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Politics :: RE: the fallacy of atheism
Author: Lara Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:59 am (GMT -7) Topic Replies: 11 I could give a shit if someone believes in god or not. I don't think a horrible mistake has been made even if their decision is based on dislike of religions.
News and Noise :: RE: I want one of these
HA HA HA! NO WAY! You are the most inoffensivable person here! _________________ "The fear of letting go prevents you from letting go of the fear of letting go." Bumper sticker Buddhism
Who's Who :: RE: Poofiemus: Here and Nooby!
Author: Joelibris Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:14 am (GMT -7) Topic Replies: 5 Is this one mine or Goudron's? Kinda hard to tell, but hope it's mine, as I've never done a double search before. _________________ "Hi, Brad.
Weird News :: RE: Did you know? History of Traffic Lights.
Originally posted by conspiracies unlimited: sort like the innocent comments attributed to Gore well no, of course he did not invent the internet hell, he probably never even said that, but now everything that comes out of his
Weird News :: RE: lisaI'm so sorry
Author: lisa Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:48 am (GMT -7) Topic Replies: 3 Those rubbers look larger, rounder. Whoa! What does that mean? _________________ The sapphire blue was indifferent, the waves elitist. -Christopher Moore
News and Noise :: RE: Who had wine?
Author: Lara Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:03 am (GMT -7) Topic Replies: 4 Hey knikki, how is that show "dexter"? This past summer I tried to read the book it was based on (darkly dreaming dexter) but it sucked so bad.
Lists, Quizzes and Best Of :: RE: What song is stuck in your head?
Author: JeweledOne Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:37 am (GMT -7) Topic Replies: 62 Right now the song I'm stuck on is an old show tune - Cole Porter's Another Old - Fashioned. I must have listened to it at least six times today,
News and Noise :: RE: good morning!
Author: Joelibris Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:04 am (GMT -7) Topic Replies: 1 And all this time I thought it was tinitis _________________ "Hi, Brad. I just came to tell you how fabulous I am!"
News and Noise :: RE: Satan Claus?
Author: Joelibris Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:12 am (GMT -7) Topic Replies: 17 Ooooh, Wonko! I am SO using that line! Thanks! _________________ "Hi, Brad. I just came to tell you how fabulous I am!"
News and Noise :: good morning!
Author: lisa Subject: good morning! Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:45 am (GMT -7) Topic Replies: 1 While Man slumbers Godde speaks with cymbals. _________________ The sapphire blue was indifferent, the waves elitist. -Christopher Moore

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