Un gaming phone da Samsung?
Telefonio - Secondo alcune indiscrezioni, sarebbe in arrivo un nuovo gaming phone da Samsung , denominato SPH-B5200 . Poche per adesso le informazioni sulle caratteristiche tecniche di questo apparecchio che ...
CeBIT 2006: Samsung presenta lo smartphone con hard disk da 8 GB
Telefonio - Nei giorni scorsi c'era stata qualche indiscrezione riguardo al nuovo smartphone di Samsung , dotato di hard disk da ben 8 Gigabyte. In occasione del CeBIT 2006 di Hannover, ecco arrivare l'annuncio ...
C?p nh?t 08:46 ngày 31-03-2006 GMT+7
NhanDan Online - Trung Qu?c tang d? li?u mã hóa ch? vi?t lên 4-byte (29-3) Các nhà khoa h?c Trung Qu?c v?a thành công s? hóa t?t c? các ký t? ch? Hoa v?i công ngh? mã hóa 4 ...
Sony's LCD Decision Leads Its Comeback, As Its TV Sales Surge (Investor's Business Daily via Yahoo! News)
When flat-panel television sales started to take off over a year ago, perennial TV sales leader Sony fell far behind the competition....
Mediatek to supply LCD TV chips to Samsung in 2H06 (Digi Times)
The Chinese-language Economic Daily News (EDN) reported that LCD TV solutions from Taiwan-based IC design house Mediatek have received "design-in" validation from Samsung Electronics with shipment expected to start in the second half of 2006. The solutions will be used in Samsung's mid-range LCD TVs, stated the paper....
Samsung Slim Fit CRP TV (Manila Bulletin)
This is another one of those huge gadgets that made its way inside the Technews testing lab. And who says big things is out? Not in our lab....
Samsung Elec raises 2006 global LCD market outlook (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. KS> , the world's second-biggest maker of large liquid crystal display (LCD) panels, raised on Thursday its forecast for 2006 global LCD sales amid booming demand for flat-screen televisions....
Samsung Raises Forecast for LCD Industry Shipments This Year (
March 30 (Bloomberg) -- Samsung Electronics Co., the largest maker of liquid-crystal displays used for computer monitors and televisions, raised its forecast for LCD industry shipments this year, led by higher-than-expected demand for TVs....
Samsung Elec raises 2006 global LCD market outlook (Reuters\ via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News)
Samsung Electronics Co....
The arrival of digital television has been the most significant advancement in television technology since the medium was created more than 50 years ago. On March 22, 2001, WAVY-TV became the first commercial station in Hampton Roads to broadcast digital television....
Samsung targets AM OLEDs at mobile TV phones (Electronic Engineering Times Asia)
South Korea's Samsung SDI said it target its fledgling active-matrix (AM) OLED business at high-end mobile TV phones when it launches next January....
LG sues Samsung for slander (The Register)
Alleges advertising dirty tricks...
Samsung Delivers Complete Solution for Digital Broadcasting on Handheld Applications (Manila Bulletin)
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., announced its DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcast for Handheld) solution for viewing mobile TV on handheld devices. DVB-H is a digital mobile broadcasting standard used in the Americas, Europe, Australia and India....

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