzles and Brain-teasers                                    1937   Haldeman                           
Halmos Paul R.                     Problemes for Young and Old                                           1991   MAA                      1507  318 
Handcrafts Handbooks               Puzzles and how to Make them                                          1927   Xeros                          80  
Harbin Robert                      Origami                                                               1971   Sansoni                  436   191 
Hardy George                       Puzzle,perplexities obfuscations                                      1992   Sterling                 547   96  
HardyWilliam                       Green Book of Mathematical Problems                                   1997   Dover                    821   173 
HardyWilliam                       Red Book of Mathematical Problems                                     1996   Dover                    822   173 
Harshman Edward                    Fantastic Lateral Thinking Puzzles                                    1996   Sterling                 581   96  
Harshman Edward                    Lateral Thinking Puzzles                                              1997   Sterling                       96  
Hart                               Grab a pencil 2                                                       1981   AW                       1007  380 
Hart-Davis Adam                    Amazing Math puzzles                                                  1998   Sterling                       96  
Haskin                             Parties and games                                                     1949   Haskin                             
Haubrich Jacques                   Compendium of card matching puzzle  Vol.I                             1995   Haubrich                 1101  162 
Haubrich Jacques                   Compendium of Card Matching Puzzles  Vol.III                          2002   Haubrich                 1103  196 
Haubrich Jacques                   Compendium of Card Matching Puzzles Vol.II                            1995   Haubrich                 1102  162 
Hay Henry                          Cyclopedia of magic                                                   1975   Dover                    308   497 
Heafford Philip                    The math entertainer                                                  1959   Harrow                   765   176 
Heafford Philip                    The Math Entertainer                                                  1983   Vintage                  507   176 
Heath R.                           Mathemagic                                                            1933   Meyer                    924   138 
Heath Royal Vale                   Mathemagic puzzles games with numbers                                 1953   Dover                    515   126 
Heinz H.D.-Hendricks J.R           Magic Square Lexicon                                                  2000   Heinz                          200 
Hendrickson & Kenneke              Mental Fitness Puzzles                                                1998   Sterling                       96  
HenzeN.- RiedwylH.                 How to Win More, Strategies for Increasing a Lottery Win              1998   Peters                   792   149 
Herrmann Fred                      Tricks and games on the pool table                                    1967   Dover                    527   95  
Hertein-kapl                       Matter mathematical                                                   1978   Chelsea                            
Hess Richard                       Analysis of ring puzzles                                              1993   Hess                               
Hess Richard                       Compendium of 1400 wire puzzles                                       1985   Hess                               
Hess Richard                       Compendium of over 2600 wire puzzles                                  1988   Hess                               
Hess Richard                       Compendium of over 7000 Wire puzzles                                  1991   Hess                               
Hess Richard                       Puzzles from around the world                                         1996   Hess                               
Hilbert-Cohn                       Geometria intuitiva                                                   1972   Boringhieri              222   511 
Hindman Darwin                     1800 riddles enigmas and conundrums                                   1963   Dover                    529   154 
Hirschberg Arthur                  Can you solve it?  a book of puzzles and problems                     sd     Hutchinson               839   288 
Hoffman Paul                       La Vendetta di Archimede gioie e insidie della matematica             1990   Bompiani                 306   269 
Hoffman Professor                  Hoffmann's Puzzles Old and New                                        1993   E.Hordner                1533  256 
Hoffman Professor                  Puzzles old and new                                                   1988   Breese                   837   394 
Hogben Lancelot                    Mathematic for the million                                            1951   Norton                   1127  697 
Holt M.  Ridout R.                 The Third Big Book of Puzzles                                         1979   Puffin                   724   126 
Holt M. &  Ridout R.               The big book of Puzzles                                               1972   Puffin                   709   142 
Holt M. Ridout R.                  The second big book of Puzzles                                        1973   Puffin                   735   170 
Holt M.J. McIntosh A.J.            Matematica per non matematici                                         1978   Sansoni                  432   347 
Holt Michael                       Fun with numbers                                                      1976   Piccolo                  745   120 
Holt Michael                       Math Puzzles & Games                                                  1992   Dorset                   1135  122 
Holt-Ridout                        The second big book of puzzles                                        1976   Puffin                   728   172 
Homes Kevin                        A Compendium of Cube-Assembly Puzzles using Polycube                  2002   Holmes                         80  
Honsberger Ross                    Episodes in Nineteenth Twentieth Century Euclidean Geometry           1995   Maa                      1529  174 
Honsberger Ross                    In Polya's Footsteps                                                  1997   MAA                      1119  315 
Honsberger Ross                    Ingenuity in Mathematics                                              1970   MAA                      1122  206 
Honsberger Ross                    Mathematical Chestnuts from Around the World                          2001   MAA                      1509  310 
Honsberger Ross                    Mathematical Gems 1                                                   1973   DME                      1029  174 
Honsberger Ross                    Mathematical Gems II                                                  1976   DME                      1030  182 
Honsberger Ross                    Mathematical Gems III                                                 1985   Dolciani                 1031  250 
Honsberger Ross                    Mathematical Morsels                                                  1978   MAA                      1028  249 
Honsberger Ross                    Mathematical Plums                                                    1979   Dolciani                 1129  182 
Honsberger Ross                    More Mathematical Morsels                                             1991   MAA                      1114  322 
Hordern Edward                     Rotazional and sliding puzzles                                        1986   Hordern                            
Hordern Edward                     Sliding pieces puzzles                                                1986   oxford                   921   249 
Hordern L.E.                       Solutions to various Rotational Puzzles                               1986   Hordern                            
Hovanech                           The puzzles paradise                                                  1978   Paddington                         
Hufford Roger                      Callenging puzzles in logic                                           1982   Dover                    543   103 
Hugar                              Coin magic                                                            1972   Tannen                             
Hugard                             Card manipulations                                                    1973   Dover                              
Hugard                             More card manipulations                                               1974   Dover                              
Hunter J.A.H.                      Challenging Mathematical Teasers                                      1980   Dover                    541   101 
Hunter J.A.H.                      Entertaining Mathematical Teasers                                     1983   Dover                    540   109 
Hunter J.A.H.                      Fun with figures                                                      1965   Dover                    526   109 
Hunter J.A.H.                      Hunter's math brain teasers                                           1965   Bantam                   748   146 
Hunter J.A.H.                      Mathematical brain teasers                                            1976   Dover                    536   111 
Hunter J.A.H.                      More fun with figures                                                 1966   Dover                    516   116 
Hunter J.H.A.+Madachy S.           Mathematical diversions                                               1974   Dover                    605   178 
Huntley H.E.                       The Divine Proportion. A study in mathematical beauty                 1970   Dover                    1525  186 
Ireland's                          Lesson in dishonesty                                                  1978   Magic inc.                         
