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[ Cooking & Recipes ] Open Question: Does anyone know where I can
The one I want is for a "pizza" on a french loaf. It was made with mushrooms, a few different spices, and a splash of white wine. Anyone know it or where to get it
Open Question: What does Viet Nam means?
What is the origins of the name of the country
What does Gringo mean
The term "Gringo" is used in Mexico to refer to Americans. Depending upon it's use (and user) it may or may not be an insult. My experience with the term in Mexico is that it is a convenient way [[ This is a content summary only.
Britney Spears does stuff after announcing divorce
People magazine has even dedicated a 'day after' article updating with everything she does today. So far they have: 12:30 pm ET: Spears remains in New York City on Wednesday after a night out shopping at the Gap, ice-skating at
Poll: Does Nicole Richie Look Healthier?
Here are the most recent pictures of her posted on the Internet. What do you think about her progress? Does she look healthier? Click on the thumbnails below to enlarge each picture. Does Nicole Richie Look Healthier?
Study: Low-Carb, High-Protein Diet Does Not Raise Heart Risk
A long-term study says that consuming a low-carb, high-fat diet for years does not increase the danger of heart disease. It addresses the issue that the popular Atkins diet and other similar regimens could lead to heart attacks.
[ Religion & Spirituality ] Open Question: Does Satan smile when
I think he does. People's heads are smashed with large rocks thrown by people who think they are killing for "peace". Public executions are routine in some Islamic countries. People gather to take part in murdering someone for a "just
Where does the energy go?
Replacing failed TO92 transistors with TO5 transistors reduced the failure rate from 60 to 1.5%. But failing 1.5% of the time is still garbage in my book
Open Question: Does Yahoo have a lottery see e-mail received below
From: "YAHOO LOTTERY PROMOTION" [ Save Address ] Subject: CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU HAVE WON THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS($300000) Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 02:22:51 -0800 Yahoo Lottery Incoperation Baley House, Har Road Sutton,
If your web page does not load in 4 seconds, kiss your visitors
Four seconds is the maximum length of time an average online shopper will wait for a Web page to load before potentially abandoning a retail site. This is one of several key findings revealed in a report made available today by Akamai,

Does God Exist?
Bimonthly online journal that provides scientific evidence for God's existence. Site also includes lecture schedules, children's story,
Blogthings - What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
What Does Your Birth Date Mean? Please select your birthday:. Month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November
Blogthings - What Does Your Name Mean?
What Does Your Birthdate Mean? What Rejected Crayon Are You? What Does Your Name Stand For? More Quizzes · You Know You're From When

Where Does Time Go?
Where Does Time Go? It may seem like there aren't enough hours in the week to get everything done. That may be true or it may be that you are not using your

Blogthings - What Does Your Name Mean?
What Does Your Birthdate Mean? What Rejected Crayon Are You? What Does Your Name Stand For? More Quizzes · You Know You're From When

Where Does Time Go?
Where Does Time Go? It may seem like there aren't enough hours in the week to get everything done. That may be true or it may be that you are not using your
Salon.com Technology | Courtney Love does the math
The singer's opinion of record label profits and Napster. From Salon.com.
EFF: Apple v. Does
Electronic Frontier Foundation is a nonprofit group working to protect your digital rights.
The Sun Does a Flip
NASA Science News: NASA scientists who monitor the Sun say that our star's awesome magnetic field is flipping -- a sure sign that solar maximum is here.
Who Does That Song
Who Does That Song? Music information service used for finding song titles, song artists and song years.
Howstuffworks "How does a catapult work?"
How does the ancient catapult work? It doesn't seem like twisted rope and wooden gears or levers would be able to get up the speed to launch heavy loads a
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