Author: Elizabeth Austin
Review: Psychology Today, july 1999
Title: Marks of Mystery (psychological reaction to scars): why we find scars attractive
New Link
Author: Gianluca Perseo
Review: Virtual Journal of Orthodontics [serial online] 2002 May 15; 4(3)
Title: A well known modified lower face profile analysis for all ethnic types
and its contribution to cephalometric skeletal classes New Link
Author: Gianluca Perseo
Review: Virtual Journal of Orthodontics ISSN - 1128 6547 -Issue 4.4 - 2002
Title: The "Beauty" of Homo sapiens sapiens: standard canons, ethnical, geometrical and morphological facial biotypes.
- Part II - Part III
Author: Rita Ciceri
Source: "Say non to say" - Book chapter
Title: Seductive communication: paradoxical exhibition, obliquity and nonverbal syncronization
Authors: Holly Van Horsten, Amanda Blevins
Source: Research Project
Title: Determined Physical Attractiveness in Terms of Personality Traits
Author: Singh D
Review: J Pers Soc Psychol. 1993 Aug;65(2):293-307.
Title: Adaptive significance of female physical attractiveness: role of waist-to-hip ratio
. Authors: Vanessa Correy, Jen Hatter,
Sarah Quortrup & Heather Tinnell Source: Web page Title:
Physical Attractiveness and
Same-sexed Friendships
. Authors: Nancy Bell and Mary Wilford Review: Psychology MWSC
Title: The relationship
between similarity of intelligence and attraction
. Authors:
Unspecified Source: Web Page Title: Male and female mate
. Authors: David Waynforth Review: Human Nature Title:
Mate Choice trade-offs and
women's preferences for physically attractive men .
Authors: Unspecified
Source: Web Page
) Title: Male mate preferences for a
relationship between facial attractiveness and hemispheric specialization.
. Authors: Anthony Charles Little Review: Various reviews Title:
Anthony Charles
Little's Publications on attractiveness (Abstracts) . Authors:
Source: Junior Honours Project Web Page 1998 Title:
The Effect of Smiling
on Judicial Decisions
. Authors:
Bernhard Fink and Ian Penton-Voak Source: Current Directions in Psychological
Science, 11(5), 154-158 Title: Evolutionary
Psychology of Facial Attractiveness . Authors: Mendy Johnson
Web Page Title: Theory of
. Authors: Rikowski A, Grammer K Review: Proceeding
of the Royal Society B., vol. 266, 1422, pp. 869-874, 1999 Title:
body odour, simmetry and attractiveness - PDF . Authors:
Grammer, K., Fink, B., Juette, A., Ronzal, G. & Thornhill, R. Source:
in G. Rhodes & L. Zebrobwitz (Eds.). Advances in Visual Cognition. Volume
I: Facial Attractiveness. Ablex Publishing. Title: Visual
Female faces and bodies: n-dimensional feature space and attractiveness
. Authors: Atzwage Klaus, Grammer Karl Source: Posted on Istitute
for Urban Ethologie Web Site Title: Babyness
and facial attraction
. Authors: Grammer Karl and Randy
Thornhill Review: Journal of Comparative Psychology. 108/3 pp 233-242.
Title: Human
Facial Attractiveness and Sexual Selection: The Roles of Averageness and
. Authors: Bernhard Fink, Karl Grammer, & Randy
Thornhill Source: Poster on Istitute for Urban Ethologie Web Site
Title: Skin
surface and female facial beauty .
Authors: Unspecified
Source: Web Site Title: The Science
of female beauty . Authors: Krebs D, Adinolfi AA Review: Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 1975 Feb;31(2):245-53 Title:
attractiveness, social relations, and personality style.
. Authors: Grush JE, Clore GL, Costin F Review: Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 1975 Nov;32(5):783-9 Title: Dissimilarity and
attraction: when difference makes a difference.
. Authors:
Unspecified Source: Web Site Title: Virtual
attractiveness .