Ishida N. & Dalgety J.             Book of Nonograms                                                     1993   Pan                      710   104 
Jackson John                       Rational Amusement for Winter Evening?                                1821   Xeros                          40  
Jacobs                             Geometry                                                              1974   Freeman                  931   701 
Jacoby O. & Benson W.              Mathematics for pleasure                                              1962   Fawcett                  757   175 
Jacoby O.+Benson W.                Intriguin Mathematical Problems                                       1996   Dover                    567   190 
Jain                               The Book of Magic Squares   Vol.1                                     2000   SSI                            164 
Jain                               The Book of Magic Squares   Vol.2                                     2000   SSI                            228 
Jain                               The Book of Magic Squares   Vol.3                                     2000   SSI                            176 
James Stewart                      Abbott's Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks for Magicians                    1975   Dover                    153   400 
Japan                              Quark special puzzles world                                           1990   Quark                              
Jenkins-Wild                       Mathematical curiosities 2                                            1981   Tarquin                            
Jenkins-Wild                       Mathematical curiosities 3                                            1982   Tarquin                            
Jenkis-Wild                        Mathematical curiosities 1                                            1980   Tarquin                            
Johnson Donovan                    Mathmagic with flexagon                                               1974   ARC                      462   42  
Johnston Susan                     Fun with tangram kit                                                  1977   Dover                    461   32  
Jones M. Bibby J.                  Recreational Mathematics resource                                     1991   QED                      826   56  
Jones Samuel I.                    Mathematical Clubs and Recreations                                    1940   Jones                    1423  236 
Jonson, Glenn                      Caso e probabilita'                                                   1971   Zanichelli                         
Jonson, Glenn                      Divertimenti matematici                                               1965   Zanichelli                         
Jonson, Glenn                      Logica e ragionamento                                                 1978   Zanichelli                         
Jonson, Glenn                      Scorciatoie nei calcoli                                               1977   Zanichelli                         
Jonson, Glenn                      Topologia                                                             1970   Zanichelli                         
Kahan Steven                       Have Some Sums to Solve                                               1978   Baywood                  817   114 
Kahan Steven                       The compleat alphametic book                                          1978   Baywood                            
Kalinin Anatoly                    Mathematical Puzzles (in cirillico)                                   1990   Mosca                    586   142 
Kaplan P.                          Puzzle me this                                                        1968   Warner                   779   94  
Kaplan Philip                      More posers                                                           1964   MB                       763   108 
KaplanskyI.,Herstein I.            Matters Mathematical                                                  1978   Chelsea                  928   246 
Kaprekar D.R                       Cycles of recurring decimals II                                              Aryabhushan                        
Kaprekar D.R                       Mathematics of New Self number 1 to 5                                 1967   5-booklette                        
Kaprekar D.R                       New recurring constant from 5 digital..                               1963   -booklette                         
Kaprekar D.R                       Self numbers and numbers with 3/4 gener.                              1962   -booklette                         
Kaprekar D.R                       The New Constant 6174                                                 1984   -booklette                         
Kaprekar D.R                       Wonderful Mathematical Results                                               -booklette                         
Kasahara Kunihiko                  Origami facile                                                        1980   Il castello              109   127 
Kasner E. - Newman J.              Matematica e Immaginazione                                            1948   Bompiani                 1306  395 
Kaufman G.L.                       How's Tricks? 125 tricks and stunt to...                              1940   Foulsham                 840   133 
Kaufman Gerald                     New word puzzles                                                      1957   Dover                    535   122 
Kaufman Gerald                     The book of modern puzzles                                            1954   Dover                    519   188 
Kelsey  Kenneth                    More number puzzles                                                   1981   Prentice                 508   107 
Kelsey Kenneth                     Nuovi enigmi rompicapi e giochi matematici                            1983   Newton                   149   124 
Kelsey Kenneth                     The cunning caliph and other number puzzles to test your logic        1979   Muller                   531   90  
Kendall P. Thomas G.               Mathematical Puzzles for the Connoisseur                              1962   Griffin                  1130  161 
Kern Hermann                       Labirinti                                                             1981   Feltrinelli              208   433 
Killen T.                          Bar Tricks                                                            1990   Berkley                            
King  Lloyd                        Puzzles for the High IQ                                               1996   Sterling                 574   96  
Kinnaird Clark                     Encyclopedia of Puzzles and Pastime                                   1946   Grosset Dunlap           1334  431 
Kitaigorodsky A.                   Phisics for everyone 1,2,3,4   (4 vol)                                1980   Mir                      843   1000
Klamkin Murray                     International Mathematical Olympiads 1978-1985                        1986   MAA                      1514  142 
Klarner                            The mathematical Gardner                                              1981   Weber                    908   382 
Klarner David                      Mathematical Recreations, a collection in honor of M.Gardner          1981   Dover                          382 
Klee Victor & Wagon stan           Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Goometry &Number Theory        1991   MAA                      808   340 
Klein                              Famous problems and other monograph                                   1962   Chelsea                  919   290 
Kneissler Irmgard                  Introduzione all'origami                                              1976   Il Castello              439   128 
Knuth D.E.                         Surreal Numbers                                                       1974   AddisonWesle             824   119 
Kofman Rafael                      Sam Loyd vita e opere                                                 1972   Scacco                   344   116 
Konhauser,Velleman,Wagon           Which Way did the Bicycle Go? And other intriguing math,mysteris      1996   MAA                            235 
Kordemsky Boris                    Giochi matematici russi                                               1982   Sansoni                  420   416 
Kostovskii A.N.                    Geometrical constructions compasses only                              1961   Blaisdell                823   80  
Koziakin Vladimir                  Mazes for fun 1                                                       1974   piccolo                  781   80  
Koziakin Vladimir                  Mazes for fun 2                                                       1974   Piccolo                  782   80  
Kraitchik Maurice                  Le probleme du cavalier                                               1927   Gauthiers-Villars        1433  93  
Kraitchik Maurice                  Mathematical recreations                                              1953   Dover                    623   330 
Kraitchik Maurice                  Traite' des Carres Magiques                                           1930   GauthierVillars          1335  108 
Krantz Steven G.                   Techniques of Problem Solving                                         1997   AMS                            465 
