



















Created and Mantained by Marco Pacori, Psychologist
The meaning of voice tone and vocalisations
Created and Mantained by Marco Pacori, Psychologist
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. Authors: Keltner D, Bonanno GA
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psycholology, 1997 Oct;73(4):687-702
Title: A study of laughter and dissociation: distinct correlates of laughter and smiling during bereavement.

. Authors: Chapman AJ
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psycholology, 1975 Jan;31(1):42-9

Title: Humorous laughter in children.

. Author: Robert L. Provine
Review: American Scientist , 1996, jan-feb.
Title: Laughter

. Authors: Keltner D, Bonanno GA
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1997 Oct;73(4):687-702
Title: A study of laughter and dissociation: distinct correlates of laughter and smiling during bereavement.

. Authors: Brockner J, Heuer L, Siegel PA, Wiesenfeld B and Others
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psycholology, 1998 Aug;75(2):394-407

Title: The moderating effect of self-esteem in reaction to voice: converging evidence from five studies.

. Authors: Gregory SW Jr, Webster S
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psycholology, 1996 Jun;70(6):1231-40
Title: A nonverbal signal in voices of interview partners effectively predicts communication accommodation and social status perceptions.

. Authors: Zuckerman M, Miyake K, Hodgins HS
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psycholology, 1991 Apr;60(4):545-54
Title: Cross-channel effects of vocal and physical attractiveness and their implications for interpersonal perception.

. Authors: O'Sullivan M, Ekman P, Friesen W, Scherer K
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psycholology, 1985 Jan;48(1):54-62
Title: What you say and how you say it: the contribution of speech content and voice quality to judgments of others.

. Authors: Matthews KA, Krantz DS, Dembroski TM, MacDougall JM
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psycholology, 1982 Feb;42(2):303-13
Title: Unique and common variance in structured interview and Jenkins Activity Survey measures of the type A behavior pattern.

. Authors: Caporael LR
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psycholology, 1981 May;40(5):876-84
The paralanguage of caregiving: baby talk to the institutionalized aged.

. Author: Berry DS
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psycholology,
Title: Accuracy in social perception: contributions of facial and vocal information.

. Authors: Arvid Kappas
Source: Arvid Kappas'es Abstracts
Title: His master's voice: Acoustic analysis of spontaneous vocalizations in an ongoing active coping task

. Authors: Gregory SW Jr, Webster S
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1996 Jun;70(6):1231-40
Title: A nonverbal signal in voices of interview partners effectively predicts communication accommodation and social status perceptions.

. Authors: Ellgring H, Scherer KR
Review: Journal of NonvAerbal Behavior, 1996, n.20, pag. 83-110,
Title: Vocal indicators of mood change in depression.

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  *Web site Created and Mantained by Marco Pacori, Ph.D., Psychologist-Hypnoterapist

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