Affari Italiani - A mezzogiorno oramai gli italiani mangiano fuori casa. Luogo di consumo preferito il bar. Cibo pių amato la pizza ma c'č anche chi preferisce le insalate 31/03/2006 Ormai, soprattutto a ...
Una goccia di sangue e scopri latua allergia
Il Corriere della Sera - La tecnica italiana individua in un colpo solo ogni molecola scatenanteBasta una goccia di sangue per scoprire tutte le allergieDai pollini ai gatti: super diagnosi con un semplice test. ROMA - Si ...
The Importance of Inorganic Iodine, Part 2 (The Epoch Times)
Last week we investigated the prevalence of iodine deficiency. In this article we shall discuss ways to obtain adequate iodine intake.Iodized table salt (sodium chloride) is an ineffective dieta ...
Changes To In Utero Environment May Alter Onset Of Cancer (Science Daily)
Manipulating the in utero environment may alter the onset of cancers that appear later in the lives of mammals, according to a new University of Toronto study published in the journal Carcinogenesis. It provides the first direct evidence that changing the uterus's molecular environment -- in this case, by increasing the presence of antioxidants by adding vitamin E to the mice's diet -- hastens ...

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