SMS 007 All About Symbian
A security software which protects SMS traffic from both electronic surveillance and reading in the phone (e.g. when stolen). AES encryption is used to protect the data.
$50,000 check presented to SMS Suwannee Democrat
The lunch milk containers at Suwannee Middle School (SMS) got a makeover and their cafeteria will soon get one, too. SMS was chosen as the 2006 winner of the Ultimate Cafeteria Restyle Program for implementing the new look of the milk containers this year.
SMS carries 500mn Eid greetings Gulf Times
LAHORE: About 30mn Pakistanis used the Short Message Service (SMS) through mobile phones to send about 500mn Eid greetings across the country, say telecom sector experts.
Nach Baliye 2 couple rig SMS poll Yahoo! India News
Shweta Kwatra and Manav Gohil are being investigated for buying SIM cards to rig the SMS poll for Nach Baliye 2 .
Cheaper calls to favourite phone numbers Gulf News
Dubai: etisalat has announced two new services for mobile phone users. The first service offers customers reduced-rate calls when dialling their favourite numbers, while the other will offer cheaper SMS packages.
Store important SMS in Yahoo! Mail. Register for SMS Backup! Yahoo! India News
Register and follow simple instructions. You will be sent an activation code on the mobile number specified. Confirm your registration. Start using your Yahoo! India SMS Backup!
Best MessageStorer for S60 3rd edition All About Symbian
Best MessageStorer lets you easily and conveniently save your SMS, MMS, emails in a text or CSV file. Allows saving messages as text file . The text file contains detailed information about the message in easy-to-view representation.
SMS Management and Technology drafts new services ARNnet
ASX-listed integrator, SMS Management & Technology, is using its recent acquisition of RealTech to fuel a services push. CEO, Tom Stianos, said it had already cultivated a significant applications development practice.
Russia's MGTS to launch fixed-to-mobile SMS Service Cellular-News.com
MOSCOW, Oct 25 (Prime-Tass) -- Russian fixed-line operator Moscow City Telephone Network, or MGTS, plans to launch fixed-to-mobile SMS service for users of Russia's second largest mobile operator VimpelCom by the end of the year, Denis Lobanov, MGTS' deputy general director for commerce, told reporters Wednesday.
Free Rider Web Hosting Makes Text Messaging Easier Web Host Directory
Free Rider Web Hosting has announced a new enhancement to its Web-based email product—short message service (SMS) integration, also called text-messaging service.
Tiscali VAS - Sms
Il servizio permette agli utenti registrati di inviare fino a tre Sms gratuiti al giorno.
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Tantissime frasi pronte all'uso per inviare i tuoi sms!
superEva FreeSMS
superEva FreeSMS: il servizio SMS gratis riservato agli utenti che utilizzano la connessione gratuita di superEva, Powerdialup e ADSL DADA.
Sms d'amore
Sms d'amore: archivio di sms amore. Sms d'amore. Ecco di seguito tantissimi sms d'amore da inviare alla persona che ami.
SMS - Wikipedia
L'acronimo SMS può avere diversi significati:. Short Message Service, il comune servizio di brevi Estratto da "http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMS"
superEva FreeSMS
superEva FreeSMS: il sero SMS gratis riservato agli utenti che utilizzano la connessione gratuita di Powerdialup e ADSL DADA.
Sms d'amore
Sms d'amore: archivio di sms amore. Sms d'amore. Ecco di seguito tantissimi sms d'amore da inviare alla persona che ami.
SMS Wikipedia
L'acronimo SMS può avere diversi significati:. Short Message Service, il comune sero di brevi Estratto da "http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMS"
SMS Amore
L'amore tramite gli Sms, SMS Amore, frasi d'amore da spedire tramite Sms.
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SMS gratis, invio sms, suonerie e giochi per cellulari via sms, tutto sui telefonini.
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Intrage Sms gratis
Il sero, previa registrazione, permette di inviare gratuitamente degli Sms agli altri utenti registrati al portale.
Tgcom Il TgCom sul tuo telefonino
Il costo del sero è di 0,3098 e (Iva inclusa) per ogni sms. Il costo di ogni sms inviato dall'utente è di 0, 1240 e (Iva inclusa)