Una perturbazione sfiora l'arco alpino
MeteoLive - Molto eloquente l'immagine del satellite di questa mattina: notate il fronte perturbato che sfila a nord dell'arco alpino, con effetti assai modesti sui nostri versanti. Il suo moto è da ovest verso ...
Through A Satellite Darkly: Night Views Of European Seas Improve ESA Ocean Heat Map (Science Daily)
The Mediterranean looks better in the dark - at least in the view of an ESA-led effort to use satellites to take the daily temperature of Europe's seas. A switch to data acquired at night is one of several improvements undertaken to enhance reliability and reach of Medspiration project outputs....
Envisat Making First Direct Measurements Of Ocean Surface Velocities (Science Daily)
For more than a decade space-based radar instruments have been routinely observing ocean surface phenomena including wind, waves, oil slicks, even the eyes of hurricanes. Now, employing the same principle as police speed guns, satellite radar has also begun to enable direct measurements of the speed of the moving ocean surface itself....
Through a satellite darkly: night views of European seas improve ESA ocean heat map (AstroInfo)
Quelle: ESA...
hrough a satellite darkly: night views of European seas improve ESA ocean heat map (AstroInfo)
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