ORIGIN OF THE SPECIESSTAR TREK: VOYAGER "ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES" Teleplay by Gary Whitta TEASER FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) at warp. int. janeway’s quarters TIGHT ANGLE ON JANEWAY, seated. She looks off-camera, her expression a picture of intensity - with just the hint of a mischievous, confident smile. JANEWAY You’re trapped. REVEAL CHAKOTAY, also in close-up. Seated across from Janeway, he regards her with similar intensity - and quiet confidence. CHAKOTAY I’m not so sure. JANEWAY Just admit it. You’ve nowhere to go. You’re all mine. Ripe for the taking. CHAKOTAY Well, we’ll just see about that. Chakotay leans forward, and a NEW ANGLE reveals that the two are engaged in a game of CHESS - not three-dimensional "Star Trek" chess, but good, old-fashioned two-dimensional chess on a classic eight-by-eight board. The board shows that both Black (Janeway) and White (Chakotay) have taken losses as endgame approaches. Chakotay moves his one remaining Knight - and suddenly the whole complexion of the game has changed in a way that Janeway never anticipated. CHAKOTAY (satisfied smile) Check, I believe. Janeway leans forward and surveys the board. Amazed. CHAKOTAY Admit it. You’re impressed. JANEWAY (playfully) I admit nothing. Except that this just became a much more interesting match. CHAKOTAY You’ve been playing the three-dimensional game too long, Kathryn. It’s unecessarily complex, blinds you to the elegant simplicity of the classic game. (smiles; re: board) Such as the Roarke’s Defense. Janeway ignores him, continues to survey the board. Her immediate future looks grim. JANEWAY (defiant) This is far from over. CHAKOTAY On the contrary. Checkmate in four moves. She looks up at him, scowls. Chakotay’s smile broadens. After a moment, Janeway sighs and reaches for her King to topple it and resign the game. Just as: KIM’S COM VOICE Bridge to the Captain. Janeway’s finger pauses atop the King. CHAKOTAY Saved by the bell? Janeway smiles, removes her hand from the King. JANEWAY Go ahead, Harry. KIM’S COM VOICE Sensors are indicating a single small craft directly ahead, apparently adrift. Unknown designation. JANEWAY Lifesigns? KIM’S COM VOICE Weak and intermittent. But there. JANEWAY Take us out of warp. I’ll be right there. Janeway and Chakotay stand and make for the door. JANEWAY (cont’d) (re: chess board) We’ll finish this later. CHAKOTAY Shouldn’t take long. Like I said, four moves. As the doors open and they step into the corridor: JANEWAY Don’t flatter yourself. fade out. end of teaser ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) ext. SPACE - VOYAGER (optical) dropping out of warp. int. bridge PARIS, KIM, TUVOK at their stations. Janeway and Chakotay ENTER, take their positions. KIM Entering visual range now, Captain. JANEWAY Let’s see it. ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Drifting crippled, seemingly dead, in space, is an ANCIENT SPACE CAPSULE, maybe large enough to hold one or two people. Although obviously of alien design, it is strongly reminiscent of the some of the manned rocket craft of late 20th Century Earth. Janeway takes a moment to survey this strange sight. JANEWAY Are you still detecting lifesigns? KIM Still intermittent. But there’s definitely one humanoid lifeform alive over there. Barely. JANEWAY Hail it. TUVOK (works console) No response, captain. JANEWAY Well whoever it is, I’d say they could use our help. Chakotay? CHAKOTAY (nods) I’ll prepare an Away Team. TUVOK Transporting aboard would be inadvisable, Commander. The capsule is in a primitive form of cryogenic stasis - the interior cabin temperature is approximately minus six hundred degrees Celsius. PARIS (wry) Colder than a summer in San Francisco. Janeway considers her options. JANEWAY Are there any contaminants aboard? TUVOK (works console) Negative. The vessel appears to have been immaculately preserved by its cryogenic state. JANEWAY Bring us about and tractor it into the Shuttle Bay. (on com) Janeway to Torres. torres’S COM VOICE Torres here. JANEWAY (on the move) Assemble an engineering detail and meet me in the Shuttle Bay. We have something I think you’ll find interesting. Torres’S COM VOICE Acknowledged. ext. spACE - VOYAGER (optical) The tiny capsule is dragged towards Voyager’s open shuttle bay by a TRACTOR BEAM, and disappears inside. int. shuttle bay The capsule rests in the center of the bay, covered in a thin layer of frost - and age. It is rusted, battered and decrepit. Seemingly just another piece of space flotsam. Torres and several ENGINEERING N.D.’S are examining the capsule with their tricorders as Janeway ENTERS, accompanied by THE DOCTOR. JANEWAY Can you get it open? TORRES (working) Just give me a few moments. The Doctor takes a reading from his medical tricorder. Looks concerned. DOCTOR The lifesigns are degrading rapidly. If I may. With that, the Doctor steps forward - and THROUGH the hull of the capsule, disappearing inside. Torres and Janeway share a moment - sometimes they need to be reminded of all the benefits of the EMH. DOCTOR’S VOICE (from inside the capsule) Please step back. They do so. After a moment, the CAPSULE DOOR OPENS, slowly descending to form an entry ramp. Freezing cold steam and dry ice billows out into the shuttle bay - and the Doctor EMERGES from within the icy cloud. DOCTOR He was lucky we found him in time. He disappears back inside. The ice cloud dissipates, revealing the capsule’s interior. It’s like an ICE CAVE: every surface covered in permafrost, icicles. Janeway steps gingerly inside, immediately feeling the intense chill which the Doctor of course does not. The Doctor runs his medical tricorder over a CYLINDRICAL POD set horizontally into the cabin wall. He rubs the frost from its surface with his hand - revealing a HUMANOID FACE inside the glass. Sound asleep. DOCTOR (off tricorder) He’s in a state of suspended animation, but it’s degrading rapidly. The power cells to this cryo-unit have died - as will he if I don’t get him to Sickbay immediately. JANEWAY Do it. Janeway steps out of the capsule and back into the shuttle bay, anxious to get out of the cold. Torres is still scanning the capsule’s hull. JANEWAY (cont’d) Something interesting? TORRES That’s an understatement. An engineering historian would have a field day with this thing. The design and construction are strongly reminiscent of some of some of the first manned rockets Earth sent into space in the late 20th Century. Janeway regards the capsule thoughtfully. JANEWAY I was just thinking the same thing. Off Janeway’s fascinated look, we CUT TO: int. sickbay Removed from the cryo pod, its occupant now lies, unconscious, on a bio-bed, attended to by the Doctor. He looks PERFECTLY HUMAN, a ruggedly handsome but thin man in his