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Dr. Gott: Are some doctors really just quacks? Kane County Chronicle
Dear Dr. Gott: You doctors are brainwashed by the drug companies. All you ever do is prescribe medications, which only suppress symptoms, not cure disease. There are cures for diseases if you would tell people to go seek alternative medicine.
09 November 2006 PharmiWeb
( EMAILWIRE.COM, November 09, 2006 ) Albany, NY -- We've all heard of migraine headaches, cluster headaches, sinus headaches, and even menstrual headaches, but have you ever heard of a "Sex Headache"?
Designers should try wearing own clothes El Paso Times
This is a pet peeve of mine: fashion designers who wear regular clothes. They create torture devices made of underwire and metal spikes, and they strut out at the end of their runway shows wearing jeans and T-shirts. They design mortifying hot-pink business suits and come out in classic black.
AIDCOC to oppose Drug Price Regulation and Control Bill PharmaBiz
The All India Drug Control Officers Confederation (AIDCOC) has decided to oppose the Drug Price Regulation and Control Bill (Act) 2006, in place of Drug Price Control Order, for lack of clarity and for overlapping with various provisions under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act.
Identify yourself, science dodging cow-human The Register
Moooo Letters Tony Blair has set out to defend his ludicrous and intrusive ID card and national identity register project with an opinion piece in The Telegraph. We'll not go into this in detail again, but suffice to say that you have (again) failed to be convinced by his arguments:…
Get in Gear | Lazy? vitamin spray's for you Miami Herald
Taking a vitamin is one of those things you know you should do, but somehow always manages to fall by the wayside. Maybe you hate swallowing pills. Maybe you hate chewing them. Maybe you never have a glass of water around when you need it. Whatever the reason, many of us miss our daily supplement more often than we'd like to admit.
Holistic methods integrate with conventional medicine Norwalk Advocate
Since a significant part of my graduate education is in neuroscience, I am particularly interested in clinical neuroscience from a holistic perspective.
Tackle Tailgate Flatulence Before the Next Game PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
It's time to rethink what's cooking at the tailgate party when the "exhaust fumes" are coming from you, not the parked car. Intestinal gas is one of the body's most embarrassing functions, especially when the sound isn't muffled by cheering fans and the odor is pungent.
HOMEOPATHY Kirkus Reviews
Author: Schmukler, Alan V. A satisfying introductory guide to homeopathy. When conventional medical care is not enough, homeopathy can serve as a convenient, affordable and effective alternative.
A saint and a 'Bishop of the Poor' Times of Malta
On October 15, Pope Benedict XVI presided over an eucharistic celebration in St Peter Square, at the Vatican, in which he canonised four new saints. They are St Rafael Guizar Valencia (1878-1938), St Philip Smaldone (1848-1923), St Rose Venerini (1656-1728) and St Theodore Guerin (1798-1856).

Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake
Homeopathic "remedies" enjoy a unique status in the health marketplace: They are Because homeopathic remedies were actually less dangerous than those of
Homeopathy Home - The Net's best homeopathic resource
An extensive Homeopathic portal providing many links, articles, services, forums and information.
ABC Homeopathy
Introduction to homeopathy, comprehensive remedies shop, and online homeopathic remedy finder which suggests homeopathic remedies based on the symptoms
British Homeopathic Association Overview
High quality information on medical homeopathy for both the general public and statutorily registered healthcare professionals.
Prof. Robert Todd Carroll article on the homeopathy industry.

Homeopathy Home - The Net's best homeopathic resource
An extensive Homeopathic portal providing many links, articles, services, forums and information.
ABC Homeopathy
Introduction to homeopathy, comprehensive remedies shop, and online homeopathic remedy finder which suggests homeopathic remedies based on the symptoms
British Homeopathic Association Overview
High quality information on medical homeopathy for both the general public and statutorily registered healthcare professionals.
Prof. Robert Todd Carroll article on the homeopathy industry.
Washington Homeopathic Products
We manufacture and sell a complete line of homeopathic products, including single remedies, combinations, remedy kits, ointments, and books.
Homeopathy = Hpathy. Homeopathic Medicine, Books, Information
Homeopathy for Everyone! World's No.1 Homeopathic Resource for Homeopathy Medicine, Books, Information about Homeopathy & Homeopathic Medicines.
Homeopathy - HealthWorld Online
HealthWorld Online is the Internet's leading resource on alternative medicine, wellness, and mind/body health, featuring the Wellness Inventory whole person
Dr. Lockie Homeopathy web site
Coauthored the Complete guide to Homeopathy and self help.
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