Prima stagione 1999/2000


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  1. Il conto da pagare (Payback)
    Dopo che il corpo del tassista Victor Spicer viene ritrovato senza genitali, Benson e Stabler indagano e scoprono che l'uomo era un soldato serbo che era sospettato di essere colpevole di crimini legati alla "pulizia razziale". Benson fatica a vedere le cose con obiettività dopo aver saputo che la vittima era un violentatore, essendo lei stessa frutto di una violenza sessuale.
  2. Una vita in fuga (A Single Life)
    Quando il corpo di Gretchen Quinn viene rinvenuto con indosso solo un paio di slip rossi, Benson e Stabler indagano e scoprono che 'Gretchen Quinn' non è mai esistita. Mentre tentano di rimettere insieme i pezzi della sua vita scoprono che aveva cambiato nome e identità per sfuggire agli abusi sessuali del padre. Contattano così la sorella della vittima che ha vissuto gli stessi abusi della sorella e che non ha ancora affrontato la cosa.
  3. Modelle (...Or Just Look Like One)
    Dopo che la giovanissima modella Jazmin Burgess viene picchiata, violentata e uccisa davanti al Roosevelt Hospita, Benson e Stable indagano sul perchè una ragazza di 16 anni si trovava in giro da sola in piena notte. Le analisi rivelano un alto livello di droga nel corpo di Jazmin li portano ad indagare più a fondo sull'agenzia di modelle di cui faceva parte la ragazza. Stabler è preoccupato perchè sua figlia Maureen, rifiuta di mangiare e teme sia anoressica.
  4. Isteria (Hysteria)
    Quando il corpo di una giovane donna viene ritrovato, si scopre che è una prostituta ed è l'ultima di una lunga serie di vittime. ma quando Benson e Stabler indagano scoprono che il suo omicidio non è da ricollegarsi agli altri.
  5. L'inquilino (Wanderlust)
    After a travel writer is found tied up with a woman's undergarments choking off his air supply, Benson and Stabler initially suspect his landlord's boyfriend, but suspicion soon turns to the landlord and her daughter. Both seem far too interested in what their tenant is doing with his time. After learning the daughter had a sexual relationship with the tenant, things take an even stranger turn.
  6. Il conto da pagare (Sophomore Jinx) - Malgrado lo stesso nome del 1° episodio, tutte le fonti concordano sulla correttezza del titolo.
    Dopo che una studentessa è stata uccisa in un college. Benson e Stabler pongono la loro attenzione sulla squadra di basket. Il colleg però blocca le loro indagini perchè creano pubblicità negativa.
  7. Barbarie (Uncivilized)
    Quando un giovane ragazzo viene trovato assassinato i sospetti di Benson e Stabler li portano a partlare con un molestatore di bambini.
  8. Pedinate (Stalked)
    Quando il corpo di un'assistente procuratore viene trovato violentato e ucciso a Central Park, Benson lascia che le sue emozioni prendano il sopravvento.
