(Quella che segue è una bibliografia provvisoria e ridotta....in rete ne sono disponibili altre più ampie, che sono segnalate in questo stesso sito alla pagina dei links su Celan)



Argumentum e Silentio: International Paul Celan Symposium / Internationales Paul Celan-Symposium. Ed. Amy D. Colin. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1987. 450 pp

"Paul Celan." Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 53. Ed. Daniel G. Marowski and Roger Matuz. Detroit: Gale, 1989 68-83.

T.Adorno, ästetische Theorie, in “Gesammelte Schriften”, VII, a cura di G.Adorno-R.Tiedemann, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M 1970, pp.325, 475-7.

Adorno, Theodor W. Aesthetic Theory. Ed. Gretel Adorno and Rolf Tiedemann. Tr. C. Lenhardt. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984 (on Celan: 311, 443-44). Newly tr., ed., and with an introduction by Robert Hullot-Kentor. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1997 (on Celan: 219, 321-22)

Auster, Paul. "The Poetry of Exile." The Art of Hunger. London: Menard, 1982. 39-49

G.Baumann, Erinnungen an P.C., Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M, 1992.

Bettelheim, Bruno. Surviving and Other Essays. New York: Knopf, 1979 (on Celan: 98-99, 103, 105, 107, 110-11).

Cioran, E. M. "Encounters with Paul Celan." Tr. Norma Cole. In Translating Tradition / Paul Celan in France. Special issue of Acts (San Francisco). Nos. 8/9 (1988). 249 pp. Ed. Benjamin Hollander

Cox, Kerry J. "'Um das Wort ballt sich der Schnee': Paul Celan's Use of Snow, Ice and Glacial Imagery in His Lyric Poetry." M.A. Thesis, Brigham Young, 1995.

Del Caro, Adrian. "Paul Celan's Uncanny Speech." Philosophy and Literature. 18 (1994): 211-24.

Derrida, Jacques." Schibboleth pour P.C.", Galilèe, Paris, 1986.

Derrida, Jacques. "Schibboleth." Tr. Joshua Wilner. Midrash and Literature. Ed. Geoffrey H. Hartmann and Sanford Budick. New Haven: Yale UP, 1986. 307-47

Derrida, Jacques. "Passages ­ from Traumatism to Promise." Tr. Peggy Kamuf. Points... Interviews 1974-1994. Ed. Elisabeth Weber. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1995. 372-95 (on Celan: passim).

Ezrahi, Sidra DeKoven. "Seeking the Meridian: The Reconstitution of Space and Audience in the Poetry of Paul Celan and Dan Pagis." Religion and the Authority of the Past. Ed. Tobin Siebers. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1993. 253-84.

Felstiner, John. Paul Celan: Poet, Survivor, Jew. New Haven: Yale UP, 1995. xix + 344 pp.

Fóti, Véronique M. "A Missed Interlocution: Heidegger and Celan." Heidegger and the Poets. Atlantic Heights: Humanities P, 1992. 78-110 (also see index).

H.G.Gadamer, Le rayonnement de Heidegger, in “Martin Heidegger”, L’Herne, Paris 1983, pp.138-44.

H.G.Gadamer, Celans Schlußgedicht(<<Wirk nicht voraus>>), in “Argumentum e Silentio”, cit., pp.58-71.

H.G.Gadamer, Phänomenologischer und semantischer Zugang zu Celan?, in “P.C. <<Atemwende>>.Materialen”, pp.311-8.

Hatley, James. "Grund and Abgrund: Questioning Poetic Foundations in
Heidegger and Celan." Questioning Foundations. Truth/Subjectivity/Culture. Continental Philosophy, 5. Ed. Hugh J. Silverman. New York: Routledge, 1993. 176-95.

Jabes, Edmond. "Souvenir de P.C.", in “Dans le double dèpendence du dit”, Fata morgana, Montpellier, 1984.
Jabes, Edmond. "Memory of Paul Celan." The Book of Margins. Tr. Rosemarie Waldrop. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1993. 149.

Magris, Claudio. "The Danube". Tr. Patrick Creagh. London: William Collins, 1989. (On Celan: see index.)

O.Pöggeler, <<Ach- die Kunst!>>.Die frage nach dem Ort der Dichtung, in “Der Mensch und die Künste.Festschrift für Heinrich Lützeler”, a cura di G.Bandmann e a., Schwann, Düsseldorf, 1962, pp.98-111.

O.Pöggeler, Poeta theologus?P.Celans Jerusalem-Gedichte, in “Literatur und Religion”, Herder, Freiburg, 1984, pp.251-64.

