INVENTAPP 1.00 – User's Guide

  • Products

Within the procedure [Articles] will find the registry of the articles that you can
use in your inventory. you can manually enter new articles, edit existing ones, or permanently delete from the database.

By clicking on the button [Add] will be able to post new articles. The [Add], [Edit] [Delete] [End of Operations] and icons [Search] and [EAN] are disabled while the keys are enabled [Confirm] and [Cancel]. We will now proceed to the inclusion of the article. To facilitate the entry you can click on the [Scan] to directly read through the procedure of EAN [barcode scanner] or manually enter the code. Each article is linked to a table Product Groups that will allow us then to split our inventory in an orderly manner. By directly entering the group code commodity you can immediately see whether there is a group code otherwise inserted by clicking the [+] we will be connected directly to the table 'Product Groups'. At this stage we can choose from one of the groups already entered, or enter a new group. Click the [Add Group] to insert a new group, enter the group and then confirm the description. The group code and description are free text fields whose maximum size is 5 characters for the code group and 50 characters for the description. Clicking and holding on an already inserted you can edit or delete it. Click on a group to select it or click [Finish Operations] to return to the back of the Registry without any group. Enter the values ​​of the Purchase Price and Sales Price. The Value Purchase Price without VAT should be included in normal value while the price of sale should be included VAT. Of course you can enter these values ​​as you want. In the section parameters we can specify whether the sale price including VAT is included or not. In the field quantities can enter the number of pieces may already be inventoried. Leave at zero if you enter for the first time a new article and do not know the stock. Enter the VAT rate as a percentage to be associated with the article. If you do not enter a value in the VAT will be the default value used in this section of parameters. After entering click on [Confirm] to confirm the insertion or [Cancel] to cancel. To make the change of an item already entered into the database will need to search for it. Clicking on the icon [Search] displays the entire contents of the database divided by product group. By selecting a product group will display all the items that belong to it. Clicking on All items will be displayed just the whole database. Once you select a product group, you can scroll through the list of items if necessary using the expressway that will appear to the right of the same. Within the text field at the top of the search screen you can insert part of the description to search and list of items will automatically be positioned correctly on the article. Clicking on this will be reflected in an article master data screen where you can by clicking on the [Edit] or [Delete], change or delete the displayed item. It 'also possible to search an article by clicking on the EAN code, where shooting this Article, if any will be shown in the screen making it available to be edited or deleted. Icons [Search] and [EAN] are disabled if we are already entering or editing an article. Click on [Confirm] or [Cancel] the icons will be rehabilitated. The icon [End of Operations] is disabled when entering / editing the article.

For all devices that do not display the buttons at the bottom can be called by pressing the 'menu' of your device. In this screen and the search button will display the 'End of operations'.

At the end click on [End of Operations] to exit dall'anagrafica articles.

  • Groups

By clicking on the [Groups] will see the list of product groups in the table. We can choose from an existing group or enter a new one inserted. Click the [Add Group] to insert a new group, enter the group and then confirm the description. The group code and description are free text fields whose maximum size is 5 characters for the code group and 50 characters for the description. Clicking and holding on an already inserted you can edit or delete it. Click on a group or on the [End Operations] to exit. Here, by pressing the 'menu' buttons will display the 'End of the operations' and 'Add Group'