early forties. He wears only a medical gown. Janeway ENTERS. JANEWAY How’s our patient? DOCTOR Recovering him from his cryogenic state was a relatively simple procedure. He’d been crudely but quite effectively preserved for some time - his muscles have atrophied considerably, but that’s to be expected. And easily treatable. All in all, I predict a complete recovery. (beat) There is... one small thing. I don’t want to alarm you, but... JANEWAY What is it? DOCTOR (reluctant to spit it out) It’s nothing to be concerned about, but... JANEWAY (impatient) Doctor. Whatever it is, I’m sure I can handle it. DOCTOR I’ve detected some minor traces of Borg cellular residue on his flightsuit and the interior of the cryo pod. That’s enough to stiffen Janeway’s expression a little. DOCTOR As I said, it’s nothing to be concerned about. The cells died long ago in the cryogenic freezing process. JANEWAY What do you mean, Borg cells? DOCTOR It’s nothing I’ve encountered before, like some primitive form of Borg bacteria. Long since fossilized. A more detailed study should be very revealing, but I’ve little to base a theory on at this stage. JANEWAY (taps combadge) Janeway to Torres. B’Elanna, have your scans picked up any Borg readings from that capsule? TORRES’ COM VOICE You read my mind, Captain, I was just about to contact you. We’re detecting trace amounts of some kind of Borg cell, infesting the capsule’s systems at a sub-atomic level. Frozen to death, thankfully. JANEWAY Let’s not take any chances. Have the capsule quarantined - nobody goes near it until we know more about this infestation. TORRES’ COM VOICE Aye, Captain. JANEWAY Janeway to Seven of Nine. SEVEN OF NINE’S COM VOICE Yes, Captain. JANEWAY Report to Sickbay. There’s something here I’d like to hear your opinion on. (to The Doctor; re: patient) How soon can I speak to him? DOCTOR How about right now? JANEWAY He’s well enough to be revived? DOCTOR (a little hurt) I really am quite good at my job, you know. The Doctor produces a HYPO-SPRAY and administers it to the patient’s neck. After a few moments, he groggily comes around. Gradually blinks in the bright lights around him. PATIENT (woozy) Mmm... PATIENT’S P.O.V. The images of Janeway and The Doctor standing over him slowly come into focus. RESUME ORIGINAL ANGLE PATIENT (cont’d) Wh... where am I? JANEWAY You’re on board the Federation Starship Voyager. We recovered you from your vessel, you were adrift. A log beat. The patient is still coming to, finding his bearings. PATIENT What Federation? JANEWAY We represent a federation of planets in the Alpha Quadrant. (smiles) Like you, we’re a long way from home. PATIENT (suddenly concerned) How far? What’s our position? The patient suddenly tries to sit up, but he struggles with the task, his muscles long dormant. Janeway and the Doctor help him into a sitting position. DOCTOR Easy. You’re still very weak. PATIENT (growing more concerned) Where are we? What’s our position? JANEWAY (calm, reassuring) We’re moving at impulse through sector seven-five-four, in the Delta Quadrant. The patient performs a quick mental calculation, then breathes a sigh of relief. PATIENT Thank God. Janeway and The Doctor exchange a look. PATIENT (cont’d) How long have I been asleep? JANEWAY (bedside manner) Quite some time. I’m Kathryn Janeway, Captain of the Voyager. And you are? As the patient begins to calm down and realize he’s not in danger, his normal demeanor begins to emerge. He seems honest, straightforward, and emits a commanding presence. Starfleet material, maybe. PATIENT My name’s Kamchai. I’m the Commander of that bucket of rust you found me floating in. JANEWAY (smiles; extends hand) Pleased to meet you, Commander Kamchai. Welcome aboard the Voyager. Kamchai shakes Janeway’s hand and, for the first time, cracks a smile. KAMCHAI Glad to be here. The Sickbay doors open and SEVEN OF NINE ENTERS and approaches the group. As soon as her eyes meet Kamchai’s there’s a mutual reaction. Seven of Nine stops in her tracks, wide-eyed, as if she’s just met a long-lost relative. Or a ghost. Kamchai, meanwhile, is instantly GRIPPED WITH TERROR. KAMCHAI (panicked; to Janeway) Oh, My God... they got you, too! I knew it... they’re everywhere! Kamchai’s panicky rambling breaks down into hysterial shrieking as he attempts to scramble off the bed and escape to somewhere, anywhere. The Doctor restrains him. DOCTOR I think that’s about enough excitement for one day. The Doctor administers the hypo-spray, and Kamchai is knocked out cold. Janeway turns to face Seven of Nine, who simply regards Kamchai impassively. JANEWAY Let me guess. His people were assimilated by the Borg. SEVEN OF NINE (matter-of-fact) Their biological and technological distinctiveness was added to The Collective. (beat) Their assimilation was... significant. Janeway’s eyes narrow and she steps forward. JANEWAY Significant, how? A beat as Seven of Nine concentrates her gaze on Kamchai, then back to Janeway. SEVEN OF NINE Species Zero Zero One. Off Janeway’s reaction to this stunning revelation: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: int. sickbay Janeway, Seven, The Doctor, Kamchai (still unconscious) as before. JANEWAY Are you telling me that this man is a member of the first race ever assimilated by the Borg? SEVEN OF NINE That is correct. It was a most useful process. The assimilation of Species Zero Zero One provided the Borg with a means of bipedal transport and the technology to travel through space. JANEWAY Bipedal transport? You mean humanoid form. SEVEN OF NINE Correct. JANEWAY Then just what exactly was the Borg before? SEVEN OF NINE (puzzled) I do not understand the question. JANEWAY What form did the Borg take before it acquired humanoid characteristics from the assimilation of this species? Seven steps up to Kamchai to examine him more closely. SEVEN OF NINE I believe your patient can provide the answer. Doctor, you will have detected traces of Borg cellular residue on his person. DOCTOR How did you know that? SEVEN OF NINE I am able to detect it also. To answer your inevitable questions, the residue is what remains of the Borg’s primitive, pre-humanoid form, before the Collective was augmented by the assimilation of any race. JANEWAY And what form would that be? A beat as Seven considers her response to this question. If we didn’t know her better, we’d think she was a little embarrassed to reveal her race’s origins as: SEVEN OF NINE A microscopic worm-like parasite of biomechanical constitution. JANEWAY (grimly ruminative) From little acorns... DOCTOR The Borg began life as a bacteria? SEVEN OF NINE (defensive) As did all forms of life in the galaxy, need I remind you, Doctor. JANEWAY (re: Kamchai) Can we talk to him again? The Doctor examines Kamchai with his medical tricorder. DOCTOR He’s in