  9. Sesso e Finanza (Stocks & Bondage)
    The death of a local businesswoman throws the team into the world of bondage and sado-masochism where they first investigate the woman's colleagues but are soon on the trail of a host of individuals involved in the world of whips and chains
  10. La parola fine (Closure) (1) - l'episodio si conclude nella seconda stagione (ep. 2x03)
    Benson does her best to help a rape victim who is able to describe her attack in perfect detail, yet unable to properly identify her attacker when push comes to shove. When the detectives revisit the case a few months later, they find the woman even less willing to talk about what happened, as she claims she has moved on. Things turn sticky when Benson and Cassidy spend the night together, because Benson just wanted one great night, but Cassidy is left wanting more. [ Recap available
  11. Cattivo sangue (Bad Blood)
    The death of a young gay man initially leads Benson and Stabler to investigate his father, a Conservative well-known for his homophobic viewpoints, but once they start looking into the young man's living arrangements they realise the person they're looking for may be closer than they think. Munch tries to help Benson find the man who raped her mother, and could potentially be her father
  12. Poesia d'amore russa (Russian Love Poem)
    When multi-millionaire Andrew Harlin is found murdered in his home, Benson and Stabler turn their suspicion to Harlin's long list of lovers, which includes both men and women. Evidence at the crime scene leads detectives to a pair of Russian escorts, but before they can get the truth from them, one turns up dead, and the boyfriend of the other confesses to murder
  13. Spogliate di tutto (Disrobed)
    After a judge is found murdered in his car, the detectives begin looking into his background and learn that he often delivered special verdicts for women in return for sexual favors and was also behind the funding of a local governor's bid for re-election. The team soon turns their eye to a battered wife with a secret
  14. John Doe 121 (Limitations)
    At the request of a victim, the police commissioner comes to Cragen with a special request -- close the case of the man who raped three women nearly five years ago before the statute of limitations expires. The detectives finally get a lead when they realise one of the victims knows the rapist, but she's not willing to talk
  15. Il ritardo (Entitled) (1) - l'episodio si conclude in Law & Order - I due volti della giustizia (ep. 10x14)
    After a salesman is murdered, the detectives turn their attention to Stephanie Mulroney, the youngest daughter of a well-known family with some deep connections. But as they join forces with the officers from the two-seven, they realise that their case is connected with a long-unsolved case that Briscoe once handled years ago with his former partner, Mike Logan.
  16. Il terzo uomo (The Third Guy)
    An elderly woman is found tied up and sexually assaulted in her apartment, and suspicion is initially on the young men that had broken into her home and robbed her, but once the detectives catch the young men, they learn that there was someone else in the apartment. The offered plea bargain initially doesn't go over well, but they finally reach a deal which leaves the detectives with a new case -- whether or not the person that sexually assaulted the woman was mentally handicapped.
  17. L'inganno (Misleader)
    After the pregnant daughter-in-law of a prominent religious figure is found murdered in her hotel room, the detectives turn their eyes on her well-connected family only to discover that her infidelity, and the probable father of her child, was probably what lead to her death.
  18. Chat Room (Chat Room)
    When a teenage girl comes into the squad room to tell the detectives that she was raped by a man she met on the Internet, the detectives set up a special sting operation but end up stepping on some highly-placed toes as Munch plays the kid to net the big fish.
  19. Violenza in metro (Contact)
    After seven young women in a six month time span are raped by a flash and dash assailant on the city subways, the brass calls in a psychiatrist to help the team get into the head of the perp. When he is caught, he possesses the driver's license of a new victim who could put him away. Jeffries decides to keep a very close eye on the man they believe is guilty of the crimes until the others can talk to her.
  20. Buonanotte, Sarah (Remorse)
    Television reporter Sarah Logan refuses to let her recent rape get her down, and talks about her experiences on the air which leads to the arrest of a young man that the police feel is responsible by Benson and Stabler, as Munch finds himself forming a bond with the brave reporter.
  21. Lezioni di piano (Nocturne)
    After a pharmacy turns over some disturbing photos of a young boy, Benson and Stabler arrest a piano teacher for child molestation. After the boy claims to have seen other pictures of young boys at the teacher's house, the detectives get a warrant and while going through his personal affects, they find a series of videos that document the life of a young boy named Evan. Believing he can make or break their case, the team hunts Evan down only to realise that his testimony may not help at all because Evan is scarred far more deeply than they realised.
  22. La sindrome di Stoccolma (Slaves)
    After a shopkeeper brings a note for help to the squad, the detectives begin trying to locate a young Romanian woman named Ilena, only to find her aunt, who hasn't seen the girl in months. The squad eventually find her at the home of the Morrows, a successful yuppie couple. A forensic psychologist analyses the team, and presents disturbing findings to Cragen, suggesting that one of the detectives be removed from the team.








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