  • Inventory

In this procedure, we can insert our inventory. The screen is divided into three parts, Stocks, Inventory and Export. In the Actions screen can directly enter the items in our inventory by entering the code, quantity and clicking the 'OK' and click on 'Search' button instead go straight to the search procedure articles divided by product groups. To speed up the procedure to search for articles Pressing the 'Search' button will automatically place last item sought, to avoid any time to recharge the internal list of articles. Of course, the most widely used practice is to make reading the bar code through the back of your camera device. In fact, clicking on the 'EAN' we can access this feature. To make reading the EAN code as quickly as possible to recommend the device to move as little as possible while trying to read to allow the camera with autofocus to do its task. Approaching or removing the device while trying to read will have the effect of delaying the operation. Place the code at an average distance of 7 - 8 cm and remaining with the device is without doubt the most correct procedure. The last two items are displayed in the inventory screen to allow us to immediately verify the correct placement and if necessary, by clicking on it, we can change the quantity or delete it from your inventory. In the event that you enter the EAN code of a product is not in the database, a message appears indicating the code is not found and the choice to enter in the Register as a new item, do not enter it (if the code is not inserted Correct or equal to the product actually scanned) or search for it through a link on customizable web sites dedicated to online research codes such as EAN-UPC, or ISBN to search those books. In the parameter menu disabling the [Enable File Using External] and can not render any connection request to the database and enter the article directly to the inventory list automatically classifying as 'Not Found'. Clicking on [YES] we will be connected directly to the procedure [Master] where it will initiate a macro that will fit on the screen have already scanned the item code and quantity inventoried. Complete by entering the description, the group and the purchase prices and sales then click on [Confirm] and [End Operations] we will bring you in the process inventory ready to insert a new article. In the second section, 'Inventory' will have a list of all items placed in alphabetical order. Here, too, 'clicking' on the article we will be able to edit or delete it. Once you have entered all the items in the third part of our screen, we can export our range of products. We can indeed make a list of articles made directly to an invoice, transport document, a Credit Note, an Order to Supplier, a quote, a sales receipt or export it to CSV or TXT format support by creating a file that will then be can import into your PC. Under each heading we find the sequence number of the next document to be made. you can change the sequence number by selecting the procedure 'Number' from the main menu. If we are exporting for the first time our list of items we select and check the field 'New', so the selling prices are updated directly shoot the registry items. But if we are already taking place in an export whom we may have some price change will not have to select the field 'New' icon but directly exported. For brevity of explanation we will consider the export invoice. Reported will be applicable for other types of document. Then, we click on the icon then export (Invoice). Select the date of the document if different from today. Enter the customer (or supplier if the order) by clicking the '+'. If the client is already included in the list click on 'Search' and end up in the first part of selecting the 'Insert'. If you are a new customer / supplier can directly enter the data and at the end select the 'Save' button. Will be assigned a customer / supplier automatically. At this stage we can also modify or delete a customer already entered the list. The card provides us with a list of the documents have already been made to this customer and gives us the opportunity to record the payment. These features are discussed later. Pressing the 'OK' will be reflected in the customer invoice entry procedure. For those devices that do not display the buttons at the bottom of the screen customers, selecting your button 'Menu' of the device will display additional menu 'OK', 'Cancel', 'Save', 'Delete', 'Clear'. The data of our customers will be so reported in the procedure 'Invoice'. This procedure is divided into four parts. The first part described above, the body of the document that contains the list of imported items, the values ​​divided by rate of VAT and the foot will allow us to save our document, export it in PDF format and send it directly by email. Clicking on any of the items in the section 'Body' you can access the article editing process where you can just change the item shown. By clicking on the '+' button you can change the quantity, price, discount, or the rate of VAT. You can delete the article in the document by clicking the 'delete'. By clicking on the button 'New' instead you will have access to the section and select a new item to be included in our invoice. The key 'Scan' but will allow us to use the camera to read the product code ean be inserted. At the end of operations by clicking the 'Save' in the amended article or just entered will be shown again in our invoice. Clicking on 'Cancel' nothing will be changed. When finished select the 'foot'. Here, the order will be needed, save the document by clicking the 'Save Doc', precisely to create the PDF file by clicking on the 'Create PDF'. You will see the newly created document. Then click on 'Send Email' you can send the newly created document by email. If the ad you entered the customer's email address it will automatically appear in the email otherwise you can still manually enter the address. By clicking on 'Reset' to reset the archive we can make an inventory for the new operation. To exit, you must press the menu button on your device and select 'End of Operations'.

  • Settings

By clicking on the [Parameters] displays a list of parameters that can be enabled or disabled by clicking the icon on the left of the item. When finished click [Save & Exit] to save any changes or [Undo Changes] to leave this parameter file. The parameter will contain the default% VAT rate to be used if no registry is no value in VAT rate. The previous parameter indicates the procedure but if the sale price entered is already inclusive of VAT.

  • Import

In this procedure, we can import records in our registry items directly from another source and then making the application in conjunction with other external programs. In fact, you can customize the format of the record layout of the text file in both import and export. you can then customize everything entering the column and the size of the required field (example: in the text file I want to import the EAN code and placed in column 1 and 13 characters long while the registry items starts at column 14 and is long 30 characters) if you want to import my file is missing certain fields required by the application can insert the character [*] asterisk and field [column] that the [Size]. Fill in the fields [Path] and [File Name], and values ​​to find our file to import. If we want to change any parameter, we must remember to click on [Save Parameters] to store files on our parameters. If the filename ends entered the field for CSV column will be the only one to be taken into account. Only for the field% VAT is a macro function that inserting for example (*21) will be assigned the value added after the asterisk to all articles. If the name of the CSV file is not terminal will be treated as an ordinary text file and the column size is used. The new button 'Send' will allow us to receive the file to be imported directly from a PC using the procedure 'ift_server' (can be installed on your PC and free download from The parameters for the connection server / clients are present in the procedure 'Export'. When you're ready you can click on the [Start Import]. Before you start the final import is required if we want to test. By clicking on the [Yes] to display two records of the import file. We can verify that the fields that will be imported are correct and then confirm or cancel the import. Clicking on [NO] will be started immediately import. At the end of import displays a report with the result of new or modified items processed. Then, click [Finish Operations] to exit.

