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Johansson and Platini differ on Champions League ideas Reuters via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Sport
UEFA president Lennart Johansson and Michel Platini, his rival for the post, share a number of similar ideas in their election manifestos, but the future format of the Champions League is not one of them.
Johansson and Platini differ on Champions League ideas Reuters via Yahoo!7 News
LONDON, Nov 2 (Reuters) - UEFA president Lennart Johansson and Michel Platini, his rival for the post, share a number of similar ideas in their election manifestos, but the future format of the Champions League is not one of them.
Travel sickness Sunday Herald
THOSE who recite Celtic’s away record in the Champions League are starting to sound like a broken one.
Serie A Preview: Inter-Ascoli Goal.com
After winning three highly important games in the last few weeks, namely the derby against Milan and the two must-win Champions League games against Spartak Moscow, it seems Inter have finally found the right mentality and conviction to win crucial games, a quality that is essential to win trophies and which they had always been lacking in previous seasons.
NEIL LENNON insists Celtic must beat Manchester United if they are to rescue their Champions League dream after another horror away day in Europe.
SOMETHING has to give. This freakish run of results which has seen Celtic become simultaneously one of the most formidable and yet one of the most fragile sides in the Champions League can surely not continue much longer.
Henry's Arsenal ready to explode AFP via Yahoo! News
Thierry Henry has warned the rest of Europe that Arsenal are ready to explode in the Champions League.
Champions League Group B Preview: Spartak Moscow - Inter Goal.com
After an exhilarating 4-3 derby win over AC Milan that cemented their claim as the strongest team in Italy at the moment, Inter will now focus on the Champions League where they still have a lot of work to do in order to qualify for the next round.
Serie A Preview: Livorno-Udinese Goal.com
On paper, there could be no more balanced match than Livorno-Udinese in Serie A right now as both teams have the same number of points (13) and the same amount of wins (3), draws (4), and defeats (2). Without Juventus and Milan heavily penalised, there are a number of teams finding themselves in positions they had never been in, like Atalanta and Siena who are sixth and fourth respectively.
Arsenal ready to explode Sunday Times
LONDON - Thierry Henry has warned the rest of Europe that Arsenal are ready to explode in the Champions League. The London club face a tense scramble to qualify for the second round of the competition after they were held to a 0-0 draw by CSKA Moscow on Wednesday.

22.02.06, Ottavi Champions League, Werder Brema Juventus, 3-2 07.03.06, Ottavi Champions League, Juventus Werder Brema, 2-1
Juventus Guida di Dada.net
Juventus Barcellona: Riprende l'appuntamento con la Champions League e adesso si Champions League: Juventus Manchester Ut. La Juve cerca il riscatto
Calcio: serie a, serie b, calciomercato, Champions League
Champions League · Speciale Calciomercato TORINO 26 ottobre 2006 Infuocata emblea del Cda della Juventus: Cobolli Gigli e Blanc sono s
Champions League La Juve è da Champions ma solo nelle fige (La In compenso c’è la Juventus, oggi in serie B. «Un dovo omaggio alla storia
UEFA Champions League Wikipedia
Il trofeo della Champions League vinto dal Barcellona nel 2006 La squadra vincitrice della Champions League ritira il premio al termine della cerimonia

Calcio: serie a, serie b, calciomercato, Champions League
Champions League · Speciale Calciomercato TORINO 26 ottobre 2006 - Infuocata assemblea del Cda della Juventus: Cobolli Gigli e Blanc sono s
Champions League La Juve è da Champions ma solo nelle figurine (La In compenso c’è la Juventus, oggi in serie B. «Un doveroso omaggio alla storia
UEFA Champions League - Wikipedia
Il trofeo della Champions League vinto dal Barcellona nel 2006 La squadra vincitrice della Champions League ritira il premio al termine della cerimonia
UEFA Champions League 1996 - Wikipedia
Vai a: Navigazione, cerca. La UEFA Champions League 1995-96 fu vinta dalla Juventus nella finale contro i campioni uscenti dell'Ajax Amsterdam.
Juventus: notizie ufficiali, foto, biglietti e gadget; i
Le notizie e le foto ufficiali delle attivita' Juventus: tutti i giocatori, Champions League, 4. Supercoppa Europea, 2. Coppa Intercontinentale, 1
La Juve torna in Champions Ma solo nell'album - Kataweb Sport
Si presenta così 'Champions League 2006-2007 - Star and Legend', il nuovo album della Panini Juventus - Frosinone. sab 28 ott (15:50), Serie B - 9/a gta
Kataweb Sport
rendersi conto che abbiamo 7 punti e che dobbiamo tornare lentamente in zona Champions League'' Napoli - Juventus. Da disputare In corso Disputate
UEFA Champions League 2002-03 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The top 2 teams in each group advance to the Champions League second group stage Juventus, 0–3, Manchester United. Deportivo de la Coruña, 1–0, FC Basel
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