Krause E.                          Taxicab Geometry                                                      1986   Dover                    820   88  
Kurchan R.M.                       Figuras para divertirse                                               1991   Aperiodic                          
Kurchan Rodolfo                    Mesmering Math puzzles                                                2001   Sterling                       94  
Kurschak -Rapaport E.              Hungarian Problem book 1 1894-1905                                    1963   Random House             806   111 
Kurschak -Rapaport E.              Hungarian Problem book 2 1906-1928                                    1963   Random House             807   120 
Laisant C.A.                       Initiation mathematique                                               1906   Hachette                 1431  167 
Lake Antony                        The puzzle book                                                       1976   Hart                     506   160 
Lammertink F                       Polyshapes                                                            1996   Lammertink                         
Lanci Michelangelo                 Trattato Teorico-Pratico del Gioco della Dama vol.I                   1837   Massimini                1407  139 
Lanci Michelangelo                 Trattato Teorico-Pratico del Gioco della Dama vol.II                  1837   Massimini                1408  250 
Lanners Edi                        L'uovo di Colombo, Giochi, trucchi ed esperimenti                     1979   Mazzotta                 445   195 
Lasker Edward                      Go and go-moku                                                        1960   Dover                    440   213 
Latronico Giuseppe                 Il libro delle ore giocose                                            1936   UTET                     1402  114 
Lavizzari Francesco                Il libro completo della dama                                          1973   Mursia                   115   421 
Lemon Don                          Everybody's Illustred Book of Puzzles                                 1892   Saxon                    1332  125 
LeValliant T+M.Theroux             What s the verdict? You are Judge in 90 Tricky Quizzes                1991   Stirling                 549   128 
LeVeque W.                         Elementary Theory of Numbers                                          1990   Dover                    1046  132 
Levmore S.X, Cook E.E.             Super Strategies for puzzles and games                                1981   Doubleday                1516  143 
Lewis B. David                     Eureka! Math fun from many angles                                     1983   Perigee                  1618  204 
Libenzi Ermanno                    Piccolo Quiz                                                          1959   Mursia                   303   180 
Librex                             Giochi di carte 1                                                     1969   Librex                   204   105 
Librex                             Giochi di carte 2                                                     1969   Librex                   203   195 
Librex                             Giochi di societa' e di prestigio                                     1970   Librex                   202   80  
Licks H.E.                         Recreations in Mathematics                                            1917   VanNostran               1422  155 
Lindgren Harry                     Recreational problem in geom.dissection                               1972   Dover                    622   184 
Linkola Matti                      Vanginlukosta Rubikin Kuutioon                                        1986   MattiLinkola                       
Lipchutz & Lipson                  2000 solved problems in Discrete Mathematics                          1992   McGraw-Hill              1056  404 
Litton                             Problematical recreation 10                                           1968   Litton                             
Litton                             Problematical recreation 11                                           1970   Litton                             
Litton                             Problematical recreations 9                                           1967   Litton                             
Lolli Gabriele                     Il riso di Talete                                                     1998   Boringhieri              433   109 
Longe Bob                          Nutty Challenges & Zani Dares                                         1994   Sterling                 524   127 
Longley-Cook                       Fun with brain puzzler                                                1965   Fawcett                  776   128 
Longley-Cook                       Work this one out 105 puzzling brain-teasers                          1960   Fawcett                  778   128 
Loyd Sam                           700 tangrams by Sam Loyd                                              1968   Dover                              
Loyd Sam                           Cyclopedia of 5000 Puzzles Tricks & Conundrum                         1976   Corwin                   1604  384 
Loyd Sam                           Mathematical puzzles of Sam Loyd vol II                               1960   Dover                    509   178 
Loyd Sam                           Passatempi matematici 1                                               1980   Sansoni                  429   175 
Loyd Sam                           Passatempi matematici 2                                               1980   Sansoni                  430   167 
Lucas                              Recreations mathematiques  II                                         1979   Blanchard                846   245 
Lucas                              Recreations mathematiques III                                         1979   Blanchard                847   200 
Lucas E.                           Recreations mathematiques IV                                          1979   Blanchard                848   266 
Lucas Edouard                      L'aritmetique amusante                                                1895   GauthierVillars          1437  266 
Lucas Edouard                      Recreations mathematiques                                             1893   GauthierVillars          1436  200 
Lucco Alessandra                    Applicazione del teorema di Polya ad un prob.di colorazione          1995   Tesi di Laurea           216   92  
Lukacs                             Mathematical games                                                    1970   Pan                                
MacDouglas, Erdnase                Card Nastery-The Expert at the Card Table                             1975   Tannen                   335   205 
Macfarlan                          Knotcraft                                                             1967   Dover                              
MacMahon                           New Mathematical Pastimes                                             1921   Cambridge                          
Madachy Joseph S.                  Mathematical recreation                                               1979   Dover                    604   250 
Majax Gerard                       Cento Magie piu' una                                                  1973   La sorgente              201   40  
Manaresi R.                        e and pi fino a 50000 decimali                                        1989   Manaresi                           
Mandell Muriel                     Fantastic book of logic puzzles                                       1986   Sterling                 554   128 
Mander,Dippel,Gossage              Aeromodelli di Carta                                                  1967   Il Castello              238   85  
Manfredi Marina                    Giochi per VIP (very intelligent person)                              1986   De Vecchi                316   151 
Manson J.A.                        Indoor Amusements                                                     1911   Cassell                  1329  348 
Maraldi Ugo                        Giochi di azzardo e leggi del caso                                    1953   Bompiani                 151   190 
Marchiori Rita (trad)              Giochi ed Enigmi con le Illusioni Ottiche                             1999   ediCart                        88  
Marchiori Rita (trad)              Il libro degli Enigmi                                                 1999   ediCart                        88  
Marchiori Rita (trad)              Il Libro dei Rompicapo                                                1999   ediCart                        88  
Marielli Francesco                 Metodo per l'insegnamento del calcolo mentale                         1936   Bertello                 1432  139 
Marks Burton                       Magic tricks                                                          1983   Troubador                459   30  
Markus                             tangram 1001                                                          1983   Markus                             
Marlo Ed                           Off the top                                                           1978   Magic inc.                         
Marlo Ed                           The magic seven                                                       1973   Magic inc.                         