a state of mild shock. Nothing serious, but given his weakened condition... (re: Seven) I wouldn’t recommend traumatizing him any further right now. JANEWAY Agreed. Seven, return to your duties. We’ll discuss this later. SEVEN OF NINE (slighted) You requested my assistance. JANEWAY And thank you for it. I have all I need for now. Seven of Nine turns and leaves without a word. Janeway turns to the Doctor, who revives Kamchai again with the hypo-spray. He comes around and gains his bearings more quickly this time - and is instantly on his guard. His eyes dart around Sickbay feverishly. KAMCHAI Where... are they? JANEWAY Just relax. You’re perfectly safe. There are no Borg here. KAMCHAI That woman... JANEWAY (shakes her head) She was once part of the Collective, but she’s been rehabilitated. She’s mostly human again. You have nothing to fear from her. KAMCHAI I wasn’t aware... that the process could be reversed. DOCTOR Well, the rehabilitation is no picnic. It requires considerable medical skill. His initial fears subsiding, Kamchai’s normal demeanor - friendly, confident - once again begins to emerge. KAMCHAI Well, if you guys say that I’m safe... (smiles) Who am I to argue? Janeway smiles. She’s taking an instant liking to this primitive space explorer. KAMCHAI (cont’d) How long have I been asleep? What day is it? Janeway and the Doctor exhange a look. DOCTOR It is stardate 52171.9. KAMCHAI I don’t know what that means. JANEWAY You may want to brace yourself for a shock. The data we have indicates that your vessel was adrift for approximately... four hundred years. Kamchai reacts as this sinks in. Janeway moves quickly to reassure him, give him something positive. JANEWAY You’re lucky to be alive. Your cryo pod was in a degenerative state when we encountered you. It’s a miracle we found you when we did. KAMCHAI My planet... my home. All gone. JANEWAY We don’t know that. With your help, we can return you to your homeworld. (smiles) There’s a better than average chance it’ll be right where you left it. KAMCHAI You don’t understand. I saw my world destroyed. Assimilated by the Borg. int. briefing room Janeway, Chakotay, Torres, Tuvok seated around the conference table - along with Kamchai (now in civilian garb) and Seven of Nine, who sit opposite each other. Clearly an uneasy atmosphere between the two. Paris stands by the monitor, indicating a STARCHART being displayed there. PARIS With Commander Kamchai’s help, we’ve successfully located his homeworld. This planet, designated M-class world five five one nine zero beta. KAMCHAI (smiles wistfully) We preferred to call it Iridis. PARIS (beat) Unfortunately, I wouldn’t recommend a return visit any time soon. Paris taps a key on the monitor, and the display ZOOMS OUT to reveal more of the surrounding area. A collective reaction from the officers who recognize what they see. PARIS Planet Iridis is at the absolute dead center of Borg space. A beat as this sinks in. CHAKOTAY That would make sense. Once this primitive form of Borg assimilated a spacefaring race and established a planetary foothold, their empire grew outwards from there. KAMCHAI Borg space? TUVOK The Borg now occupies a vast area of the Delta Quadrant, encompassing thousands of solar systems. TORRES (a little bitter) Every day their empire grows as their ships push relentlessly outward, assimilating more races, more worlds. This really seems to affect Kamchai very deeply. There’s a long beat as it sinks in. KAMCHAI My... God. JANEWAY I know this must be very difficult - but how much do you remember about what happened to you? Another beat as Kamchai collects himself. KAMCHAI My people had begun to reach for the stars. We built satellites, rocket ships - archaic technology by your standards, but we were learning. Our greatest accomplishment was an orbiting space station designed to... search the stars for other forms of intelligent life. I was one of five astronauts aboard the station on a one-year mission to conduct final pre-operational tests. And then one day... suddenly without warning, we lost all contact with Iridis. As Kamchai speaks, we move around the table, taking in the deadly-serious expressions of Voyager’s officers as they listen to this grim tale, already knowing the outcome. KAMCHAI (cont’d) We were unable to return home without guidance from mission control, and so there we stayed, trapped in orbit. And as the weeks went by, we began to notice a change on the planet surface. What I know now to be the effects of the Borg assimilation. (beat) And then they came for us. At first we didn’t know what to make of it - some kind of biomechanical virus eating away at the hull and taking over our systems. Then one of my crewmates became infected. Then two... then three... then all, but me. I guess I was lucky. I was able to make it to the station’s escape capsule before they could touch me. That’s all it takes, you know. (beat) Anyway, I disengaged the capsule, shot away from there on full retro-burn. Still, they almost caught me - a few even made it inside the pod. I did the only thing left for me to do, while I still had time. Put myself into stasis and initiated the cryo-freeze. Nothing like freezing to kill a parasite. Another long beat. Nobody can think of anything to say. And then, another grim realization hits Kamchai. KAMCHAI I’m the last of my kind, aren’t I? JANEWAY So long as you are aboard this ship, you’re not alone. You’re welcome to stay here with us indefinitely. KAMCHAI Thank you, Captain. You’ve been too kind. JANEWAY Not at all. Our people have also encountered the Borg. Sympathy in these cases is not hard to find. (to Torres) B’Elanna, I’d like you to attempt a recovery of the computer data from Commander Kamchai’s capsule. Any information on this early form of Borg might be useful to us. KAMCHAI (a little too quickly) That won’t be necessary, Captain. (beat) I mean, it won’t be possible. The storage devices in the capsule have decayed beyond repair. JANEWAY You obviously don’t know my chief engineer all that well. B’Elanna? TORRES I’ll get right on it, captain. KAMCHAI (sighs) You’ll be wasting your time. Kamchai’s gaze drifts back to Seven of Nine - who seems suddenly DISORIENTED. She reaches her hand to the Borg implant above her eye, tries to shake off the woozy sensation with little success. JANEWAY Seven? Are you all right? SEVEN OF NINE I am fine. A little... disoriented, perhaps. A... painful sensation. JANEWAY (concerned) Report to Sickbay, have the Doctor take a look at you. Everybody else, dismissed. The group breaks up and leaves. Only Janeway and Kamchai remain. JANEWAY I want you to know how sorry I am about what happened to your home. And that I sympathize. Everybody on this ship is tens of thousands of light years from our homes in the Alpha