Authors: Ronald Henss
Source: Web Page Title:
Henss publications on Attractiveness(Asbtracts) . Authors: Steven W. Gangestad, Randy Thornhill and Christine E. Garver
Review: Proceedings: Biological Sciences, vo. 269 - p. 975, 7 may 2003
Title: Changes in
women's sexual interests and their partners mate retention tactics across the
menstrual cycle: evidence for shifting conflicts of interest
. Authors: I S Penton-Voak, D G Perret et others Review: Nature, vol
399, 1999, june 24 Title: Menstrual
cycle alters face preference
. Authors:
Unspecified Source: Web Page 1996 Title: Similarity
. Authors: Maggie T. McClafin Review: MWSC, 1996 Title:
A Make.Over for royalty: the relationship of physical attractiveness and perceptions of leadership ability .
Authors: Allan Mazur e
Ulrich Mueller Review: Research on Biopolitics, Vol. 4, 1996 Title:
. Author:
Waynforth D Review: Nature, december, 30. 2000 Title: Mate choice tradeoffs and women's
preference for psysically attractive men PDF . Author:
Ian Penton-Voak
Review: Social Research, spring, 2000 Title: Consistency
and Individual Differences in Facial Attractiveness Judgements: An Evolutionary
Perspective. .
Author: Edward M. Miller
Abstract Presented at the August 1993 Binghamton meeting of the Human Evolution
and Behavior Society Title:Breasts: Their
Evolutionary Origins as a Deceptive Signal of Need for Provisioning and
Temporary Infertility.
. Author:
Adrian Furnham
Review: Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, August, 1998
Title: The
role of body weight, waist-to-hip ratio, and breast size in judgments of female
. Authors: DePaulo BM, Stone JI, Lassiter GD Review: Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 1985 May;48(5):1191-203 Title:
Telling ingratiating
lies: effects of target sex and target attractiveness on verbal and nonverbal
deceptive success.
. Authors:
Cunningham MR, Barbee AP, Pike CL Review: Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 1990 Jul;59(1):61-72 Title: What do women want?
Facialmetric assessment of multiple motives in the perception of male facial
physical attractiveness. . Authors: Mealey L, Bridgstock R, Townsend GC Review: Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 1999 Jan;76(1):151-8 Title: Symmetry and
perceived facial attractiveness: a monozygotic co-twin
. Authors: Zebrowitz LA, Andreoletti C, Collins MA, Lee SY, Blumenthal
J Review:
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1998 Nov;75(5):1300-20
Title: Bright, bad,
babyfaced boys: appearance stereotypes do not always yield self-fulfilling
prophecy effects. .
Authors: Tidwell MC,
Reis HT, Shaver PR
Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1996
Oct;71(4):729-45 Title: Attachment,
attractiveness, and social interaction: a diary study. . Authors: Gump BB, Kulik JA Review: Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 1997 Feb;72(2):305-19 Title:
Stress, affiliation,
and emotional contagion.
. Author: Anders Pape Møller Source: Mindship International
Presentation-Paper, Title: Sexual Selection and
the Biology of Beauty.
. Author: Geoffrey F. Miller Source: G F MIller's Paper on Line,
Title: A Review of Sexual
Selection and Human Evolution: How Mate Choice shaped Human
. Authors: Bargh JA, Raymond P, Pryor JB, Strack F Review: Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 1995 May;68(5):768-81 Title:
Attractiveness of
the underling: an automatic power --> sex association and its consequences
for sexual harassment and aggression. . Author: Singh D Review: Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 1995 Dec;69(6):1089-101 Title:
Female judgment of
male attractiveness and desirability for relationships: role of waist-to-hip
ratio and financial status.
. Authors: van de Vliert E, Euwema MC Review: Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 1994 Apr;66(4):674-87 Title: Agreeableness and
activeness as components of conflict behaviors. .
Authors: John H. Krantz,
Jody Scher, Jody Ballard
Source: Poster presented at the 1996 American Psychological
Society Annual Convention Title: Laboratory
and Internet Collected Judgments of Female Attractiveness are Similar and
. Authors: Zebrowitz LA, Olson K, Hoffman K Review: Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 1993 Mar;64(3):453-66 Title:
Stability of
babyfaceness and attractiveness across the life span. .
Author: Ken Tittle Source:
Commentary based on his talk at a Mariposa Ministry Conference on Sexual
Attractiveness and Physical Disabilities in Calexico, California, October,
1997 Title: Disability and sexual
. Authors: D S Maisey
Review: The Lancet, May 1, 1999 Title: Characteristics
of male attractiveness for women.(Research Letters) .