Marra Silvana                      Giochi e Test                                                         1986   Mondadori                318   183 
Martin G.E.                        Polyominoes                                                           1991   MAA                      819   184 
Mascheroni Lorenzo                 Geometrie du Compas (reprint dell'ed. 1798)                           1980   Monom                    1115  198 
Maslanka Cristopher                Most Perplexing Puzzles                                               1987   Meadow                   539   109 
Mason and Mitchell                 Party games                                                           1946   Barnes                   504   194 
McLoughlin                         The Magic Mirror antique optical toy                                  1979   Dover                              
McNellis - H.Boscowitz             Party games                                                           1949   Prentice                 1517  201 
Messiter Ian                       The first impossible quiz book                                        1980   Star                     733   160 
Messiter Ian                       The first Quiz Book                                                   1980   Star                               
Meyer Bernard                      Houdini una mente in catene                                           1977   Siad                     107   293 
Meyer Hanlon S.                    Fun with the new mathematic                                           1965   Fawcett                  737   127 
Meyer J                            Puzzle quiz and stunt fun                                             1972   Dover                    829   248 
Meyer J.                           Fun with mathematics                                                  1961   Fawcett                  772   176 
Meyer J.                           The world's greatest puzzles                                          1963   Pyramid                  750   125 
Meyer Jerome S.                    Arithmetricks                                                         1965   Scholastic               512   88  
Milano Alberto                     Due Giochi di societa' dell'inizio dell'800                           1999   Milano                   1448  50  
Millington                         Pentominoes                                                           1987   Tarquin                            
Milos Zapletal                     Knihahlavolamov                                                       1983   Bratislava               803   141 
Mira Julio A.                      Mathematical Teasers                                                  1970   Barnes & Noble           1521  279 
Montu'                             La scoperta del pentagono                                             1981   Zanichelli                         
Moran Jim                          The Wonders of Magic Squares                                          1982   Vintage                  1605      
Morehead A., Mott-Smith            Il libro completo dei solitari                                        sd     Corticelli               315   214 
Morris Ivan                        Foul play                                                             1972   Vintage                  760   108 
Morris Ivan                        The Ivan Morris puzzle book                                           1970   Penguin                  732   236 
Morris Ivan                        The pillow book puzzles                                               1969   Bodley                   838   135 
Morris S.Brent                     Magic Tricks,Card Shuffling, Dynamic computer memories                1998   Maa                      1125  148 
Moscovic Ivan                      Mind benders of chance                                                1986   Vintage                  631   64  
Moscovic Ivan                      Mind benders of shapes                                                1986   Vintage                  632   64  
Moscovich Ivan                     Rompicapi giochi con le probabilita'                                  1988   Mondadori                444   63  
Mosteller Frederick                Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability                             1965   Dover                          88  
Mott Smith Geoffrey                Math.puzzles for beginners and entusiast                              1954   Dover                    611   248 
Mouny C.-DeMarcq G.                Grilles Numeriques et Carres Magiques                                 2001   axiome                         175 
Moyse A.                           150 ways to play solitaire                                            1950   Whitman                  775   127 
Muller Robert                      The great book of math teasers                                        1989   Sterling                 546   96  
Munari Bruno                       La scoperta del Pentagono                                             1981   Zanichelli               229   95  
Munari Bruno                       La scoperta del quadrato                                              1978   Zanichelli               228   159 
Munari Bruno                       La scoperta del triangolo                                             1980   Zanichelli               227   101 
Murray H.J.R.                      A History of Board Games other than Chess                             1951   Oxford                   1504  267 
Murray H.J.R.                      A History of Chess                                                    1913   Oxford                   1503  900 
Murray W+Rigney F.                 Paper folding for beginners                                           1960   Dover                    525   94  
Namislow Ulrich                    Oktagram                                                              1984   Dumont                   767   240 
Nardini Fosca Cannetti             Magia e giochi di prestigio con le carte                              1976   De vecchi                113   95  
Nelms Henning                      Magic and showmanship a handbook for conjurers                        1969   Dover                    152   322 
Nelsen Roger                       Proofs without Words                                                  1993   MAA                            152 
Neumuller Anders                   I fiammiferi                                                          1984   Mondadori                209   95  
Nicoli Francesco                   Intorno a due casi di Movimento di una Figura Solida                  1882   Soc.Tipografica          1449  8   
Niederman Derrick                  Hard to Solve Math Puzzles                                            2001   Sterling                 1532  92  
Norman                             Basic card tecnique                                                   1968   Tannen                             
Northrop                           Fantaisies et Paradoxes mathematiques                                 1954   Dunod                              
Northrop Eugene                    Riddles in mathematics                                                1961   Pelican                  749   239 
Nowakowski Richard                 Games of No Chance                                                    1998   Cambridge                1137  537 
O'beirne                           Puzzles and paradoxes                                                 1984   Dover                    1016  238 
Odell Steve                        Puzzles for superbrains                                               1979   Mensa/Muller             562   80  
Odell Steve, Kelsey Kenneth        Enigmi rompicapi e giochi matematici                                  1982   Newton                   150   170 
Ogilvy Ander                       Exursions in number theory                                            1988   Dover                    1042  168 
Ogilvy Stanley                     Througt the Methescope                                                1956   Oxford                   1128  162 
Ogilvy Stanley                     Tomorrow's math                                                       1962   Oxford                         182 
Olson                              Math through paperfolding                                             1975   NCTM                               
Opie J.                            20th-century Toys                                                     1990   Wellfleet                          
Opie James                         A Collector's Guide to 20th Century Toys                              1990   Wellflet                 1057  96  
Ore Oystein                        I grafi e le loro applicazioni                                        1965   Zanichelli               338   156 
Pacioli Luca                       De Viribus Quantitatis   (Copia del manoscritto BUB 250)              1510   Manoscritto              1301  614 
Pacioli Luca                       De Viribus Quantitatis  (trascrizione di M.G.Peirani - Marinoni)      1997   Vinciana                 1611  458 
Page                               The big book magic                                                    1976   Wolfe                              
Page Patrick                       Illusionismo e giochi di Prestigio                                    1979   De vecchi                312   335 
Paige D.D.                         Problem solving with ominoes                                          1987   Dale                               
Parmeggiani, Santelia              Il grande libro degli enigmi                                          1975   Rizzoli                  242   286 
Pasquinelli Ugo                    ABC degli Scacchi                                                     1966   Hoeply                   437   372 
Paun Gheorghe                      Solutii pentru  50 de jocuri logice solitare                          1987   Bucuresti                520   107 
Paun Gheorghe                      Tangram  carte-joc                                                    1987   Jeco (Romania)           460   30  
Peano Giuseppe                     Giochi di aritmetica e problemi  interessanti                         1983   Sansoni                  343   63  
Pearson Cyril                      Twenthieth Century Standard Puzzle Book                               1907   Routledge                1325  150 
Pedersen Jean and Kent             Geometric playthings                                                  1984   Troubador                458   22  