Quadrant. Sometimes I feel as though I’ll never see my home planet again. KAMCHAI But you can simulate it. Your first officer informs me that this ship is equipped with remarkable holographic imaging technology. JANEWAY It is rather impressive, yes. Never quite the same as the real thing of course, but on ocassion it can be a very effective therapy for homesickness. KAMCHAI Well, my ship’s computer data may have degraded, but I still have some personal items, images of my home on disc. With the help of one of your engineers I may be able to interface them with your imagers. If I can’t go home, I can at least try for a reasonable facsimile. JANEWAY (smiles) I’ll make a holodeck and some of our engineering staff available to you. KAMCHAI Thank you, Captain. (beat; an idea) If it works, would you care to join me? Iridis was... breathtaking. Janeway smiles, clearly flattered by the offer. Kamchai can be quite charming... JANEWAY I’d like that very much. int. corridor TIGHT ANGLE ON Kamchai, busily and excitedly operating the controls to the entrance of HOLODECK ONE. JANEWAY’S VOICE Finished so soon? REVEAL JANEWAY, standing behind Kamchai. He looks around at her and smiles. KAMCHAI Your engineers should really get the credit. I can’t believe how quickly they did this. JANEWAY It’s ready? KAMCHAI So they tell me. Janeway motions towards the Holodeck entrance. JANEWAY Well then. Shall we? Kamchai takes a deep breath, presses a key on the Holodeck control and the doors slide open. They step inside the Holodeck, into: ext. wooded glade - day It is, in a word, breathtaking. A BEAUTIFUL, PEACEFUL FOREST GLADE seemingly untouched by man. Beyond the trees, A HUGE LAKE, and beyond that A MAJESTIC MOUNTAIN RANGE which extends in every direction. Closer in, we’re surrounded by a variety of EXOTIC PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Shards of sunlight penetrate the tree canopy, creating an almost dreamlike effect. The colors everywhere are bright, vibrant. If this were Earth, it’d be the most beautiful place on the planet. The Holodeck doors close behind Janeway and Kamchai, completing the perfect illusion. They step forward and take in their surroundings, each awed in their own way - Kamchai by this incredible technology, and Janeway by the beauty of her surroundings. KAMCHAI (re: the technology) This is incredible. JANEWAY (re: the surroundings) I was just thinking the same thing. (stepping forward; exploring) Was all of Iridis like this? Kamchai snaps out of his amazement with the Holodeck and catches up with Janeway. KAMCHAI We had many climates. Desert, arctic... but much of the planet was covered in tropical jungle and canopy forest like this. This place was called Nevanne. My favorite place in the world... He stops, reaches down and picks a flower. KAMCHAI This is all real? Janeway is amused by Kamchai’s fascination with a technology she has always taken for granted. JANEWAY Within the confines of the Holodeck, yes, it’s very real. Its matrix converts energy into matter. KAMCHAI Amazing... JANEWAY Tell me more about your world. KAMCHAI (smiles) If you mean what’s the name of this flower, or those mountains - I couldn’t tell you. But ask me about those clouds up above, and the stars at night and I could talk until dawn. I always felt much more at home in the sky than on the ground. I felt privileged to be one of the few chosen to go to the stars. JANEWAY You know, you remind me very much of my own people’s early space explorers. Our Gemini and Apollo astronauts. You have a similar... adventurous spirit. KAMCHAI (laughs) My father never understood why I wanted to join the space program. He said it was just an excuse for me to get girls - "they can’t resist a man in uniform", he’d say. Maybe he was right - the first of our kind to go into space, we were treated like Gods. JANEWAY (smiles) Some ideas are universal. Our first astronauts, Gagarin, Glenn, Armstrong... they were the most famous men on the planet in their day, now they’re immortalized in our history. Kamchai stops, suddenly thoughtful. KAMCHAI My father also used to stay that while my people looked to the stars, the new worlds... were always within us. There’s a "moment" as Janeway reflects on this. There’s something about this man she strongly admires - and just plain likes. A hint of attraction, even? JANEWAY Your father sounds like a very wise man. KAMCHAI Yes, well if he was so wise - how did he get caught in bed with my mother’s best friend from college? Janeway looks shocked. A beat, then Kamchai BURSTS OUT LAUGHING. Janeway can’t help but do the same. int. janeway’s quarters Janeway is reviewing data on the computer at her desk when her door CHIMES. JANEWAY Come in. The doors open and Torres ENTERS. TORRES Am I interrupting? JANEWAY (sitting back) Not at all. How goes the recovery of the capsule data? TORRES Interestingly. As Commander Kamchai predicted, we’re having a great deal of difficulty extracting anything from his computer’s archives. But it’s not because of any particular decay. JANEWAY Then why? TORRES It’s been encrypted. It seems that the computer did it automatically as an emergency measure when the Borg virus attacked. The encryption protocol is crude, but still extremely difficult to break. (beat) But then, we shouldn’t have to. JANEWAY What do you mean? TORRES As far as I can tell, the encryption is nothing that can’t be bypassed by entering a few simple security codes - codes that any senior member of that mission’s crew should know. JANEWAY Are you suggesting that Kamchai could give us that data but doesn’t want to? TORRES You’d have to ask him that. All I know for sure is that he fabricated a story about that data being decayed in an attempt to stop us trying to retrieve it. That suggests to me... JANEWAY (finishing her thought) ...that he has something to hide. (beat) Maybe it’s time we had a conversation with Commander Kamchai. DOCTOR’S COM VOICE (urgent) Captain to Main Engineering immediately. JANEWAY What is it, Doctor? THE DOCTOR’S COM VOICE It’s Seven of Nine. We have a big problem. As Torres and Janeway exchange a concerned look... FADE OUT. END OF act two ACT THREE FADE IN: int. MAIN ENGINEERING Phasers at the ready, TWO SECURITY N.D.’S warily keep their distance as Seven of Nine seems to be having some kind of EPILEPTIC FIT. she shakes and convulses wildly, but remains fully conscious. The Doctor is attempting to get near her to administer a hypo-spray but her spasms are just too erratic. As he gets close, she pushes him away. DOCTOR You must let me help you! SEVEN OF NINE Stay... back! Janeway and Torres ENTER, are shocked at what they find. JANEWAY Doctor? DOCTOR (re: Seven of Nine) I wish I knew. She called me down here complaining of a headache, and before I could treat her she went into these violent