Bill Gates

Greeted in the traditional Indian way by an activist of the Naaz Foundation, a Non Governmental Organisation working in the field of HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, in New Delhi.
Photograph: Sondeep Shankar/ Saab Press

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Nominated Best picture: Bill Gates and Internet Explorer, the best browser ever invented

Select an image gallery by clicking on the pictures below.

This gallery contains a selection of Bill Gates pictures from the seventies to the nineties.

If you are someone who wants to see some family photos of the Microsoft Chairman, this album contains some pretty rare pictures.

Being Microsoft Chairman is a tough job, if you consider all the business rendez-vous around the world that Bill Gates commits to, but advirtizing events can be fun. For those wondering whether Bill Gates is a cold programmer who does not socialize, you may find graphic answers in this gallery.

To view more pictures, please select a gallery from the "Photo Gallery Index"....

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