Penrose Roger                      Il grande, il piccolo e la mente umana                                1998   Raffaello Cortina        595   187 
Pentagram                          Pentagames                                                            1990   Fireside                       164 
Perelman                           Physic for entertainment 1                                            1975   Mir                      849   262 
Perelman                           Physic for entertainment 2                                            1975   Mir                      850   330 
Perelman Y.I.                      Algebra can be fun                                                    1982   Mir                      786   227 
Perelman Yakov                     Figures for fun                                                       1965   Ungar                    565   131 
Peres Ennio, Serafini S.           Parole,numeri logica e fantasia                                       1990   L'ED                     403   120 
Perry Graham                       The numbers game                                                      1993   Warner                   711   104 
Peter Rozsa                        Playing with Infinity. Mathematical explorations and excursions       1976   Dover                    1528  268 
Peterson Ivars                     Island of Truth a Mathematical Mystery Cruise                         1990   Freeman                  635   325 
Peterson Ivars                     Mathematical tourist                                                  1988   Freeman                  636   240 
Petkovic Miodgrad                  Mathematics and Chess      110 problems                               1997   Dover                    571   132 
Phillips                           Graphic and op art mazer                                              1976   Dover                              
Phillips Hubert                    Caliban's problem book                                                1961   Dover                    511   180 
Phillips Hubert                    Something to think about                                              1946   Penguin                  771   127 
Phillips Louis                     263 Brain Busters                                                     1985   Puffin                   548   87  
Piccato                            Dizionario dei termini matematici                                     1987   BUR                                
Piccoli Carmelo                    Alle soglie della magia                                               1978   Librarie                 219   334 
Piccoli Carmelo                    Tenpo libero                                                          1978   Ed.Librarie              220   334 
Pick                               180 games for one player                                              1954   Phoenix                  1017  137 
Pickover Clifford                  The Zen of Magic Squares, Circles, and Stars                          2002   Princeton                1610  404 
Pickover Clifford                  Wonders of Numbers: Adventures in Math,Mind and Meaning               2001   Oxford                   1537  396 
Pillan Nilva Fina                  Origami Fioriti                                                       1991   Demetra                  449   80  
Pingaud Francois                   Othello Reversi                                                       1987   Solfanelli               615   168 
Polya George                       How to Solve It A New Aspect of Mathematical Method                   1973   Princeton                830   253 
Poniachik Jaime                    Hard to solve Brainteasers                                            1998   Stirling                       93  
Porretti                           Dilettevoli esperienze II ed.                                         1927   Lavagnolo                1410  320 
Posamentier A.Salkind C.           Challenging Problems in Geometry                                      1988   Dover                    1044  245 
Potenza Franco                     La matematica per il calcolatore tascabile                            1979   Hoepli                   139   286 
Poundstone William                 Labirinti della Ragione, Paradossi Puzzle e Rompicapi?                1991   Pan                      1535  301 
Poundstone William                 Prisoner's Dilemma                                                    1992   Doubleday                1523  294 
Pritchard David                    Puzzle and brainteasers                                               1984   Bell                     1146  64  
Pritchard David                    Puzzles and teasers for easy chair                                    1975   Elliot                   739   160 
Proskauer Julien                   Puzzles for Everyone                                                  1944   Harper                   1330  176 
Pulsford                           1 junior puzzle book                                                  1965   Piccolo                  720   110 
Pulsford Norman                    2 piccolo puzzle book                                                 1966   Piccolo                  713   120 
Pulsford Norman                    6 piccolo puzzle book                                                 1975   Piccolo                  721   100 
Pulsford Norman                    8 piccolo puzzle book                                                 1975   Piccolo                  714   120 
Pulsford Norman                    Junior puzzles 4                                                      1968   Pan                      731   102 
Putnam H.                          Mathematics Matter and Method                                         1975   Cambridge                926   328 
Quattrocchi Pasquale               Macchine Matematiche e altri oggetti                                  1992   Modena  scienza          207   180 
Rabinowitz Stanley                 Index to math problems 1980 - 1984                                    1991   Rabinowitz               933   532 
Rabinowitz Stanley                 Problems and Solutions from Mathematical Visitor 1877-1896            1991   MathProPress             1141  258 
Rade L. Kaufman B.A.               Enigmi e giochi matematici col calcolatore tascabile                  1984   Anthropos                314   140 
Radice Lucio Lombardo              La matematica da Pitagora a Newton                                    1971   Ed. Riuniti              435   134 
Raghavarao Damaraju                Costructions and Combinatorial Problems in Design Experiment          1971   Dover                    1136  386 
Ranucci E., Rollins W.             Couriosites of the cube                                               1977   Crowell                  1513  111 
Ranucci Ernest                     Four by Four                                                          1968   Miffling                       60  
Raudsepp E, Hough G.P.             Giochi per sviluppare la creativita'                                  1984   Angeli                   309   164 
Raudsepp Eugene                    Brain Stretchers                                                      1982   Muller                   590   201 
Razani Ramir                       Phantastische Papierarbeiten                                          1993   Verlag                             
Read R.C.                          Tangram rompicapo cinese                                              1970   Poligramma               405   166 
Readerdigest                       First Reader's Digest quiz book                                       1973   Knight                   768   96  
Readerdigest                       Second quiz book                                                      1974   Knight                         96  
Readerdigest                       Test and teasers                                                      1980   Readerdigest             764   194 
Redemacher                         The enjoyment of mathematics                                          1957   Princeton                          
Riccardi Pietro                    Biblioteca Matematica Italiana (Modena 1870-1893)anastatica           2000   Martino                  1502  1200
Rice Trevor                        Mathematical games and Puzzles                                        1973   Batsford                 1603  95  
Ridout R.                          Puzzles galore                                                        1976   Dragon                   729   120 
Rigney Francis                     L'apprendista stregone                                                1968   Mondadori                133   154 
Rinaldi                            I nuovi giochi                                                        1981   Rizzoli                  213   120 
Rinaldi Emilio                     500 Problemi Risolti di Meccanica Generale                            1981   Hoepli                   323   597 
Rizzone                            Giuochi aritmetici                                                    1880   fotocopia                          
Robbins A.                         Even more puzzicles                                                   1991   Ballantine               753   126 
Rogers Mike                        The complete Mike Rogers                                              1975   Magic inc.               108   250 
Rossi Emanuele                     Mille giuochi e passatempi                                            1890   Guigoni                  1428  192 
Rubik,Varga,Keri,Marx,Vekerdy      Rubik's cube compendium                                               1987   Oxford                   922   225 
Rubin Don                          More brain storms                                                     1990   Harper                   1144      
Ruhrbough                          Puzzle craft                                                          1955   RSI                                
Rusca                              Il maestro de' giuochi piacevoli                                      1820   fotocopia                          
Russel Dear                        Kiwi Conuudrums a mathematical amalgam                                1993   XY book                  1043  172 
Russi vari                         Giochi matematici Russi                                               1987   Mosca                    1003  140 
Russi vari                         Libro di puzzles Russi                                                1992   Mosca                    1002  221 