convulsions. JANEWAY Seven! Can you hear me? SEVEN OF NINE Stay away... too... dangerous! It appears as though Seven of Nine is somehow FIGHTING AGAINST HERSELF, struggling to contain some inner will. DOCTOR I can sedate her, but I’ll need help restraining her. JANEWAY (to Security N.D.’s) Assist the Doctor. They step forward to help, wrestling Seven of Nine to the floor as she continues to spasm. TIGHT ANGLE ON SEVEN OF NINE as she raises her hand - and an ASSIMILATION TUBULE extends from her Borg prosthesis. She grabs one of the N.D.’s by the neck, the tubule PIERCING HIS FLESH. He cries out and drops to the floor, clutching his neck. Seven of Nine lashes out and the second N.D. is FLUNG ACROSS THE ROOM. He hits the wall and slumps to the floor, out cold. Seven of Nine turns quickly, her expression indicating that she is NOT IN COMMAND OF HER OWN ACTIONS and jams her tubule-finger into a wall control panel. The panel FRITZES AND SPARKS, then begins to PULSE with a BORG-LIKE ENERGY that radiates from Seven of Nine. Acting quickly, Torres grabs a Phaser from a panel set into the wall and takes aim. JANEWAY Set to stun! Torres makes the setting adjustment and prepares to fire - just as The Doctor appears from behind Seven of Nine and administers the hypo-spray. Seven slumps, unconscious. Torres attends to the unconscious N.D. while The Doctor moves quickly to the one "punctured" by Seven of Nine. ANGLE ON THE DOCTOR crouching over the prone N.D., his body obscuring that of the N.D. He runs his medical tricorder anxiously. DOCTOR Oh, no... this can’t be. It isn’t possible. JANEWAY What’s wrong? The Doctor stands up, backs away... as the N.D. rises slowly to his feet and IN A NEW ANGLE we see that he has been BORGIFIED! He scans the room, spots Janeway and steps forward mechanically. Already a full Borg. JANEWAY (taps combadge) Full security team to Sickbay. Torres backs away to join Janeway. Levels her Phaser. TORRES (already knows the answer) Still want it set to stun? JANEWAY (no doubt in her mind) Kill it. Torres raises the Phaser setting and FIRES. The shot hits the Borgified N.D. and he goes down. Dead. The Doctor attends to Seven of Nine. DOCTOR (off tricorder) Her vitals signs are stabilizing. She seems to be returning to normal. JANEWAY What the hell just happened here? DOCTOR I’ll know more once I’ve conducted a proper examination. (taps combadge) Three to beam directly to Sickbay. The Doctor, Seven and the Security N.D. DEMATERIALIZE. The danger seems to have subsided - until Torres and Janeway turn to notice: THE ENGINEERING CONTROL PANEL behavingly wildly and pulsing with a BORG-LIKE INFESTATION where Seven of Nine pierced it with her finger. The infestation is slowly radiating outwards malevolently, like some biomechanical cancer. WIDER ANGLE reveals that this infected station is just a few feet away from the Warp Core. TORRES I don’t like the look of that one bit. JANEWAY Neither do I. Torres moves to investigate, Janeway holds her back. JANEWAY (cont’d) No, stay back. (taps combadge) Janeway to Tuvok. TUVOK’S COM VOICE Tuvok here. JANEWAY Shut down all power to Main Engineering and re-route as many critical systems as you can through the Bridge. I want this section isolated from the rest of the ship. TUVOK’S COM VOICE Yes, captain. May I ask our purpose? As Janeway eyes the growing infestation warily: JANEWAY Containment. ext. SPACE - VOYAGER (optical) at impulse. int. bridge Janeway ENTERS. Torres is already back at Ops. JANEWAY Report. TORRES Main Engineering is in bad shape. Primary systems there are under attack from some kind of biomechanical parasite implanted by Seven of Nine. Chakotay steps up. CHAKOTAY A Borg parasite? Similar to the samples we recovered from Kamchai? TORRES No, not similar. (looks up) Identical. Except these ones are live. Voyager is being assimilated - on a microscopic level. CHAKOTAY How can that be? I thought the Doctor removed all traces of aggressive Borg technology from Seven. JANEWAY First things first. How fast is the infestation spreading? TORRES (takes a reading) I estimate we’ll lose control of the warp core in less than an hour, primary power within three or four. At this rate, in less than 24 hours -Voyager will be a Borg ship. A beat as that sinks in for everybody. CHAKOTAY How do we stop it? TORRES I don’t know. These aren’t exactly the kind of Borg you can kill by rotating your Phaser modulation - you can’t shoot what you can’t see. JANEWAY Then we’ll have to find some other way. Get to work on it. She turns and makes for the Turbolift as we CUT TO: int. sickbay Seven of Nine, now revived and seemingly back to normal, is being examined by the Doctor as Janeway ENTERS. JANEWAY (all business) I want some answers, right now. DOCTOR There’s some light physical trauma, but otherwise Seven seems to have recovered from her... episode. I’m unsure as to what exactly happened in Main Engineering, but it appears that some kind of latent Borg contamination in Seven’s system re-activated itself. JANEWAY (accusatory) I understood that you had removed all such "contamination". DOCTOR (a little embarrassed) Yes, well. Apparently it was so deeply imbedded at the cellular level that it wasn’t detected in my examinations. JANEWAY What triggered the re-activation? DOCTOR I have two theories. It’s possible this hidden system was a form of self-destruct mechanism designed to activate if a drone is separated from the Collective for too long. The drone is destroyed as its implants aggressively release these parasites to assimilate everything in sight. If Seven had been more Borg and less human the process would almost certainly have killed her. JANEWAY And the second theory? DOCTOR It may be that Seven’s exposure to Commander Kamchai caused some kind of deep-rooted psychological reaction which stimulated these primitive Borg cells and caused them to re-assert themselves. (beat) The truth is, I just don’t know yet. Beat. SEVEN OF NINE Captain. Janeway looks at Seven of Nine. For the first time, we detect a hint of humility, perhaps even shame, in the former Borg’s eyes. SEVEN OF NINE I do not believe I was in control of my own actions, but... (hard to say) I wish to apologize for my behavior in Main Engineering. DOCTOR An apology? From you? This is a day of firsts. Janeway shoots the Doctor a look. He slinks away. JANEWAY What do you think happened, Seven? SEVEN OF NINE I do not know. But I know that I have not felt... comfortable since Commander Kamchai came aboard. JANEWAY That’s good enough for me. And with that, she turns to leave. INT. ready room Janeway seated at her desk, Kamchai standing before her. Mid-conversation. KAMCHAI I hate to say "I told you so", but in my experience there’s no such thing as the complete recovery of an organism assimilated by the