        Giovanni Boccaccio - Opera Omnia Biographical introduction    
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1313 - Birth

1344 - Elegy of Madonna Fiammetta

1351 - Decameron
          First day
          Second day
          Third day
          Fourth day
          Fifth day
          Sixth day
          Seventh day
          Eighth day
          Ninth day
          Tenth day

1375 - Death



Alphabetical index of authors



Other authors of the XIV century:

    Francesco Petrarca



Authors of the XV century:

    Matteo Maria Boiardo

    Lorenzo il Magnifico


ilboccaccio,all the texts of giovanni boccaccio pietro author of three hundred (300), ser cipelleto,

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theme of the love for madonna fiammetta, film decamerone boccaccio 70, griselda and calandrino, milano ikos center

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