Russi vari                         Ronobonomkn                                                           1996   Mosca                    1008  189 
Ryan Steve                         Mystifyng Math Puzzles                                                1996   Sterling                 793   96  
Ryan Steve                         Pencil Puzzlers                                                       1992   Stirling                 556   96  
Sackson Sid                        A Gamut of Games                                                      1992   Dover                    1012  221 
Sainte-Lague A.                    Avec des Nombres et des Lignes                                        1937   Vuibert                  1412  358 
Sakoda J.M.                        Origami Moderno                                                       1969   il Castello              210   124 
Salani Adriano                     Giuochi di Sala per divertirsi nelle conversazioni                    1923   Salani                   1317  128 
Salani Adriano                     Il libro dei giochi                                                   1931   Salani                   131   495 
Salem L.  Testard F.               The Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas                              1992   Wiley                    1053  141 
Sales                              Magicomica                                                            sd     Elledici                           
Salkind Charls                     The Contest Problem Book                                              1961   Singer                   818   154 
Salomone Lucia                     Raccolta di giochi a due                                              1979   Mursia                   443   90  
Salvi Carola                       Giochi di prestigio facili e stupefacenti                             1975   De vecchi                104   52  
Salwi Dilip                        1000 Math quiz                                                        1989   Rupa                     756   144 
Sansoni Umberto                    Il nodo di Salomone                                                   1998   Electra                        247 
Santarcangeli Paolo                Il libro dei labirinti                                                1967   Vallecchi                225   394 
Santi Aldo                         Bibliografia dell'Enigmistica  (num.473 di 666)                       1952   Sansoni                  1403  393 
Sassi Pietro                       L'Esame di geometria vol I                                            1973   Bignami                  339   270 
Sassi Pietro                       L'Esame di geometria vol II                                           1973   Bignami                  340   284 
Saunders K.                        Hexagrams                                                             1983   Tarquin                            
Sawyer W.W.                        Mathematician's delight                                               1949   Pelican                  774   240 
Scarne John                        Scarne on card tricks                                                 1976   Crown                    310   256 
Scarpa Giorgio                     Modelli di geometria rotatoria                                        1978   Zanichelli               230   118 
Schaaf Williamm                    A bibliografy of recreational math.1                                  1955   NCTM                     625   148 
Schaaf Williamm                    A bibliografy of recreational math.2                                  1970   NCTM                     626   191 
Schaaf Williamm                    A bibliografy of recreational math.4                                  1978   NCTM                     628   172 
SchaafWilliamm                     A bibliografy of recreational math.3                                  1973   NCTM                     627   175 
Schattschneider, Walker            M.C.Escher Kaleidocycles                                              1982   Tarquin                  1105  76  
Scherer Karl                       A Puzzling Journey to the Reptiles and Related Animals                1986   Scherer                        200 
Schoenberg I                       Mathematical Time Exposures                                           1982   MAA                      915   270 
Schuh Fred.                        The master book of mathematical recreations                           1968   Dover                    1024  430 
Schutz                             Wooden toys and games                                                 1975   Macmillan                          
Schwartz Benjamin                  Mathematical Solitaires & Games                                       1980   Baywood                  1512  152 
Scott Joseph e Leonore             Prova la tua intelligenza giocando 1                                  1976   Rizzoli                  326   143 
Scott Joseph e Leonore             Prova la tua intelligenza giocando 3                                  1979   Rizzoli                  328   136 
Scott Joseph e Leonore             Prova la tua intelligenza giocando 4                                  1980   Rizzoli                  329   148 
Scott Joseph e Leonore             Prova la tua intelligenza giocando 5                                  1981   Rizzoli                  330   140 
Scott Kim                          Inversions                                                            1981   ScottKim                           
Scripture Nicholas                 50 Mathematical Puzzles and Oddities                                  1963   Faber                    780   84  
Scripture Nicholas                 The mensa puzzle book                                                 1967   four square              770   127 
Segall Lee                         Il libro dei quiz                                                     1978   Rizzoli                  320   136 
Seldow                             Segreti e trucchi del prestigiatore                                   1968   Bietti                             
Seldow Michel                      Segreti e Trucchi del Prestigiatore                                   1968   Bietti                   337   222 
Selms Ad Van                       Richter's Anchor Stone Puzzles                                        1993   Selms                              
Serebriakoff                       I quiz del Mensa club                                                 1991   BUR                      706   134 
Servranx                           Cercles & Carres Magiques                                             1997   Servranx                       70  
Sesiano Jaques                     Un Traite Medieval sur les Carres Magiques                            1996   Romandes                 1608  208 
Shalit Nathan                      Science Magic Tricks                                                  1981   Dover                          123 
Shepard Roger                      Mind sights                                                           1990   Freeman                  810   227 
Shepherd Walter                    Big book of mazes and labyrinths                                      1973   Dover                    1147  112 
Shortz Will                        Brain Twisters first World Puzzles Champ                              1993   Games                    654   95  
Sigler L.E.                        Fibonacci's Liber Abaci                                               2002   Springer                       636 
Silvan                             Arte magica                                                           1977   Rusconi                  301   272 
SilverBennet                       Malizie manuali                                                       1989   Rizzoli                            
Silverman D.                       Your Move, Logic,Math and Word puzzles for Enthusiastic               1971   Kaye Ward                1009  221 
Simon William                      Mathematical Magic                                                    1993   Dover                    560   186 
Singmaster David                   Bibliography of some recreat. math books                              1996   Singmaster                         
Singmaster David                   How to solve Rubik's magic                                            1986   Felden                             
Singmaster David                   Index Martin Gardner's columns and books                              1995   Singmaster                         
Singmaster David                   Problems to sharpen  the young                                        1995   Singmaster                         
Singmaster David                   Sources in recreational mathematics                                   1987   Singmaster                         
Singmaster David                   Sources in recreational mathematics II                                1989   Singmaster                         
Singmaster David                   Surces in Recreational Mathematics 4vol. (7th preliminary ed.)        2000   Autor                              
Sintini Carlo                      A scuola con il Pet/Cbm                                               1982   Muzzio                   154   155 
Sintini Carlo                      Matemagica e giochi matematici                                        1982   Mondadori                425   160 
Sintini Carlo                      Quiz e giochi matematici                                              1979   Longanesi                418   254 
Sloan N.J.                         Handbook integer sequences                                            1973   Academic                 910   206 
Sloane N.J.A                       The encyclopedia of integer sequences                                 1995   Academic                 911   588 
Sloane Paul                        Challenging Lateral Thinking Puzzles                                  1993   Sterling                 578   96  
Sloane Paul                        Great lateral thinking puzzles                                        1994   Sterling                 575   96  
Sloane Paul                        Improve your lateral thinking                                         1995   Sterling                 577   96  
Sloane Paul                        Intriguing lateral thinking Puzzles                                   1996   Sterling                 580   96  
Sloane Paul                        Lateral Thinking puzzlers                                             1992   Stirling                 579   96  