Borg. JANEWAY (suspicious) And just what is the extent of that experience, Commander? KAMCHAI What do you mean? JANEWAY My chief engineer informs me that the data on board your vessel is fully intact and quite recoverable - if only you’d decrypt it for us. So why are you so reluctant to do so? A beat as Kamchai finds his answer. KAMCHAI I don’t know. Stupid pride, maybe. I don’t have the luxury of coming from a Utopian society such as your Federation, Captain. My people have done many things in their history that are nothing to be proud of, and much of it is stored in my computer’s archives. But since none of that information is of use to you in your present situation, I see no reason to unload my people’s dirty laundry for the amusement of you and your crew. Janeway considers this. Not a bad answer. JANEWAY I’m not interested in amusing myself. I’m interested in saving this ship, which, in case you haven’t heard, has a very serious Borg itch that right now we don’t know how to scratch. She stands, walks around her desk towards Kamchai. JANEWAY There’s a lot about you that I admire, Kamchai. I’d like to be able to add honesty to that list. (beat) How was your world attacked by the Borg? From what I can tell, they didn’t posess the ability to travel through space until they assimilated your technology. So where could they have come from? A very good question. Kamchai searches. KAMCHAI I wish I knew. Really. All I do know is, I had grandstand seats to watch my entire planet being over-run by those parasites, and there was not a single thing I could do about it. They destroyed everything I’ve ever known, left me with nothing. Do you really think that if I had some information to help you fight them now, I wouldn’t give it to you? Janeway pauses to think this over. JANEWAY I’m assigning the ship’s two pre-eminent experts in this form of primitive Borg to the effort to stop the assimilation. That’s you - and Seven of Nine. KAMCHAI (aghast) You want me to work with the Borg? Janeway steps forward, deadly serious. JANEWAY Right now, as you and I stand here, the ship around us is being assimilated. If we can’t stop it because you refused to help, then very soon Seven won’t be the only Borg around here you need to worry about. Do you understand me? KAMCHAI (beat) Yes, ma’am. PARIS’ COM VOICE (urgent) Bridge to the captain. JANEWAY Go ahead, Tom. PARIS’ COM VOICE Captain... we just lost helm and engine control to the Borg parasites. Voyager just turned itself around and went to warp nine point five. (beat) We’re heading back towards Borg space. A tense moment. The news doesn’t get much more serious than that. Kamchai looks horrified, Janeway remains composed. JANEWAY Stand by, Tom. (to Kamchai) We’re running out of time. Seven of Nine is waiting for you in Engineering - I suggest you get to work. Off Kamchai’s reaction we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT three ACT FOUR FADE IN: int. MAIN ENGINEERING Seven of Nine works busily at a station some safe distance from the parasitic infestation. KAMCHAI’S VOICE The Captain assigned me to you. Seven of Nine looks up from her work to see Kamchai, clearly not happy to be there with her. KAMCHAI I don’t know what use I’m supposed to be to you. SEVEN OF NINE (back to work; dismissively) Neither do I. Kamchai sits at the terminal next to her. Eyes her warily. Looks generally uncomfortable. After a moment, Seven of Nine looks up at him. SEVEN OF NINE I am curious to know how your species came into contact with the Borg. KAMCHAI (a little surprised) Don’t you know? SEVEN OF NINE The Collective’s memory record of events preceding the assimilation of Species Zero Zero One is... incomplete. KAMCHAI Well, I can’t help you. I was too busy watching your race destroy mine to figure out where you might have come from. SEVEN OF NINE Your attitude is unnecessarily confrontational. KAMCHAI (becoming angry) And what do you call assimilation? Some kind of inter-racial bonding exercise? SEVEN OF NINE It is the nature of the Borg. KAMCHAI Yeah, tell me about it. The relentless pursuit of perfection, right? Seven looks up, curious. Kamchai seems to know an awful lot about the Borg mindset. KAMCHAI Well, don’t fool yourself. I was fighting your kind when you were nothing but a bunch of mechanical maggots. You’re a long way from perfect. With that, he stands and walks away in disgust. Seven of Nine is alone with her thoughts for a moment, before: JANEWAY’S COM VOICE Captain to Seven. SEVEN OF NINE Yes, captain. JANEWAY’S COM VOICE Any progress? SEVEN OF NINE Although I believe I have identified the migration patterns of the parasites, I have so far been unable to find a way of halting their progresss... int. bridge Janeway in the Captain’s chair. Torres, Tuvok, Paris, Chakotay at their stations. SEVEN OF NINE’S COM VOICE ...without irreperably damaging Voyager’s critical systems. JANEWAY Keep trying. (turns to Torres) Anything? TORRES I’m still unable to regain any kind of control over the assimilated systems. Twenty eight per cent of the ship is now being directly controlled by the Borg parasites. Janeway searches for options. She’s at a loss, frustrated. JANEWAY (to the whole bridge) Suggestions. Options. TORRES We could do what Kamchai did. Cryogenically freeze the entire ship. We still have environmental control - the extreme cold killed the parasites before, and it would again. CHAKOTAY And us, too. Think, B’Elanna! TORRES Not if we leave first. We could evacuate in the shuttles and escape pods, freeze the ship remotely and return after they’ve been wiped out. A beat as Janeway considers the idea. JANEWAY What kind of damage would the ship sustain in the freezing process? TORRES (grim) Potentially... severe. But we don’t have many options left - and anything’s better than the situation we’re facing right now. Another beat as Janeway mulls it over. JANEWAY No, I don’t like it. I’ll consider it when absolutely every other option has been exhausted, but not right now. int. wooded glade - day The same Holodeck simulation as before. Kamchai stands alone, skimming stones across the lake. Sorrow and regret is etched deep into his face. Suddenly, the landscape around him begins to DISTORT and FADE OUT, revealing the Holodeck grid in random patches. The Borg parasite is beginning to affect Holodeck systems, and Kamchai’s artificial world is falling apart. He looks up to the sky and laughs the laugh of the damned, tears now streaming down his face. KAMCHAI Couldn’t even let me keep this, could you? The only piece of my home I have left. You just had to have it all... And a purposeful look overcomes him as he makes the most important decision of his life. int. bridge As before. An N.D. ENSIGN is working at a station behind Torres, his back to her, and us. Without turning around, she