O.Pöggeler, <<Schwarzmaut>>.Bildende Kunst in der Lyrik P.Celans, in “Die frage nach der Kunst.Von Hegel zu Heidegger”, Alber, Freiburg, 1984, pp.281-375.

O.Pöggeler, "Spur des Worts.Zur Lyrik P.Celans",Alber, Freiburg 1986.

O.Pöggeler, Symbol und Allegorie.Goethes <<Divan>> und Celans <<Atemkristall>>, in “P.C.<<Atemwende>>.Materialen”, Königshausen &Neumann, Würzburg 1991, pp.345-60.

O.Pöggeler, Textgenese - ein verbotener Weg?Celans <<Gletscher>>, in “Die Genese literarischer Texte”, a cura di A.Gellhaus, Königshausen&Neumann, Würyburg 1994, pp.175-273.

Pöggeler, Otto. "Mystical Elements in Heidegger's Thought and Celan's Poetry." Tr. Henry Pickford. Word Traces : Readings of Paul Celan. Ed. Aris Fioretos. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP. 1994. 404 pp: 75-109.

Steiner, George. After Babel. London: Oxford UP, 1975 (on Celan: 182, 389-93). 2nd expanded ed. 1992 (on Celan: see index).

Steiner, George. On Difficulty. New York: Oxford UP, 1978 (on Celan: 44-47).


B.Alleman, P.C.Sprachgebrauch, in “Argumentum e Silentio.International P.C. Symposium/ Internationales P.C-Symposium”, a cura di A.D.Colin, De Gruyter, Berlin 1987, pp.3-15.

Y.Bonnefoy, P.C., in “P.C.”, <<Revue des belles Lettres>> XCVI, 1972, 2-3, pp.91-5.

E.M.Cioran, Begegnungen mit P.C., in <<Akzente>>, XXXVI, 1989, pp.319-21.

H.G.Gadamer, Sinn und Sinnerverhüllung dargestellelt an P.C., in “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, 5/7/1975.

Hoelzel, Alfred. "The Suicidal Rhetoric of Silence." Jerusalem Post Magazine. 2 June 1972: 13-14.

H.Künkler, Das herumgedrethe Märchen.Zum Problem der philosophischen Intepretation eines Gedichts vom P.C., in “Studi filosofici”, II, 1979, pp.229-5.

Levi, Primo. "This Above All: Be Clear." Tr. Raymond Rosenthal. New York Times Book Review. 20 Nov. 1988: 1+ (on Celan: 60); rpt.: "On Obscure Writing." Other People's Trades. New York: Summit, 1989.

Levinas, Emmanuel. "De l’etre à l’autre", in “P.C.”, <<Revue des belles Lettres>>, XCVI, 1972, 2-3, pp.193-9.

Lévinas, Emmanuel. "Being and the Other: On Paul Celan." Tr. Stephen Melville. Chicago Review. 29.3 (1978): 16-22. New tr.: "From Being to the Other: Paul Celan." Tr. Robert Bringhurst. Descant (Toronto). 18.4 (1987): 99-105. New tr.: "Paul Celan: From Being to the Other." Proper Names. Tr. Michael B. Smith. London: Athone, 1996. 40-46.

O.Pöggeler, Mystische Elemente im Denken Heideggers und im Dichten Celans, in “Zeitwende”, LIII, 1982, pp.65-92.

O.Pöggeler, Der Gang ins Moor( Celans Begegnung mit Heidegger), in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, 3-4/12/88, p.70.

J.Starobinski, L’ayant ecoute lire, in “Hommage à Paul Celan”, <<Etudes germaniques>>, XXV, 1970, 3, p.291.

G.Steiner, A terrible exactness, in “Times literary supplement”, 11/6/1976, pp.709-10.

G.Steiner, An enclosure of time, in “Times literary supplement”, 4/2/1977, pp.132.

Steiner, George. "Paul Celan." Times Literary Supplement. 13 Aug. 1976: 1012. (Letter in response to Neugroschel)

Steiner, George. "Paul Celan." Times Literary Supplement. 4 March 1977: 245. (Letter in response to Hellmann,  and Bornemann,)

G.Steiner, Songs of a torn tongue: P.Celan’s Gesammelte Werke, in “Times literary supplement”, 28/9/84, pp.1093-4.

Steiner, George. "Paul Celan." Times Literary Supplement. 24 March 1989: 309. (Letter in response to Walker)

Steiner, George. "A Lacerated Destiny: The Dark and Glittering Genius of Paul Celan." Times Literary Supplement. 2 June 1995: 2-3.

V.Vitiello, Gegenwort.P.C. und die Sprache der Dicthung, in “Celan-Jahrbuch”, 5, 1993, pp.7-22.


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