Sloane Paul                        Test your lateral thinking IQ                                         1994   Sterling                 576   96  
Slocum  J.& Botermans              The Book of Ingenious & Diabolical Puzzles                            1994   Times                    901   152 
Slocum Haubri                      Checkerboard Puzzles                                                  1993   J.Slocum                           
Slocum J. Botermans J.             Tricky Optical Illusion Puzzles                                       2000   Sterling                       96  
Slocum J. Yoshigaara Nob           Kappa homes                                                           1991   Kobunsha                 844   138 
Slocum J.-Botermans J.             New book of puzzles                                                   1992   Freeman                  904   128 
Slocum J.-Botermans J.             Puzzles old and new                                                   1986   Washinton                903   160 
Slocum Jerry                       Compendium of checkerboard puzzles                                    1983   Slocum                             
Slocum Jerry                       Compendium of mechanical puzzles                                      1977   Slocum                             
Slocum Jerry                       Directory of puzzle collectors - sellers                              1992   Slocum                             
Slocum Jerry                       Directory of Puzzle Collectors - Sellers                              1994   Slocum                             
Smith David Eugene                 Rara Arithmetica                                                      1908   Ginn                           507 
Smith Kurt                         Math Logic Puzzles                                                    1996   Sterling                       96  
Smullyan Raymond                   5000 avanti Cristo                                                    1987   Zanichelli               407   170 
Smullyan Raymond                   Donna o Tigre                                                         1985   Zanichelli               406   175 
Smullyan Raymond                   Fare il verso al pappagallo e altri rompicapi logici                  1990   Bompiani                 221   278 
Smullyan Raymond                   Qual'e' il titolo di questo libro?                                    1981   Zanichelli               408   214 
Snape Charles, Scott Heather       How Amazing                                                           1992   Cambridge                463   48  
Sole Tim                           The Ticket to Heaven and other Puzzles                                1988   Penguin                  1048  192 
Sole Tim & Marshall Rod            Nearly Impossible Brain Bafflers                                      1998   Sterling                       95  
Spaggiari Luciano                  Aereomodelli di carta                                                 1976   Il castello                        
Spaggiari Luciano                  Il Libro degli aquiloni                                               1982   il Castello              211   120 
Spencer Donald                     Exploring Number Theory with Microcomp.                               1989   Camelot                  655   322 
Sperling Walter                    1000 piccole meraviglie                                               1942   Mondadori                1419  265 
Spinelli A, Balduzzi E.            Il libro dei giochi domenica quiz                                     1984   BUR                      322   150 
Spinelli Aldo                      I giochi di Gigi G.                                                   1990   L'ED                     447   80  
Spisani Franco                     Introduzione alla teoria generale dei numeri relativi                 1989   Centro.Sup.Matem.        349   62  
Sprague Roland                     Recreation in Mathematics                                             1963   Blackie                        61  
Steen A.                           Mathematics Today 12 Informal Essay                                   1980   Vintage                  831   367 
Steinhaus Hugo                     Cento problemi di matematica elementare                               1987   Boringheri               409   214 
Steinhaus Hugo                     Mathematical snapshots                                                1983   Oxford                   1032  311 
Stephenson..                       The continuous puzzle book                                            1980   Penguin                            
Stewart Ian                        Another Fine Math You've Got Me Into..                                1992   Freeman                  644   269 
Stewart Ian                        Game set and Math enigmas and conundrum                               1989   Penguin                  1040  191 
Stewart Ian                        The Magical Maze, Seeing the World through Mathematical Eyes          1997   J. Wiley                 1121  268 
Stewart Ian                        The Problems of Mathematics                                           1987   Oxford                   1133  257 
Stewart Ian & J.Jaworski           Seven Years of Manifold 1968-1980                                     1981   Shiva                    1116  94  
Stickels Terry                     Are You as Smart as you Think ?  150 original math. Puzzles           2000   T.Dunne                  1526  111 
Stickels Terry                     Mindstretching Puzzles                                                1994   Sterling                 523   95  
Stokes                             Notable numbers                                                       1980   Stokes                             
Stubbs Duncan A.                   Miscellaneous Puzzles (Xeros)                                         1931   Warne Frederick          1143  142 
Sullivan Norman                    Brain Twisters                                                        1992   Ward                     752   128 
Sullivan Norman                    Prova la tua intelligenza giocando 6                                  1982   Rizzoli                  331   195 
Sullivan Norman                    Test your intelligence 3                                              1990   Ward                     766   127 
Sullivan Norman                    Usa il cervello                                                       1983   Anthropos                148   115 
Summers George J.                  Test Your Logic.  50 Puzzles in deductive Reasoning                   1972   Dover                          100 
Sundara Row                        Geometric Exercises in paper folding                                  1966   Dover                    559   148 
Swetz Frank J.                     Legacy of the Luoshu                                                  2002   Open Court               1530  208 
Tahan Malba                        L'uomo che sapeva contare                                             2002   Salani                   1534  207 
Tajè Elser                         Giocare a dama                                                        1985   Ed. Riuniti              123   160 
Takagi Shigeo                      Play puzzle 1                                                         1981   Takagi                   601   200 
Takagi Shigeo                      Play puzzle 2                                                         1981   Takagi                   602   200 
Takizawa                           Vess puzzle and its family                                            1983   Yoshigahara                        
Takizawa K.                        Vess puzzle and its Family                                            1983   Takizawa                           
Tarry G.                           Carres Magiques au degre n                                            1934   Hermann                            
Taylor Don, Leanne Rylands         Cube games                                                            1981   Penguin                  116   49  
Thebault                           Les recreations  mathematiques                                        1952   Gautiers                           
Thurston Howard                    300 Tricks you can do                                                 1948   Comet                    1321  238 
Tietze Heinrich                    Famous Problems of Mathematics                                        1965   Graylock                 1131  367 
Tissandier Gastone                 Le ricreazioni scientifiche                                           1909   Treves                   1406  610 
Tissandier Gastone                 Le ricreazioni scientifiche                                           1882   Treves                   1405  453 
Tit Tom                            Scientific Amusements                                                 SD     Nelson                   1322  413 
Tobias Sheila                      Come vincere la paura della matematica                                1994   Longanesi                1527  257 
Toddi                              I numeri questi simpaticoni                                           1941   Hoepli                   1307  237 
Toeplitz O.                        The enjoyment of mathematics                                          1957   Princeton                          
Toni Paolo                         Disfide Matematiche a scuola                                          1985   Muzzio                   313   230 
Toni Paolo                         Scintille Matematiche                                                 1993   Muzzio                   442   248 
Torquemada                         Torquemada Puzzle Book                                                1934   Gollancz V.              1424  320 
Tortorella,Zucconi,Pitzorno        Il Dirodorlando                                                       1974   BUR                      121   236 
Tosatti P.                         L'amico delle conversazioni                                           1878   Pontificia               1427  280 
Townsend Barry                     Cento Quesiti Rompicapo                                               1991   Ulisse                   410   136 
Townsend C. Barry                  The world's best puzzles                                              1986   Sterling                 561   128 
Townsend C.B                       Great Victorian Puzzle Book                                           1993   Stirling                 550   128 
Townsend C.B                       Merlin's Puzzle Pastimes                                              1986   Dover                    1145      