addresses him. TORRES Ensign... what’s the current rate of Borg decay in the life support power conduits? The ensign doesn’t answer, doesn’t turn, doesn’t move. TORRES Ensign? Still no response. Frustrated, Torres turns to face him. TORRES Ensign! Do you - The ensign turns to face her... revealing that is is FULLY BORGIFIED. He stares at her with lifeless eyes. In a CLOSE ANGLE we see that the BORG PARASITES are flooding through the ensign’s control panel and through his hand, into his body. He steps forward. Torres backs away carefully. TORRES (cont’d) Captain... They all turn and REACT to the shocking scene. JANEWAY (urgently) Tuvok, if you please. Tuvok pulls his Phaser and FIRES. The Borgified ensign’s BORG SHIELDS absorb the blast with a CRACKLE. TUVOK The parasites are already adapting. Chakotay quickly adjusts his Phaser, levels and FIRES. This time the shot gets through the shield and drops the Borgified ensign, dead. Torres observes the ensign’s control panel - it’s fast being over-run by Borg infestation. TORRES Captain... the infestation has reached the Bridge. JANEWAY (general order) Everybody back away from their stations! Paris, Tuvok and the N.D.’s step back warily from their stations. CHAKOTAY Captain... I think we just exhausted all of our options. A beat as Janeway considers the inevitable. Then: KAMCHAI’S VOICE Maybe not. REVEAL KAMCHAI, standing outside the Turbolift, newly arrived. He looks strung out, ragged. int. ready room Janeway and Kamchai. KAMCHAI I have a radical plan that may save the ship. JANEWAY I’m listening. KAMCHAI You have to understand, there’s are very good reasons why I haven’t been honest with you up until now. Very good reasons. JANEWAY Right now I’m not interested in recriminations. I just want to save my ship and my crew. Can you help us or not? Beat. KAMCHAI I need access to my capsule. I want it wired directly into Voyager’s systems. And I want one good security officer, armed, who can shoot straight. JANEWAY I can give you those things, but I need to know what you propose to do with them. KAMCHAI That’s my one and only condition. I have to ask you to take this on faith. JANEWAY That’s asking a lot. KAMCHAI Captain. Please. I have my reasons. (beat) Right now, as you and I stand here, the ship around us is being assimilated. If I can’t stop it because you refused to help... well, you know the rest. Do we have a deal? Janeway deep in thought. JANEWAY I’ll give you access to your capsule. But I won’t give you the security officer. (beat) You’ll have me instead. int. bridge Janeway and Kamchai EMERGE from her Ready Room and stride purposefully across the Bridge towards the Turbolift. JANEWAY Commander Kamchai and I will be in Shuttle Bay Two. Chakotay, you have the Bridge. Keep me apprised. CHAKOTAY Captain... But before Chakotay can ask what is going on, Janeway and Chamkai have disappeared into the Turbolift. Off Chakotay’s puzzled reaction we CUT TO: int. shuttle bay two As before. The capsule rests in the bay, now defrosted. Kamchai stands on the capsule’s footramp, gazing inside. Janeway, several feet behind him, Phaser Rifle in hand. Kamchai turns to face Janeway. KAMCHAI I want you to know that, whatever happens here, I’m not doing this out of any kind of heroism. I don’t deserve that kind of eulogy. (beat) All I want to do is even the score a little. Put at least one check in my "plus" column before I go. Kamchai is calm, serene - but his words sounds almost like he’s reading a suicide note. Janeway is concerned, steps forward. JANEWAY Kamchai... Kamchai quickly moves inside the capsule and sits in his command chair, back to Janeway. KAMCHAI Now remember what I told you. Keep at a safe distance. And have that rifle on full power for when I’m ready. JANEWAY Ready for what? Kamchai doesn’t answer. He reaches overhead and flicks a series of switches. Gradually, the systems inside the capsule power up - lights, monitors flicker to life. Kamchai works the cockpit controls, accesses long-dormant sub-routines on his ancient computer. A low HUM begins to emanate inside the cabin. KAMCHAI Do you know what a dog whistle is, Captain? Janeway doesn’t know what to make of that obvious question. JANEWAY Of course, why? KAMCHAI Because there is such a thing as a Borg equivalent. Kamchai thumbs a final switch and the HUMMING GROWS LOUDER. int. bridge An alarm on Torres’ console SOUNDS. She moves towards it, careful not to touch it. TORRES I don’t believe it... CHAKOTAY What is it? TORRES The Borg parasites are mobilizing. Every last one of them. The entire infestation is letting go of Voyager’s systems and converging on... (looks to Chakotay) Shuttle Bay Two. CHAKOTAY (taps combadge) Captain, get out of there. The Borg parasites are heading right towards you en masse. int. shuttle bay two Janeway watches transfixed as the humming from inside the capsule grows louder, and computer activity increases. Kamchai is seated with his back to her, and us. JANEWAY Stand by, Chakotay. Suddenly, Kamchai begins to JERK and SPASM wildly in his chair. His instruments SPARK and OVERLOAD. Janeway takes a step forward. KAMCHAI (his back still to us) Stand back! Not yet! int. bridge Torres continues to monitor the parasite migration on her console. TORRES Almost every Borg parasite has migrated into Shuttle Bay Two... and into the derelict capsule. CHAKOTAY (growing concerned) What the hell is going on down there? (taps combadge) Kathryn! Are you all right? No response. Chakotay thinks for a second, then heads for the Turbolift. CHAKOTAY (cont’d) Damn this - I’m going down there. Tuvok, you have the bridge. TUVOK (a rare sardonic moment) Or what is left of it. int. shuttle bay two The wild activity inside the capsule has reached a crescendo. Computer systems are overloading, Kamchai considers to spasm wildly. Janeway steps forward, squinting to see through the erupting steam and flashing lights inside the capsule. As she approaches, Kamchai’s chair turns to face her.... REVEALING KAMCHAI, OVER-RUN BY THE BORG PARASITES. It is a devastating level of infestation - every single parasite on board Voyager is now inside Kamchai. The tiny worms wriggle and thrive under every inch of his skin. It’s a hideous, terrifying sight. Janeway takes a step back in horror. Kamchai himself is now obviously Borg, or at least in the final stages of assimilation. He fights against the infestation to force out two simple words to Janeway. KAMCHAI (imploring) Kill... me... KAMCHAI’S P.O.V. Janeway thumbs a setting on the Phaser Rifle, aims it right at us... and as she FIRES we SMASH CUT TO BLACK: end of act four ACT FIVE fade in: screen in darkness We hear muted, muddled VOICES. Barely identifiable as those of Janeway and The Doctor. FADE IN: INT. SICKBAY KAMCHAI’S P.O.V. as he slowly opens his