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first time out with suunto t6 heart rate monitor
i got my new sunnto t6 today and took right out on a run on mt sanitas here in boulder. i was very impressed. the software installed without a hitch and 1 hr 26 min; 4 miles; 1263 feet of ascent; avg heart rate 154; max 183, min 107
t minus 10 9 8 7 t6!
I've been playing with my swank Suunto t6. your HR belt, which comes with the watch when you buy it; or your bike POD, into the true Midwest Gripe of the Day: there's no altitude here, so they don't think people will use the t6.
suunto t6 data analysis
i had some time this weekend, collecting bed sores, so i thought i would dissect my t6 data files. i have a couple interesting loop. i just thought it interesting to see the hr spikes at this occurencesthey were easy to pick out.
xootr swift verdict: outstanding!
outfitted it with our suunto t6 and bike pod, and soon we were on our way. the bike moves gracefully between gears to our readers. thankfully no one got hurt, and the most that happened was a modest jump in hr from 140 to 190!
coast to coast day 0 - whitehaven to lamplugh, july 7th, 2006
i was keen to try out my fancy new suunto t6 with the bike pod for this trip and captured a monitoring log for each day. for the techno-inclined fitness fan, it's brilliant capturing altitude, speed, hr, epoc, and more besides. complete
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