Travis Falcon                      First knight book of puzzles                                          1970   Knight                   730   125 
Travis Falcon                      Great Book of Whodunit Puzzles                                        1993   Stirling                 522   128 
Travis Falcon                      Quiz and puzzle book one                                              sd     Knight                   715   96  
Travis Falcon                      Second knight book of puzzles                                         1971   Knight                   712   127 
Treat L.                           You are the detective !                                               1983   Godine                             
Trigg                              Mathematical quickies                                                 1985   Dover                    1025  210 
Tyler-Round                        Brain puzzles                                                         1980   Usborne                            
Vaderlind, Guy, Larson             The Inquisitive Problem Solver                                        2002   MAA                      1606  325 
Vajda Steven                       Mathematical Games and How to Play Them                               1992   Horwood                  1004  128 
Vakil Ravi                         A Mathematical Mosaic, patterns & problem solving                     1996   B.Kelly                  1117  254 
Van Egmond Warren                  Pratical Mathematics in the Italian Renaissance                       1980   Storia Scienze FI              440 
Van Nostran                        Riddles in mathematics                                                1954   Dunod                              
Vari                               Articles in Tribute to Martin Gardner                                 1993   Scott Kim                          
Vecchione Glenn                    Math Challenges Puzzles,Tricks & Games                                1997   Sterling                 501   96  
Violle B.                          Planches du Traité des Carres, Tubes & Cercles Magiques               1938   Dijon                          150 
Violle B.                          Traité  Complete des Carres Magiques Pair et Impair vol. I            1837   Dijon                          592 
Violle B.                          Traité  Complete des Carres Magiques Pair et Impair vol. II           1838   Dijon                          616 
Volpi Mariano                      Trucchi e magia con le carte                                          1971   De vecchi                122   186 
Wade H.& Sherard III               Logic Geometry Problems                                               1993   Seymour                  1149  53  
Wade John                          The trade of the tricks                                               1974   Elm                      102   127 
Wagon Stan                         Mathematica in Action                                                 1998   Telos                          592 
Walker Jearl                       Il luna park della fisica                                             1981   Zanichelli               240   276 
Wallace                            Giochi e rompicapo                                                    1971   Sansoni                            
Wallace Carlton                    Giochi e rompicapo                                                    1968   Sansoni                  431   165 
Wallace Carlton                    The Treasury of Games and Puzzles                                     1957   Evans                    1333  256 
Wallace Carlton                    The zebra book of games and puzzles                                   1966   Evans                    588   128 
Wareham A.                         Challenging book of logic puzzles                                     1991   War-Mensa                704   144 
Warusfel Andre'                    Il cubo di Rubik                                                      1981   Mondadori                136   163 
Weber K.                           Five Minute Mysteries                                                 1989   Running                  1013  198 
Weil A.                            Basic Number Teory                                                    1973   Springer                 805   312 
Weisstein Eric W.                  CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics                               1999   CRC                      1501  1969
Wells David                        Can you solve these 2                                                 1984   Tarquin                  784   80  
Wells David                        Can you solve these 3                                                 1986   Tarquin                  785   75  
Wells David                        Can you solve these? 1                                                1982   Tarquin                  783   75  
Wells David                        Courious and interesting puzzles                                      1992   Penguin                            
Wells David                        Courious and Interesting Puzzles                                      1992   Penguin                  1036  382 
Wells David                        Curious and interesting numbers                                       1986   Penguin                  1035  230 
Wells David                        Dictionary of curious & interes.Geometry                              1991   Penguin                  811   285 
Wells David                        Recreation in logic                                                   1979   Dover                    555   55  
Wells David                        The guinness book of Brain Teasers                                    1993   Guinness                 813   128 
Wells David                        The Penguin Book of Curious and Interesting Mathematics               1997   Penguin                  1034  319 
Wells David                        You are a mathematician                                               1995   Penguin                  836   424 
Wenninger Magnus                   Polyhedron models                                                     1981   Cambridge                650   208 
Wentzell...                        Optricks                                                              1973   Troubador                          
Werneck Tom                        Mastering the magic pyramid                                           1981   Evaans                   773   112 
Whitehead A.N.                     Introduzione alla matematica                                          1981   Melita                   1522  160 
Williams J.D.                      The Compleat Strategyst                                               1986   Dover                    1533  268 
Williams Kit                       Il Tesoro di Masquerade                                               1981   Emme                     212   34  
Williams W  Savage G.              The penguin problems book                                             1940   Penguin                  725   156 
Williams W Savage G.               The III penguin book                                                  1946   Penguin                  727   150 
Williams W. Savage G.              The II penguin problem book                                           1944   Penguin                  726   160 
Willis N.D.                        Amazing Logic Puzzles                                                 1994   Sterling                 551   128 
Wolfe D. and Rodgers Tom           Puzzlers Tribute,  a Feast for the Mind                               2002   Peters                   1506  420 
Wyatt E.M.                         Puzzles in wood                                                       1956   Woodcraft                          
Wyatt E.M.                         Wonders in wood  (xeros)                                              1946   Bruce                    1450  76  
Wyatt Edwin                        Wonders in wood 46 puzzles and other novelities                       1997   Linden                         76  
Wykes Alan                         L'azzardo                                                             1966   Rizzoli                  226   342 
Wylie C.R.                         101 puzzles in thought and logic                                      1957   Dover                    584   100 
Yablun Ronn                        Mathemazement, Tips,Tricks,Tools of the Numbers Game                  1996   Lowall House             1052  195 
Yaglom & Yaglom                    Challenging Math Problems with Elementary Solutions                   1987   Dover                    1011  231 
Yaglom & Yaglom                    Challenging Math Problems with Elementary Solutions Vol.II            1987   Dover                    1010  214 
Yaglom I.M.                        Geometric Transformations                                             1962   Singer                   1515  133 
Yaglom,Chentzov,Shklarsky          Selected problems and Theorems in Math                                1979   Mir                      917   427 
Yaglom,Chentzov,Shklarsky          The USSR Olympiad Problem Book                                        1962   Freeman                  1049  452 
Yoshigahara Nob                    Puzzle in wood                                                        1987   Tokuda                   1021  108 
Zalgaller Viktor                   Convex Polyhedra with Regular Faces                                   1969   Consultant               653   95  
Zampolini Carlo                    Giochi africani                                                       1984   Sansoni                  423   134 
Zanoni Renzo                       Giochi di sala e penitenze                                            1990   Demetra                  345   96  
Zanoni Renzo                       Zoorigami                                                             1990   Demetra                  450   93  
Zanotti                            Crittografia                                                          1928   Hoepli                             
Zechlin Katharina                  Games you  can build yourself                                         1975   Sterling                 633   80  
Zelpj H.                           Magia delle mani                                                      1976   Mediterranee             346   72  
Zio filo                           Il solitario dama cinese                                              1970   Il campo