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Version 1.0 [151:85:87]

This collection contains possibly all available C64 programs that were made in the past for creating music.
There is one page for each program with author/year/copyright information, screen shot images, link to executable and source (if available), and common keys list for using the program.
The programs are divided into 3 macro categories (for easing searching):

Editor: a program where note duration is explicitly declared
Tracker: a program where note duration is not explicitly declared
Other: all the others (sample/sound)

If you find errors, incomplete information or you have more stuff to add, please make this collection growing up!

You can browse on-line the collection by looking in this place

The collection can be downloaded if you want to keep it in your computer:
There is a torrent for that. You must concatenate all the downloaded files before unconpress the collection.

Here you can also view the editors that will be added in next version and all the contributors of the collection

A forum dedicated to HVSC is also available
A new worpress version is also available: HVMEC