  • Export

To complete the integration with other management programs and at this stage can customize the record layout of the exported inventory files. We can then insert the record layout and therefore the position of the fields [EAN] and [Number]. The parameter [with zeros Quantity] allows us to format the quantity field precisely by inserting zeros at the beginning of the field (example: the value amount equal to 12 pieces in a field of size 7 characters become equal to '0000012 ') . Complete customization by inserting the [Path] and [File Name]. Click [Save Parameters] to store changes. In the Server address fields can enter the IP address of the server PC (where you installed the program ift_server) and the port used with the maximum time (timeout) to wait for the connection. Here, too, if you enter a file name ending in CSV format that will be used precisely for export and will only be used on the field 'Column' appointments in the values ​​0 and 1. The size fields are used if the filename does not end for CSV and will be treated as an ordinary text file. By clicking on 'Send' will be able to send the file you just created directly on the server PC. In any case, the files are saved in folders and DATAIN DATAOUT where you can copy them manually. When you're ready you can click on [Start Export] to begin to export our files. Where in the [DATAOUT] is found a file with the same name as the one we are exporting the procedure will take if we want [Overwrite], [Append] or [Cancel] to export. After the export is required of us if we make the zero inventory, just eliminating all the quantities listed. Make the inventory only after zeroing sure you have properly exported, possibly even printed on the Vs PC after you send it by E-mail the PNG graphics format, or CSV can be imported to Excel or other programs. To this end, and 'can not reset the inventory files directly at this stage and then select the [Reset Inventory] when safe operation. By resetting the file can not be inventory, clicking on the [Print] on the main menu, print, export to CSV format and send files by e-mail. Once we click on [End of Operations] to exit.

  • Customers / Suppliers

The main menu has been updated so you can scroll to the right side where inside we will find the procedure 'Customers' / 'Suppliers'. The procedures are the same customers and suppliers so the explanations apply to both. Here we enter a new customer / supplier, a change already entered, display the list of associated documents, or record the payment. To insert a new customer / supplier, with the mask clean, complete all required fields then click on 'save'. If your resolution does not allow you to display the buttons at the bottom of the steps we can view them by clicking on the 'menu' of our equipment. To change a customer / supplier already entered click first on research and we will be selecting one reported in the initial screen. Here we can change the fields at the end and click on 'Save'. Similarly, clicking on 'Clear' we may cancel it. The key 'Rst' cleans the mask. After selecting a customer / supplier from the 'search' we click on 'Details' we can see all the associated documents. We'll start with 'Invoice', which will be the default, to view other types of document click on the pulldown menu. This will display all the available document types (DDT, Credit Note etc.). Next to each document, we will find three icons. The first will be at the top right and will include a red 'X' if the document has not yet been paid. Instead contain a green icon if the document has been fully paid. Clicking the icon will appear showing the procedure of the money 'Payment'. Here we have ten fields in order to submit payment. Select an item not yet completed to activate the procedure. Here we enter the date, type of payment (cash, checks, etc..), The amount and the field notes (for example where we can enter the check number or bank account rather than balance etc..). By clicking on 'Save' will save the payment. If we have clicked on an item already filled we change it or cancel it using the button 'Delete'. Click on the menu of your device and select 'End Operations' to exit. If for example we have selected the full payment of the document will see the icon change from red to green automatically. Click on the 'OK' to exit.

  • Numerators

In this procedure, we will be able to change the numbers next document. You will need to keep the format shown (eg 00001/2012) for documents Invoice, Credit Note and DDT. Click 'Save' to save the modified 'Cancel' to exit without saving.

  • Company

In this procedure we will have the opportunity to enter the data of our company. These data will be displayed as the header of the documents. Click 'Save' to save the modified 'Cancel' to exit without saving.

  • Find Document

Selecting this procedure we will search for documents already entered. We will have the opportunity to search for documents by year, by type of document, for account number, document number or by date. As soon as we entered the data in our possession we can click on 'Start' or directly 'List'. You will see all the documents sought. Clicking on it will have the opportunity to open the document, edit it, to engage in other articles and then save the changes and possibly reprint. Click on 'Finish' to exit.

  • New Document

By clicking on 'New Document' we just put a new document without going through the process inventory. Select the type of document to be inserted to open procedure 'new document'. Here, as already explained at the beginning of this guide, we will enter the customer / supplier (in case of order) by clicking the '+'. In the 'Body' by clicking on the words 'Click to Addnew' will activate the procedure of inserting article. Here we enter a new article by clicking the 'New' or by clicking the 'Scan'. After selecting the item and changed all the fields you can click on 'Save' to insert the article in our document. Next to enter another article you can click on any item shown to re-entry procedure again. At the end we can go in the 'foot' where we can save, export to PDF and send e-mail. Select the menu key of your device then click the button 'End Operations' to exit.

  • Statistics

Enter the parameters for the selection of documents and then click on 'Start'. Select if you want to print the summary or detailed. This will generate a PDF file containing statistics sorted by product group. These statistics will contain sales prices compared with their purchase prices will be generated and the relative percentages of gross margin. For each group we have the total and the percentage margin. At the end of the document we generated totals and the total percentage. Click on 'Finish' to exit.

  • User's Guide

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  • Print

Clicking the Print icon displays a report containing our inventory divided by product group and complete the total values ​​per item, per group and total. you can enlarge the report using the classical methods used in the Android system for displaying photographs. The report is generated by creating a graphics file in PNG format. Clicking on the [Email] You can send the file appears as an attachment via e-mail address you want (for example Vs PC or directly to the accountant). You can also export the inventory displayed in CSV format common to many programs to import data (such as Excel) and then send that file you just created via email. Once we click on [Return] to exit.

  • Exit

Click the [Exit] to exit the application.

  • Change Language Version

Click on the icon of the country you want to change the application language