Finally is online the new market of Android Revision 6, which introduces the possibility of issuing invoices / DDT / Credit Notes / Quotes / Orders (very short will also activated the function for printing receipts of cash registers connected mode Xon / Xoff) were also introduced versions in German, Spanish and French in addition to Italian and English versions already. The translation was done through Google translator so if they were not used the correct terms we have included the ability for the user to modify the database containing all the translations. Devices will be present in all the files inside the folder db4.db / files / system. You can still download the file here db4.db. To Edit the file. Sqliteadmin db you can use the program. After making any necessary changes can copy the file inside the device vs. overwriting the existing one. Still inside the Rev. 6 TAX find a new field to manage the various rates. The issuance of documents and 'accompanied by the creation of a PDF file (created locally without an Internet connection) that can be emailed directly to the customer / supplier. The App runs more 'tax rates that are properly contained in the documents. It 'was added a procedure to search for documents already saved with the possibility to resume them, edit them and eventually reprint. Within each customer / supplier you will find a card that contains all the documents issued to that customer / supplier and from here you can pick up the document to edit / delete / reprint. In the new side-scrolling main menu we have included also the procedure to change the number of individual documents emission. You will also find a section dedicated to our business data that will be printed at the top right of the documents. Within the parameters we have added two new fields. The first allows you to specify whether the sale price and added to registry '/ is not' already inclusive of VAT. The second one contains the default VAT rate in your registry if no value is present. NB: in the import process of TXT e 'can be entered in the TAX% field / column value + * Fixed tax code (ex. * 21) and in this way' can bind directly to the value 21 to all imported lines (though this does not exist within the field vs TXT VAT). Research articles and 'was divided into groups to allow the article to find the most' fast as possible without having to load every time all the items in the device memory. Within the process inventory and 'the inclusion of articles was speeded manual (not scanned with the barcode ector of the device). Once you have selected an article within the research and put in the archive, click again on research will be immediately reported last item inserted without having to reload all the articles in research. The last two items inserted are displayed directly in the main panel of the inventory process. Here you can click on them, change them immediately if necessary by changing the quantity or delete them. All other items that will be part of the inventory are present in Tab vs later (Inventory). The last tab (Export) will allow you to generate the desired documents (eg Invoice / DDT / Credit Note etc..). Although we have kept the word inventory this procedure can be used to select items to be included within the document Vs. In addition to entering items from the Inventory procedure you can also add items after export. Just click on one of the items already existing in order to change, possibly changing the selling price rather than the discount or quantity. By clicking on the button 'New' instead, you can insert a new Article in the document Vs. This operation is also possible to search documents. Within each procedure, we inserted the menus 'additional activated by pressing the menu button' device. This is to allow you to perform all operations necessary if resolution of the device allows visualization vs key at the bottom of the procedures.