Author: Myles
Source: Web Abstract (in English and French) Title:
The Underestimation
of the Role of Physical Attractiveness in Dating Preferences: Ignorance or
. Author: Bertram Malle Source: Web Page in "Attitude and Social
Behavior", fall 1996, Title: Attraction and
. Authors: J Grones, C DeBaldo,L Robertson, Lay Nah Tan, M Katt, J
Review: Psychology of Gender, Spring 1998 Title:
The Implications of the
Media's Influence Upon Adolescent Women and Appearance . Author: Carol Salusso Source: Web Page Title:
Collection of abstracts on attractiveness . Author: Singh, D. & Henss, R Review: Submitted for
publication, 1998, Title: Body
weight, waist-to-hip ratio, and female physical attractiveness: A
cross-cultural developmental study. . Author: Henss, R Review: Psychologische Beiträge, 1995,
37, 102-117 Title: Misses
Germany, Titelmädchen des Jahres, Playmate des Jahres usw. Zur
Urteilerübereinstimmung bei öffentlichen Schönheitswettbewerben.
(Misses Germany, Cover Girl of the Year, Playmate of the Year, and so on ...
Consensus in public beauty contests and in psychological
. Authors: Henss, R Book: In M. Hassebrauck & R. Niketta
(Hrsg). Physische Attraktivität (Physical attractiveness). 1993
Göttingen: Hogrefe (pp.61-94)- Abstract Title: Kontexteffekte
bei der Beurteilung der physischen Attraktivität. (Context effects in
judgments of physical attractiveness). . Author: Bill Thornton Review: Sex Roles: A
Journal of Research,March, 1999 Title: Physical
attractiveness contrast effect and the moderating influence of
. Authors: Beate Striebel, Karl Grammer Source: Web Poster
Title: Movement Quality as
Source of Information regarding Attractiveness and
. Authors: Anthony Little, David Perrett
First Science.Com Article Title: Do Women Prefer
'Manly' Faces?
. Authors: Lee Alan Dugatkin, Jean-Guy J. Godin
Deukalion List Archive Title: How
Females Choose Their Mates?
. Authors: Yela C, Sangrador JL Review: Current Research in
social Psychology, vol 6, n.5, feb 2001 Title:
Perception of Psysical
Attractiveness throughout loving Relationship . Authors: Perlini AH, Marcello A, Hansen SD, Pudney
W Review: Social Behavior and Personality, 2001, 29(3), 277-288 Title:
The Effects of Male
Age and Physical Appearance on Evaluations of Attractiveness, Social
Desirability and Resourcefulness. . Author: Cosbey S Review: Social Behavior and
Personality 2001 29 (3), 277-288 Title: Clothing Interest,
Clothing Satisfaction and Self Perceptions of Sociability, Emotional Stability,
and Dominance
. Author: Brad Lemley
Discover, feb, 2000 Title: Isn't
She Lovely?(humans tend to attracted to symmetric beauty) .
Authors: Perlini AH,
Hansen SD Review: Social Behavior and Personality, 2001, 29(4), 313-322
Title: Moderating Effects
of Need for Cognition on Attractiveness Stereotyping .
Author: O'Grady KE Review:
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1982, Nov, 43(5):1064-71
Title: Sex, physical
attractiveness, and perceived risk for mental illness .
Authors: Grush JE, Clore
GL, Costin F Review: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1975,
Nov, 32(5):783-9 Title: Dissimilarity and
attraction: when difference makes a difference . Author: Pierce CA Review: Social Behavior and Personality,
1996, 24 (2), 143-150 Title: Body Height and
Romantic Attraction: A Meta-Analytic Test of the Male-Taller
. Authors: Pawlowski B, Dunbar RI, Lipowicz A Review:Nature,13 Jan
2000, n. 403 (6766):156 Title: Evolutionary
fitness: tall men have more reproductive success .
Authors: Ian S.
Penton-Voak and Others Reviews: Different Journals Title: Jan
S. Penton-Voak's Pubblications - Full Text in PDF
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