info: SAMSUNG Z500

Prova Cellulare Samsung SGH-Z510
Telefonio - Lanciato nel listino che ha visto comparire anche i primi N70 Nokia brandizzato Tim, il Samsung Z510 si č fatto attendere per qualche settimana in pių rispetto al suo compagno finlandese ...
Un Samsung Z500 in rosa, da Vodafone UK
Telefonio - Vodafone UK ha presentato sul mercato inglese una versione dell' SGH-Z500 dedicata espressamente al pubblico femminile. Questo apparecchio viene infatti offerto in una inedita livrea rosa con, in ...
PRESS RELEASE: Sweet Invaders (
They are called the most beautiful creatures in the Universe. They are forbidden on The Intergalactic TV after the millions of women's complaints from all over the inhabited planets of the Coalition. Just a mentioning of them in any bar, where the military pilots use to be, can cause a cruel fight....
Herald the first pink 3G handset (The 3G Portal)
Here, here girls! The Samsung Z500 has had a coat of pink and silver paint. The result is a chic clamshell that you won't want to let out of your sight. And thank goodness for that because its many features don't allow for much down-time....

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