Index of Prime Magic Squares
Magic Square:
What is a magic square?
Prime Magic Square:
What is a prime magic square?
Prime Analysis:
How is the magic constant for prime magic square and what order are available?
Muncey Analysis:
How was build the Muncey order 12 magic square?
Manual Construction:
see how I manually (with computer help) construct squares of order 15 and 17.
Automatic Construction:
see how my programs build (random) prime magic squares of order 12, 15, 17 and 22.
Double Square:
I build a double square of order 12. See how.
Order 35:
My program now generate a 35 order prime magic square.
Order 124:
Yes this high order was generate in semi-automatic mode in a time that I think below of order 35. The order 191 seems near my hand...
Muncey Construction:
I have suppose the steps used by Muncey to build his 12 order square.
Other primes:
Here the true prime sequence...
All order:
Here a riepilogative table for prime magic squares.
how fast are the programs?
Download the pascal and cpp sources
Magic Square
Tognon Stefano Research