eyes. He’s on his back, looking up at the ceiling. His vision is at first blurry, then gradually comes into focus. The Doctor and Janeway stand over him. A WIDER ANGLE REVEALS Kamchai lying on a bio-bed. He now looks less Borgified, but mortally sick and emaciated. He’s on his deathbed. THE DOCTOR (to Janeway) Just a few minutes. Janeway nods, and the Doctor moves away. JANEWAY Commander, can you hear me? KAMCHAI (weakly) I can hear you. JANEWAY Do you know where you are? KAMCHAI Aboard Voyager. JANEWAY Do you remember what happened? KAMCHAI (speculatively) I saved the ship? JANEWAY Yes, you did. For which we owe you our thanks. Whether you agree or not, what you did was very... heroic. Janeway’s demeanor towards Kamchai seems slightly colder than she might normally be towards somebody who just saved her ship and her crew. KAMCHAI What’s my condition? JANEWAY The Doctor managed to neutralize the Borg parasites by cryo-freezing you again, but the shock to your system from the infestation was immense. (beat) You’re not expected to survive. KAMCHAI I never intended to. JANEWAY I think now I understand why. (beat) I told you not to underestimate my chief engineer. She managed to decrypt your capsule’s computer archives. Kamchai groans. He knows what this means. This was the one thing he didn’t want. KAMCHAI So you know...? JANEWAY That your people created the Borg? Yes. I know. KAMCHAI I told you there was a good reason why I didn’t want you to see those files. Janeway holds up a PADD, reads from it: JANEWAY Commander Arvin Kamchai, United Iridian Air and Space Force. Last posting: assigned to oversee the completion and final test phase of the planet’s orbiting biological weapons array - code-name BORG. She puts down the PADD and looks Kamchai square in the eye. JANEWAY (cont’d) The Iridian military created the Borg as a biological weapon. Kamchai sighs, resigned to the truth now that it has been revealed. KAMCHAI Not just any biological weapon. The most formidable weapon in the galaxy, of any kind. Designed to ruthlessly assimilate any race which posed a risk to our planet’s security. (beat) As it transpires, a little more ruthless than even we’d intended. It turned on us the day we activated it. We never could have predicted - JANEWAY (cutting him off) But why? Iridis is the only inhabited planet for six hundred light years. Who were these supposed threats to your planet’s security? KAMCHAI None that we knew of. And the function of BORG was to ensure that none ever emerged. The ultimate deterrent. (beat) I read in one of your ship’s texts, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." We built BORG with a philosophy very much like that in mind. JANEWAY There’s a fine line between vigilance in paranoia. Your people crossed over it... and look at the results. Not just your race, but millions, murdered by the abomination you created. KAMCHAI And do you think I feel good about that? It sickens me that I was a part of that, now that I know what we unleashed. That’s why I had to do what I did... something, anything, to try to make up for my people’s mistakes. To find some peace before I die. Janeway is conflicted - this man’s heroism saved them, but his people’s blindness put them, and the entire galaxy, in this predicament in the first place. KAMCHAI To the charge of fanatical, fatal paranoia, I hereby plead guilty on behalf of my race. But before you condemn us, ask yourself - can you honestly say that the history of your own race has never been blemished by such mistakes? Janeway considers this. A powerful point. Finally: JANEWAY I wish I could. ext. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) holding position in space. JANEWAY’S VOICE Captain’s log, stardate 52217.7. Today we bury the mortal remains of Commander Arvin Kamchai of the planet Iridis. (beat) He was the last of his race. One of Voyager’s torpedo tube doors opens and a MODIFIED TORPEDO - Kamchai’s coffin - is shot in the void. We follow it until it disappears, then CUT TO: ext. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) the ship now at warp. JANEWAY’S VOICE After prolonged effort, Voyager’s systems have been repaired and returned to normal operation. There is no longer any trace of the primitive Borg parasites. Meanwhile, our new-found data concerning the origins of the Borg is being studied and may prove useful... in our inevitable next encounter with them. int. janeway’s quarters TIGHT ANGLE on the chess board. Exactly the same position in the game as when we left it in the Teaser. JANEWAY’S VOICE Now, all that remains is for me to dispense with one final, unpleasant piece of unfinished business. PULL OUT TO REVEAL Janeway and Chakotay, once again facing each other across the board. CHAKOTAY (supremely confident) I told you, four moves. You may as well try to get out of a Klingon Full-Nelson as try to escape from this. JANEWAY Quiet! I’m thinking. CHAKOTAY (sitting back; smug) As you wish. Janeway thinks... and thinks... and thinks. Finally: JANEWAY Oh, to hell with it. In one swift movement, she reaches over and knocks over the Black King to resign. Chakotay laughs. CHAKOTAY Well, at least you have the good graces to admit when you’re beaten. JANEWAY Since it happens so rarely I’m amazed it’s a trait I’ve developed at all. Chakotay begins re-setting the pieces on the board. CHAKOTAY Again? JANEWAY No, I don’t think so. Janeway stands and walks to the window. Looks out at the starfield beyond. JANEWAY Do you think it’s right of us to blame the Iridians for creating the Borg? Chakotay considers this. CHAKOTAY I think it’s a natural reaction, given how we’ve all had to pay for the mistake they made. But the point Kamchai made about how paranoia can compel any race to commit unthinkable acts... hard to argue with. Human history is riddled with events that prove just that. And as for the Klingons... Janeway smiles a little, but remains pre-occupied with this notion. She turns to Chakotay. JANEWAY I mean, can we even blame the Borg for their actions any more? Now that we know that they didn’t define their own nature, that somebody else chose it for them? CHAKOTAY I think the Iridians have more than earned their place in the annals of infamy. But it’s pointless to try to decide who’s to blame for the Borg. The only question about that race that’s ever concerned me is how. How do we stop them? How do we win? How do we rid ourselves of them forever? Those are the questions that look forward, not back, and those are the questions we have to find the answers to. And one day, I believe we will. Janeway turns her gaze towards the stars once more. JANEWAY I’d like to believe that too. ext. space - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) cruising away from us at warp, towards home. fade out: end of act five THE END