the sweetest condition

Hi there! My name is Alexandra. I decided to start this adventure of mine on the web for few reasons, first of all for the incredible love that I feel for the new things and apparently for the impossible missions. If you read these pages I'll have demonstrated that Nothing's Impossible or almost!

So I can start where others usually finish therefore with special thanks. And the people involved more or less directly in this project are several: first of all Fabio who lead me step by step in this challenge and dedicated himself to the graphic and technical part of the project. And then all the people used to test this stuff, of which my sister and my friend Isa, to whom I obliged to read the drafts because I needed to know if my never ending speaking could be boring, therefore if it should be, don't be angry with me! Anyhow, I will add those that supported me morally, and thanks to you too because you'll pass here giving satisfaction not only to me but also to the others.
A special thanks to Christopher, who took care of the English version of this masterpiece of mine. He demonstrated a great sense of humor and without his availability and patience, I could never brought to an end such a work of art as this one.
If you need a visual recognition, this is I... I don't think this would have changed your life, or not?
My maine passion are Depeche Mode and this site is my personal homage to them. Therefore you won't find records, gossips, technical details or plots, only my own impressions and feelings totally free. If you want to know something more regarding what I like, you could go on YouTube, search Sexjibe and take a look at my favourite. Don't think bad... Sex jibe is only the first word of New Dress, a Depeche's song, dating back 1986.
A part from Depeche Mode, I listen to other music. Bands like Tangerine Dream, Popol Vuh or like Korn (in this video Jonathan Davies wears a skirt and I have to say that I like it a lot... another insane passion of mine! Notice the mic stand. It's a homage by Giger, Alien's creator), going through Manhattan Transfer, James Taylor, Portishead, Metallica (James Hetfield doesn't wear a skirt but I like him anyway!), REM and when I need to relax, I listen to Enya. It would be a varied menu, despite I go back to listen to Depeche.
I go to the cinema rarely and only if the movie is a great movie. Therefore I was in the first row for the trilogy of The Lord of the Rings, genre that I like very much. Other movies that I like are: Sleepers, with Dustin Hoffman, Robert De Niro and Kevin Bacon; Birdy, by Alan Parker; Koyaanisqatsi, a documentary made in the '80; Midnight Express; Runaway Train, with the mythical Jon Woight; The Color Purple, by Steven Spielberg; Alien, by Ridley Scott. I liked Control a lot, a film by Anton Corbjin about Joy Division. I also read the book written by Ian Curtis' wife (Touching from a distance). And the horrible Battleship Potemkin stimulates my curiosity... I swear! But I don't exclude easy topics like Terminator, Total Recall and Tron. I wonder if someone remembers.
I like reading a lot books, from Charlotte Bronte going through Shimada Masahiko, Nick Hornby and Irvine Welsh. The following are my own criteria to choose a book if I don't know what kind of book I'm looking for: the cover tells me a lot of things about the text, the thickness of the paper of the pages and at last... the paper's smell. I guarantee that it works! A book isn't only a load of words written on paper, it's a pleasure for the eyes that have to read it, therefore the characters mustn't be too small. The fingers barely touch the pages, and mine don't like the rough and thick paper. Certain books have a horrible smell, and this disturbs me.
If after this mad incursion in my diverted Ego you are still here to read me, you deserve an Oscar! I forgot... I was talking about my strangeness with a librarian friend of mine. He told me that I'm not so strange, since the editors seem to be taking in consideration these details as well. Also it seems that I'm not the only book addict lead by senses in the books' choice.
I also like to follow some TV series, for example Dr. House, Six feet Under, Prison Break, Lost, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and what can I say about the disgusting Nip/Tuck? I also like E.R but only because it was the first TV serie that really interested me and my favourite character was Dr Carter.


For any comment or suggestions, please feel free to contact me