FitPlot 3.5 Printer Companion Logo ©2006-2011 Pamarcu

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Advanced insertion

From FitPlot 2.6 each image (or group of images) you insert or drop in the work area may have some preset automatically applied.
You can control this behavior from the preference panel (insert tab), just click on the icon preferences in the tool bar.
You can even set this automatic task on / off acting on the tool bar button auto insert operations OFF or auto insert operations ON.
If the button is not visible (it is not by default!) modify the tool bar to include it (see toolbar to know how).
Using this feature lets you import and show a folder of images, showing them resized and tidily laid out, optionally showing each one its file name tag as in the example below.

Insert preferences

Here you can establish how to behave when inserting new images on the FitPlot area (ask each time, apply presets, do nothing). The settings regards resizing, constraining height or width, rotating and applying styles as well as packing after insertion.
Packing preferences

The packing algorithm has been improved on last releases (on user suggestions). It includes now three behaviors:
  1. the first suitable for users with single page printers,
  2. the second suitable for plotters where the width is the roll width and the height is virtually unlimited and
  3. the third is just to pack images in a user defined area.
Moreover it's been added the option to apply the algorithm just to a selection of the images instead of all as in earlier versions.

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