Epson Perfection V100 scanner Review
The holder gets positioned in two round indentations found on the left edge of the scanner, which keeps it in the correct place at all times. Below is a photo of the holder in the color slide scanning position.
Dedicated Slide Scanner Recommendations, Please!
I would love some advice on the best scanner for 35mm color slides dating back to the 1960's but safely stored. I don't expect there to be much dust or damage but I want to be prepared for either just
Which Slide Scanner?
I know this type of question has already been asked, but I couldn't find one that matched my exact scenario I am planning on scanning in family 35mm slides from the 50's/60's/70's (like many others
Olympus and Bacus Offer Nanozoomer Automated Digital Slide Scanner
The Nanozoomer, a virtual microscopy system that quickly delivers automated, high throughput slide scanning with outstanding image quality, is available from Bacus Laboratories Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Olympus America Inc
Film scanners
I'm ready to get a film scanner since I have some 30 years of photography sitting in slide file boxes aching to get out and into the digital world. I'm leaning towards the Nikon Coolscan class based on a friend's experience and praise.
Scanning Basics and Beyond
A lot of my wife’s family pictures are slides so I invested in both a film scanner and later a photo scanner with slide/film capability to let me archive those images from the middle of the last century. The film scanner also came in
Help in Choosing a Slide Scanner!!
My late father-in-law left us with many, many color slides loaded in Kodak Carousel trays. After severe editing, we are probably down to 600-700 slides that my wife wants to keep. I would like to scan
Spread the seasonal cheer - a battle of wills
"The scanner is wrong. The label says $9.95." Standing my ground at the counter, I reach into my bag, take out my purse, open my purse, put my 5c back in my purse, slide my receipt into my purse, close my purse, place my purse back
Scanning Slides
Most of our early childhood and family photos are in the form of slides rather than prints, and I figured it was definitely time to save and share them before they deteriorate further. So I borrowed a slide scanner and got to work.
PrimeFilm 1800i USB 35mm Film & Slide Scanner $50 at Geeks
Finish your conversion to digital: get the PrimeFilm 1800i USB 35mm Film and Slide Scanner for $100 - $30 coupon - $30 rebate = $50 at Convert your backlog of 35mm negatives and slides into digital images.

Slide scanner
35mm slide scanner and the purchase of a slide scanner, the Nikons are truly considered on scanning your 35mm slides with a film and slide scanner.
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slide scanner Scanners online by publishing customer reviews Film/Slide Scanner Image FilmScan 1800 Film/Slide Scanner. Color - USB - Sku: PF1800I
Slide Scanner
Using the Nikon Coolscan III Film (Slide) Scanner Select "Nikon Scan 2" to open the new slide scanner. Insert the slide face up in the opening in
Slide Scanner Slide Scanners | Slide Scanner Slide Scanners Film Scanner professional Slide Scanner Slide Scanners
photos, photographs, film scanning Slide Scanner Slide Scanners Nikon Nikon's Super Coolscan 5000 ED slide scanner offers 4,000 dpi true optical
35mm slide scanner lineup
Inventory of 35mm slide scanner (film scanner) makes and models Practical help for choosing a 35mm slide scanner with lists of 35mm film scanners
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Find, compare, and buy holiday gift ideas in just seconds. Compare Scanner Slide prices at
Introduction to Slide Scanning
The Nikon Slide scanner can be used to scan several different media, including The top of the slide should go into the scanner first.
Digital Scanner Reviews
Index to detailed reviews of digital scanners, including sample pictures, Nikon CoolScan IV ED Film & Slide Scanner. Review | Images
Reviews of film scanners for 35mm slides and 4 x 5 inch parencies
Listing of 35mm slide scanners and 35mm film scanners such as Nikon CoolScan and Practical help for choosing a 35mm slide scanner with lists of 35mm film scanners scanner+slide: nikon ls 4000 slide scanner | | nikon ls 4000 slide scanner | | scanner+slide