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Shop Manager

Shop Manager is a system that allows you to manage a small company or a shop. It includes customers, suppliers, employees management and allows to store orders and print invoices in a simple and integrated system.

You can download and try it for free at the link below:

Clik  to Contact Us and access full Shop Manager functionality without program limitations.


ZipTools  is an easy-to-use tool that compress and encrypts files.You can compress content up to 8 or 15 percent more than ZIP, ARJ or WinRAR files. The main features are strong general and multimedia compression. In this site you can find the HELP to this products.

t's possible to view te compress percentage and other statistics in the main window.This software uses a proprietary compression system that allow to encrypt your files.

No other software can decrypt files processed with ZipTools nether other popular systems as Winzip or WinrRAR.

IYou can see the HELP for this software at the link below:

Click here to access to ZipTools Help


FileEncode  is an easy-to-use tool that encrypts files with a password.

This software uses a proprietary compression system that allow to encrypt your files.

No other software can decrypt files processed with ZipTools nether other popular systems as Winzip or WinrRAR.



This software allows you to divide and merge eery type of file like mp3, mpg, and so on; so you can send it by mail

FileDivide is a java platform software that you can use also in machintosh, linux and other system and it's composed of two java executable:

FileDivide.jar that with some dialog window ask you to select the file to split and the dimension of one splitted file.

FileMerge.jar ask you to specify the first of splited files and the number of splitted files then it create the original merged file.

Click here to access to FileDivide Help


Net Communicator is a java platform software that you can use also in machintosh, linux and other system and it's composed of two java executable:

TCPServer.jar must be running when you try to connect with the client.

TCPClient.jar let's you establish the connection typing IP number or HOST name of the server pc.

After this you can chat an send text by LAN or internet for example if you want to speak to someone like your collegue in a safe mode.

Click here to access to NetCommunicator Help



Contact us mailing to to request the possibility to use our software in your business integrated system to compress or cript your data.

Our freeware software is free and  we cannot be liable for any damages of any kind,  or problems related to use of this software.

  Click the button below to donate  how much you want to help our free software development research:



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